It is difficult not to rate this game on potential. It has set up so much amazing possible content, and so many situations that I want to dig into, that I have to reign my imagination in to judge it fairly.
It also can't be judged on potential problems. The same well executed branching systems, and the embarrassing wealth of kinks to choose from are both elements with the potential to add a lot of complexity and possible burnout to development work.
So putting that all out of mind, looking at the game as of version Ch 2.03...this is already one of the strongest corruption games I have played. The pace at which it moves is satisfying, and the plot is careful to setup plausible reasons for Myriam's behavior. Of course, porn logic comes into play as well at times, but in a good corruption story, I'd be disappointed if it didn't.
The characters are interesting and varied, the rendering is very good, and the writing is extremely proficient, especially as the creator has implied it is not their first language.
I'm usually not a fan of dream sequences or major tonal shifts out of the story, but in a few places where the creator executes both, they are done extremely well, and woven convincingly into the plot. (You are also, I believe, given a choice to turn some off if you wish)
Some mild SPOILERS may follow for version 2.03
The story has setup three particularly compelling through lines at the home, at a rich gentleman's type club, and at the school...and I am very much looking forward to seeing all three get developed further.
If I have any small criticism: The occasional stat gateways can be somewhat unforgiving. I like that the previous choices had impact, but as somebody trying to make Myriam as submissive as possible, occasionally I would choose that stat over another early on...only to find myself gated out of a possibility by the other stat...that could make her more submissive.
This would have been more frustrating...except when I did my second playthrough, I left the husband in place...I had removed him the first time thinking it would help me 'bond' with the family quicker...only to find that the family dynamic was even better with the husband still in place. So the replay wasn't too bad after all.
TLDR: This game is a gem that should appeal to many tastes in it's current form. Try it out, and if you like it I urge you to support the dev. Creators this perverted need to be nurtured!
ETA (11/30/2021 Ch2 v0.8)
I hate having to do this, as I still think the developer is exceptional, and wants to tell a great story...but I have to rate the VN as it is, not as the dev would prefer it to be. The rewrites forced by Patreon have curtailed several areas of the story, and unfortunately, some of the best ones. I hope a patch or some other change will result in a return to what was...and if so I will relish the opportunity to bump this back to 5 stars.
It also can't be judged on potential problems. The same well executed branching systems, and the embarrassing wealth of kinks to choose from are both elements with the potential to add a lot of complexity and possible burnout to development work.
So putting that all out of mind, looking at the game as of version Ch 2.03...this is already one of the strongest corruption games I have played. The pace at which it moves is satisfying, and the plot is careful to setup plausible reasons for Myriam's behavior. Of course, porn logic comes into play as well at times, but in a good corruption story, I'd be disappointed if it didn't.
The characters are interesting and varied, the rendering is very good, and the writing is extremely proficient, especially as the creator has implied it is not their first language.
I'm usually not a fan of dream sequences or major tonal shifts out of the story, but in a few places where the creator executes both, they are done extremely well, and woven convincingly into the plot. (You are also, I believe, given a choice to turn some off if you wish)
Some mild SPOILERS may follow for version 2.03
The story has setup three particularly compelling through lines at the home, at a rich gentleman's type club, and at the school...and I am very much looking forward to seeing all three get developed further.
If I have any small criticism: The occasional stat gateways can be somewhat unforgiving. I like that the previous choices had impact, but as somebody trying to make Myriam as submissive as possible, occasionally I would choose that stat over another early on...only to find myself gated out of a possibility by the other stat...that could make her more submissive.
This would have been more frustrating...except when I did my second playthrough, I left the husband in place...I had removed him the first time thinking it would help me 'bond' with the family quicker...only to find that the family dynamic was even better with the husband still in place. So the replay wasn't too bad after all.
TLDR: This game is a gem that should appeal to many tastes in it's current form. Try it out, and if you like it I urge you to support the dev. Creators this perverted need to be nurtured!
ETA (11/30/2021 Ch2 v0.8)
I hate having to do this, as I still think the developer is exceptional, and wants to tell a great story...but I have to rate the VN as it is, not as the dev would prefer it to be. The rewrites forced by Patreon have curtailed several areas of the story, and unfortunately, some of the best ones. I hope a patch or some other change will result in a return to what was...and if so I will relish the opportunity to bump this back to 5 stars.