Problem running HQ videos


Sep 30, 2019
I downloaded some of the HQ animations made by the likes of Jakcerman and Wildeer Studios that were posted here on F95, and I had the same problem I had the other times I tried to watch HQ CG heavy videos, they run like a slideshow at best or no image at all at worst.

I'm using and old notebook and I'm pretty sure that's the main issue, but I'd also like to know if my problem could be something else like either a player with bad configuration or wrong codec.

I use MPC and VLC players, I have no trouble watching the vast majority of stuff but those CG heavy works can eihter lag a bit or just turn into a slideshow.

If the problem is just my notebook, Is there any easy way to downgrade the video quality to a level that I can watch it? I usually just search for the video on google and watch it on low quality on whatever site has it, but some works just aren't uploaded online.

Thanks a lot for your attention!


Jun 6, 2021
To enjoy 4k videos you need to have a monitor which supports 4K resolution, an ok cpu and gpu. You can watch 4k even if you have 2GB of ram but your cpu and gpu should be good enough or at least can handle it.
You can always reduce the resolution of the video with the help of VLC player if I remember correctly and enjoy it. Just search some tutorial videos on youtube.