Storyline: The story for the most part is simple and straightforward (as you much you expect from hentais). There's a zombie outbreak and you will be controlling a female heroine, Sena, who is an android created by the beautiful and brilliant scientist, Hughes, to fight her battles for her. Towards the end of the game, the creator came in with a twist that involved a more complex story that honestly...might be more than the creator can chew. Everything leading up to the end of the game is inconsistency, if the status of this game was any indication.
HAnimations: The female heroines are pretty basic but the style is very solid and alluring, simple and easy to the eyes. That however is also negative as the Hscenes can be too simplistic. At certain times it just looks like two pngs smashing against each other. The HCGs tend to be only one CG with a face variation that doesn't bring much to the table. There are a good variations of enemies but it falls short on the list of fetish as all the Haction can pretty much sums up to; PHALLUS IN VAGINA. Speaking of phallus in vagina and missing a HUGE OPPORTUNITY, one of the succubus in the Haction, magically summons a dick on Sena…to which she proceeds to rub her off. Dude. Sena is a FUTANARI now! This game has been all about PHALLUS IN VAGINA and you draw the succubus just to jack Sena off? Or give Sena a boob job?? Not even a simple blowjob???
Sounds: The VAs must be paid well as the whole game is nicely voice acted . The Hscenes is pleasureful to the ears and not over the top. Nearly every enemy have its own unique VA but it does loops after a few seconds. The sex sound effects however is maybe 5 different sound files that gets REPETITIVE really fast and stales in quality compare to the VA. The BGM is aight, you not missing anything by having it off.
Interface: Horrible since day 1. At least you can navigate enough to get through the game. Read other users explanation and experience it first hand on how atrocious it is. Keybinding barely works, audio has bugs here and there, couldn't choose certain maps, missing simple QOL and etc.
Overall: A lot of miss opportunities (especially on the yuri). The gameplay is buggy, FOV so zoomed in means you get ambush easily, I-frames is too small or short that you will get hit if there's more than one enemy attacking, getting stunlock, leveling system is not incentive enough to really care for and couple on with the horrible interface making it a chore to navigate. You play it once, muscle through it to see to the end, rub one off maybe for one of two nights and then you go back to your favorite hentai. This game needs polish and more time to simmer, as the creator try to cook too much too fast. Understandably, it is a indie making a game, given its efforts which is reflected in my rating. I hope his next game doesn’t bait as badly as this one and perhaps actually deliver on that genre.
Another note, the incubus boss fight being a bullet hell has no place in this nothing beforehand sets you up for that sort of fight to begin with. Given how clunky Sena hitbox is and her sluggish movement, its simply unfair and unfun mechanic for a boss. You don't even get any unique scenes with him...and I'm only here FOR THE YURI.