Others - Completed - Princess of the Ring 2 [v1.02] [Toffi-sama]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    pretty boring. i like how every fighter has different grap (sex) attacks and the character design is nice. there is even an arcade mode with a little story for each character.. buuut the graphics are kinda poor and the fighting takes forever, every grap attack takes like 30 seconds and is a 1 second loop.. I got bored really fast and the 4 or 5 fights in the arcade mode were a real torture to finish lol
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Give some time for the dev to finish the game. It's actually pretty good when you consider the small amounts of content there's as of right now, I don't really know why we can review something that hasn't even been technically released yet, but oh well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    game doesn't have a lot to offer yet, but i found myself enjoying it. just hook a controller up and make your opponents cum and piss, there are 9 characters right now each with different movesets and animations, the quality of the animations is quite satisfactory and the sounds are nice. really excited to see the dev improve upon this game
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting idea but currently very poorly executed.

    As a fighting game, the key is good fighting controls and this game has bad controls. The worst factor is the HUGE input buffer. It makes gameplay feel extremely mushy.

    As an ero game, eh, seems like it has promise but currently virtually no content.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually never do Reviews But I'd like to say for people who say there a lack of content give toffisama some time before you fully do a review toffi is only 1 person working on the game by far the game is pretty good if you wait a little longer im sure there will be something that is all for my review!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Right now it's like the hentai variants of MUGEN only with less than a million of the smut the latter contains and worse controls.

    It's realy days though so a lack of content is only knocking this to 3 Stars.
    Likes: mc247
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's off to a great start, but very clunky as far as controls go. Can't execute some moves that the AI can. I wouldn't say it's playable just because a lot of button presses don't register. But once this happens it'll be worth the download.

    It'll be better once H scenes are put in and the controls are ironed out.
    Likes: mc247