[S>Programmer] Programmer Looking for side project


New Member
Apr 8, 2018
I'm Just looking for something to do as a side project when I'm not working my full time job.

Unity (C#) - 3.5 years
Unreal 5.2 (C++/Blueprint) 1 Year

Preferred method of contact:
Here or Discord. Discord name is same as here (methanier)

Employment Type & Rates:
Since this would be mostly a side project for me any pay is fine.

I could put in roughly 10-15 hours a week (have a full time job). Only way I would commit more time is if I was making at least 1.5-2X what I make at my Game dev job. (Enjoy it too much)

Work Samples:
I can give work samples privately

Additional comments:
My full time job is Senior Gameplay Engineer, so I'm doing game dev full time. Currently working in UE 5.2 (prob 5.3 soon as our team updates to the new version).
I have experience in various aspects of gameplay and systems design. Also I just learn fast. Picked up Unreal while doing a prototype project at our company in like a month, learned java script in about 2 days for our Unity Project (building custom tools for localization). So learning something like Ren'py or RPG maker won't be a problem for me.
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