Nice twin-tailed heroine with big tits (obviously based on Jxxxxxx from Dragon Quest), got MY interest immediately. Good concept and seems to be a well-developed world. However, the controls are HORRIBLE. Even with the guide, I can't get her to do much and I keep over-shooting any intended locations. Is there a walkthrough? With one, at least I'd have an idea of what I'm supposed to be doing.
You have to be at full power/full potion and hit the demon with the "spell" a few times - but it doesn't matter cause there is no sex scene with the demon anyway.... unlike the other encounters where you are rewarded for losing lol - kind of stupid "gameplay".
Does anyone have the sequel video - is Japanese I think ??
If anyone wants to do something about this, they can go into the Windows registry and find the usual keys Unity uses for Fullscreen, Width, and Height stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Scorpion\Princess Quest and modify those there. Or make a *.reg file that changes them when you double-click it. Here's an example of the contents of such a file that should make the game start in windowed mode (a dumb idea since it doesn't keep focus) and sets its resolution to 1600x900, one of the 16:10 suggested by the 'manual' image included with the game (because the 16:9 resolutions crop parts of the UI far out of the reach of a mouse cursor):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Scorpion\Princess Quest]
"Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode_h3981298716"=dword:00000000
"Screenmanager Resolution Height_h2627697771"=dword:00000384
"Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802"=dword:00000640
This is not a good game, but it is blessedly short so it doesn't really need saves I guess. Here's a full list of its scenes:
Unfortunately, since the scenes are just straight up movie files, I doubt this'll be possible outside of the pixelated render effect for the in-game models outside of the scenes.... and, I mean... I guess someone could spend the time figuring that out?
The game is available on Dlsite. The menu screen looks different from the version I downloaded here, for it says "Load" on the menu, so I assume there is a version of the game with a save feature. Plus, I would like to know if the DLsite version has no mosaic. I rather like the game and would like to find an uncensored version.