RPGM - Completed - Princess Burst! A Shameful Impregnation Battle on a Dangerous Day [Steam] [DrownshipLilyon]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    X Death

    Repetitive with MTL combo, this is more like towards pregnancy fetish game, that's only good about it.

    Pros :
    +Good art
    +Pregnancy fetish

    Cons :
    -So repetitive

    Overall, if youre into pregnancy this game is for you. i recommend to fight as less as possible, impregnate her asap, no point to fight her multiple times, skill is easy to upgrade it, game so easy too.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This game is unfortunately REALLY repetitive, and not in a good way either.

    You are technically both King and Princess Burst (male antagonist and female protagonist) as you fight as King with the goal to rape and impregnate Princess as much as possible, but the narrative is from the perspective of Princess.
    The combat is exceedingly bland and repetitive, just a series of quick time events that are extremely easy accompanied by some slightly changing still images with each action.
    The H content is meh at best with most scenes being behind the QTE icons or being stuck in the narrative.

    I think there might be a second female character available at some point, but I couldn't be bothered to even finish the game because I got so bored I started to fall asleep, so I ended up just deleting the game by the time the story had progressed to her being pregnant in the ring.

    The game also recommends you to save excessively, so don't worry about saving before anything happens unless you are trying to get a very specific story ending.

    All-in-all, I recommend just saving your time by looking through the image folder for a few minutes and then moving along with your day.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Very short game. The art also felt rushed. I'm glad I played the uncensored version. Playing this censored would have been a buzz kill

    The skills are also easy to level up, so the grind isnt bad. Not sure how I feel about having a QTE event when I'm playing with one hand:BootyTime:
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Death Panda

    Disappointing. The game mechanics are so basic that even the short length can't save it. There is absolutely no challenge whatsoever to the matches, yet there's also very few options in what you can do to her. You can unlock higher stats and a few new sex positions but it only takes two matches to unlock them all and, at best, they just add new CG s to look at while you do the exact same QTE. In the end it really doesn't matter what you do to her because the game simply asks whether you want the lovey dovey ahegao ending or the humiliation ending.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Short 1-2 hour game, very small amount of content which gets boring quickly.
    Even if you are impregnantion/pregnancy fan you can skip that one.
    Good thing about this game is that it doesn't have any annoying elements like excessive walking, grind etc. straight to the action.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Art and gameplay: simple, but good.
    Translation: Horrible, I already played a lot of MTL games, but this one has some pretty bad translation. The translation has a lot of missing words, broken dialogues and a words translated wrong.
    H content: The game is mainly focused on impregnantion, pregnancy and birth content. The male MC can impregnante the girl on the arena if he uses H attacks and cum inside her until the fertilization bar gets full. After he impregnantes the heroine, the game will skip foward until she has a pregnant belly, after some time the game will show a birth scene where she gives birth on the arena.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and sweet. The character looks great, the 'fight' isn't too hard nor too easy, and the sex scenes are good. Also, pregnancy is a mechanic not only an ending.
    Only reason I'm not giving this five stars is because it could use some more content.
    All in all a very good game.
    Likes: ob123
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    FIRST this game makes you feel REALLY bad. But if you are a heartless person, or you just create your own headcanon, this game is awesome. The gameplay is a "sex" qtm, and the art is top quality. Also the main protagonists (notice the plural) are both written well. Plus who doesn't love a woman wrestler?!
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Art and concept are ok but not nearly enough to over come the sheer repetitiveness. This game is poorly translated (that's MTL for you) but even with a better translation this would be a repetitive grind of repetitive comments ad nauseum.