- Jul 13, 2019
- 33
- 31
There's only one h-scene, so I have to assume that it's one of the options I didn't select in that one. Was a femdom scene, so I assume you're the one getting eaten.Are you doing the voring or being vored?
There's only one h-scene, so I have to assume that it's one of the options I didn't select in that one. Was a femdom scene, so I assume you're the one getting eaten.Are you doing the voring or being vored?
Glad to see you get on here, Mecha.I know what you're talking about, I don't plan for it to be like this.
Currently one scene that ranges from regular pregnancy all the way to hyper.
For the future you can expect the same but in a slower pace.
Apologies for this, my game has never had an NTR tag. Unsure as to why the person who uploaded my game decided to add that as a tag.
It was a prototype name simply because I aim to have realistic looking characters & details in my renders, and I simply rolled with it. The name has nothing to do with the fetishes.
I can live with you posting my game here, but to then insult it without any reasoning goes beyond me. I'm sorry I don't use the same old engine everyone and their mother uses?
Thank you, I very much appreciate the kind words.
the same happened to me: after talking to artemis and "modifying" the first girl in the machine, i cannot go inside and release her, the other girl always shouts: "Come back here etc"does someone else gets locked after talking to artemis? does it have a fix?
Thanks. So, sexual slavery, are we talking rape? Or is it the silly kind of sexual slavery where the slave secretly enjoy being a slave and want to have sex with his/her master/mistress?Kidnapping, sex slavery, violence, that I've seen so far. You also have the option of performing what are described as painful body modifications without sedating the subject first. I don't feel like it's excessive or over-the-top, it's pretty well handled for the situation.
Definitely not silly. It's taken very seriously, with the game literally opening with a kidnapping and the MC being tasked with saving her. I'm okay not putting a spoiler tag on that, as it's literally the opening of the game. Now that said, again, I think it's handled well. It's a serious, dark story (what little there is so far; only about an hour or so of content, and even much of that is due to the annoying delays on text that I mention in my first comment on this thread), but it's not sadistic or excessive (though it ALLOWS you to be, at least at one point, and even that was handled well, IMO).Thanks. So, sexual slavery, are we talking rape? Or is it the silly kind of sexual slavery where the slave secretly enjoy being a slave and want to have sex with his/her master/mistress?
Game needs the ai cg tag then.Using 3D visuals, while also portraying additional side characters with AI.
This has been fixed, though not in the version that's been uploaded here.Game breaking bug here.
if you visit Artemis after you speak with Renee on the roof and talk to her further, you eventually end up with the options of "Manipulate the world" (which you cannot do atm) or "nevermind"
Since you can't choose the first, you must choose the seocnd, and all it does is loop her response. You cannot actualy exit the conversation.
I will try to replicate.Game breaking bug #2:
If you talk to Renee, wait 95% of the next day (ie, you sleep, go to work, then shower (30m) then watch tv (1 hour), the timerwill be beyond the trigger for the next event.
However, you cannot START the event, because the 'one hour has passed' notification takes priority, and you cannot click on anything, as it's been grayed out.
Edit: you can correct this by saving and reloading, but it still should be fixed IMHO.
Interesting start, but one real quibble: the forced pauses are extremely annoying. I get the attempt to create tension and simulate a conversation, but with a text-heavy game, it's much easier to have all dialog shown at once so those of us that read faster can read at our pace. I found myself half-skimming a lot just to keep things moving. It would also be nice to able to change the font size, and possibly resize some of the interface, as it's very wasteful and super tiny at 2560x1440. Lastly, it's always nice if there's a clear "this is the end for now." Jade's in the bathroom and it's not clear if this is the end of content or I just need to skip a couple days, as there's nothing in the events guide, but neither was there before her text gets sent.
Of the current fetishes, definitely here for the preg/lactation content, look forward to a more organic progression which it sounds like you plan for the two main girls. Looking forward to seeing how the "love pregnancy" change is expressed by the characters.
Also, there's currently a couple soft lock bugs: when talking with Artemis, the "nevermind" option just loops and there's no way out of the dialog, had to load an earlier save. Also possible to get a soft lock if you save at the final choice for Victoria: loading the save doesn't restore the choice prompt. This probably can occur with other prompts. Would recommend adding checkpoint saves automatically prior to dialogs, like renpy often does, to minimize impact if you didn't save recently and run into a choice you might want to try differently.
Ah, I thought it was the MC who got to keep sexual slaves.Definitely not silly. It's taken very seriously, with the game literally opening with a kidnapping and the MC being tasked with saving her. I'm okay not putting a spoiler tag on that, as it's literally the opening of the game. Now that said, again, I think it's handled well. It's a serious, dark story (what little there is so far; only about an hour or so of content, and even much of that is due to the annoying delays on text that I mention in my first comment on this thread), but it's not sadistic or excessive (though it ALLOWS you to be, at least at one point, and even that was handled well, IMO).