RPGM - Project Venus [v0.1.9] [Team Venus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Try writing a synopsis.
    I'll highlight first what got me hooked on the game.
    1. Pixel character models are a cool art style pleasantly reminiscent of the first fallouts.
    2. The setting of corruption in the global world of the zombie apocalypse. Almost any plot of corruption looks natural and harmonious in such conditions.
    3. Sometimes I felt like I was playing old silent hills-it's WW.
    4. A variety of partners for our heroine, I hope there will be more in the future. Nasty bastards and various critters are cool.
    5.A tall heroine. I love tall girls and it's extremely beautiful and hot. And we have a strong and big heroine here, what you need for a zombie apocalypse, huh?
    Now that's what I have questions about.
    1. Strange level design. At the very beginning of the game, in the church, I did not find the right door that leads to the common room. I just didn't see that there were pixels there, I thought I had caught a soft lock. In the location with the bandits, where the kid was standing near the fuel, I did not immediately notice that you can approach him if you rest against the bottom wall and the way to him appears. So I ran around for a while, thinking that a path would open up to him after some event.
    2. Porn events. They are short both in terms of text and frames. I'm not a fan of reading an entire poem in one event like some developers do. But everything has to be in balance. In this case, it's too short, I look forward to and open these events, and they reward me with a couple of frames and a couple of lines of text, I don't even have time to feel them.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Games like these remind me why I should wait until the end of their development before playing them: when the end of content screen came up, part of me immediately exclaimed ‘But no! I want to continue!’
    Project Venus is indeed a beautiful game, but let's go in order to talk about it.
    The premise is absolutely classic, almost clichéd: an American city is infected by a mysterious virus and its inhabitants begin to turn into violent, flesh-hungry zombies, but our protagonist miraculously turns out to be immune and will have to find a way to survive and, perhaps, even solve the mystery surrounding this plague. And so far, nothing new.
    Of zombie apocalypse-themed erotic games there are many, but this one definitely shines in terms of writing: the pornographic side does not lower the quality or ridicule the situation (like with undead wandering around with hard-ons, ready to jump on our Jillian), which on the contrary remains faithful to the video game (Resident Evil) and film inspirations, thus always taking itself seriously. Both Jillian and the characters she comes into contact with are acutely aware of the shitty situation they find themselves in and act accordingly, some for good, some for evil.
    This certainly does not mean that the erotic component is sidelined, on the contrary: in addition to the constant slight exhibitionism of our protagonist, there will be no lack, whether by her own choice, the effects of her particular mutation or the necessities of the case, of moments in which Jillian will lay herself bare and follow her desires (with a lewd parameter that will increase the more we push her to let go). I liked the content, straight, lesbian or solo, available in the game, both in terms of animation and dialogue.
    I would say that now is the right time to talk about the game's graphics: somewhere between mock 3D and pixel art, the game world is immersive and interesting to look at, while the character sprites, as well as the cutscenes, are all in beautiful 3D. All in all, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
    The gameplay, then, is definitely inspired by the old horror video games: the ammunition is realistically limited, especially those of the stronger weapons, which are found as the adventure goes on, while the bladed weapons require the zombies to get very close, with the risk of being wounded.
    Resources in general are scarce, obtainable mainly by rummaging around or through crafting, and must then be divided between a storehouse in the game hub and Jillian's backpack, which has a weight limit that cannot be exceeded, leading one to think hard about what one needs to carry around, generating what we can call a hobo economy (should I carry around this golden cup of considerable monetary value or prefer bandages and disinfectant?). A style that I personally enjoyed, but which I understand may not appeal all.
    The music section, finally, is nice, serves to create atmosphere and quietly does its duty, without infamy or praise.
    To conclude, Project Venus is, in my opinion, a great game without any doubt, which I would therefore highly recommend to anyone reading this review! Now we wait for the continuation...
    Likes: <JR>
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great honestly. It made me just focus on the game like the gameplay not just being excited to fap or something. I personally like playing this kind of games so its a 5 star for me. I am looking forward to the new update that's for sure.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This one of the very few games where hot female protagonist done right. The rpg zombie apocalyse aspect of it is very nice and engaging. It has a nice challenge to it. There is also quite a few h events which are animated. Overall this one of the best h games i played and i am looking forward to the next update
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is fairly entertaining so I get why it has such a high rating. It's also not stalled like many others here. I recommend you play it, with one serious exception:

    This game is the WORST offender for flashing screen when there is xxx action. It's one of my pet peeves that unfortunately plenty others do, but this takes the gold medal! Pink flashes throughout and one big all white screen to the face at the end. I'd almost rather get cum blasted as it would be less painful.

    Another note: Cheat for ammo. Just do it. Don't waste time micro managing a tiny inventory and a slow, slow crafting system. Go to www.saveeditonline.com and edit "Item#3" which is shotgun shells. It unfortunately maxes out at 99. Without cheating, this game loses a star.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Sorry, I'm using a translator. I liked this game because it is not like the others on this site. I like that here you need to play, and not just look at pictures.
    I have not yet seen similar games to alien shooter, but with adult content. Here you need to shoot and think with your head, which many people nowadays cannot do.
    I liked that you have limited resources, but there is room for improvement.
    You can remove the time for crafting, as well as add more weapons and zombies.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Certainly not like most games on here, Project Venus lures you in with good visuals and a zombie-apocalypse-Lara-Croft esque premise but attempts to keep you with interesting sandbox elements and a relatively unique combat system with attention to resource management and crafting. And while it does a good enough job in this regard, where it feels sort of flat is when it comes to establishing the world and the characters. For me personally, there's a huge disconnect between the events of the game and the expected reaction from the main character. While this might be what the creator wanted, the unrealistic adaptability of the main character when it comes to her survival but also her corruption, seeing as this is a porn game after all, makes it hard for me to even get remotely attached to her. I feel like a game like this would've benefited more with a slower more progressive corruption system, one that would give the main protagonist the ability to show her depth as a character. At the end of the day though, this is just personal preference and you certainly dont need to be attached to the main character in an adult game for that character to work in a setting. Other than that, the game certainly hits where it's supposed to, intriguing plot with hidden twists and high stakes, engaging combat with variety in enemies and an attractive female lead.
    All in all, I'd definitely recommend this game to the right audience and I want to believe once the free roam gets integrated the game will see an even higher level of quality.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, honestly. I can't understand those who write "too hard" and "unbalanced", because those people definitely can't/don't want read and think what's written in the game. I played many games here, and can say this is one of the best. If you are not a casualist, then you'll like it, because you have to manage resources and avoid unnecessary fights.
    It reminds me old isometric games from 2000s. The game has some rough edges regarding mechanics, but hey! Do you ever see such complicated projects made on RPG maker that often? Considering what RPG maker was made for, devs did a fantastic job. Definitely gonna support and come back for more.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Badly balanced game with tiny amount of h elements and scenes.

    + art and story is mostly alright

    - game is made unnecessary difficult
    - you may want to play with cheat engine to add 100 bullets every once in a while, at times you are given bullets but in many scenarios you run dry
    - for some reason you get shotgun bullets recipe in prologue, but dont have it in actual game
    - there are not enough places to heal
    - lots of chore like/maze quests
    - maxed out character progression only to feel no benefit from it
    - passive health regeneration does not do anything at all

    ah I will also add terrible crafting'inventory system, that takes ages, to craft 4 bullets (1npc kill at best) you need to wait 10 seconds and make a click.

    I will also add that heroine runs out of breathe after 10-15 meters run. That is with maxed out stamina.

    I have been running out of space constantly, thought its bullets and guns but no.
    Btw none of this aligns with the story. In the story the girl is superpowerful, can carry 200kg fuel, but in the game you are limited by 30-34kg inventory space.

    Turns out it is "precious" items, they are precious like jewelry, expensive this and expensive that, but game has no vendor or shop inside, so this junk just clogs inventory.
    Also having no vendor means if you stuck with 0 bullets its game over.

    Final score 2/5

    + for story writing
    + for h scenes
    - for stupid 30kg limit on invetory
    - for necessity to use cheat engine to edit saves
    - for needlessly long and broken crafting
    - for worthless talents/evolution stats
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great honestly. It made me just focus on the game like the gameplay not just being excited to fap or something. I personally like playing this kind of games so its a 5 star for me. I am looking forward to the new update that's for sure.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has many qualities. First of all the gameplay is quite qood, decently challanging and balanced. Graphs are also important in an adult game and this game offers good graphs. There is also a storyline and a feeling of progress. Game is still at early stages right now but it is easy to see it has a lot of potential.
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    Plays, looks and feels like Diablo 1-2.
    Great sprites, 3DCG and animations.
    Good MQL and Sides.
    Good exploration.

    Like any good game, it ends at some point.

  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay - 4/5
    Overall very solid. There are a few QOL issues holding back from giving a 5. A quest log would be really helpful from a game play perspective. Light switches can be hard to find in some dark areas

    CG and Aesthetics - 4/5
    Might be wishful thinking, but better animated CG would be fire. The sprites are immersive, which makes it stand out from other RPGM games out there.

    Story/Immersion - 4.5/5
    I really dig the setting and atmosphere, maybe more opportunities for "scenes"

    Played about 3.5 hours (up to the police station), and really enjoy this - probably one of the best RPGM games out there. Definitely keeping tabs on this for future updates, looking forward to finishing
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I played through the game and found it quite interesting .A bit of tough time figuring out what to do .Once I got a hang of killing off the zombies , it came rather easy.Too bad the zombies don't rejuvenate .There are only so many in this game . I am looking forward to the new update Thanks
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good, it has a lot of potential although for now it is in an initial version, and I would say it has enough sexual content for the version it is in since the game does not have many updates, although I would like more sexual content.

    In terms of gameplay, it is one of the best you can find, I would say.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Unplayable at the moment. You can leave location getting to another zone and get stuck by zombies who instantly kill you. Then, you think to check up the truck fast or some garbage can but the dialogue starts and zombies keep on moving surrounding you. Very frustrating system.

    Other than that - I like the graphics and the universe created by devs. Just unplayalbe atm

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    Upd: Added 1 start cuz finished the available content which already says a lot about the game. Great music, atmosphere, but too buggy and unintuitive for a user which can be explained by the game engine. Unity probably would work better
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    capt ackerman

    not your casual porn game. the uniqueness of this game makes it more compelling. its best for those who want some horror factor in the game. looking forward to further updates.
    The game skillfully blends the thrill of killing zombies and completing missions with mature scenes, offering players a captivating journey that spans both the world of survival horror and the exploration of intimate encounters.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6229026

    Let's see, I think it's the first game the developers make... for a first game I think it's good, of course there's always room for improvement. A very important thing for everyone is that the game is free, so in order to increase the quality of the game and the scenes, I personally recommend supporting them on Patreon according to the possibilities we have.
    What I like is the fact that, in addition to the fact that it contains sex scenes, it has the shooting part, which makes it more involved in the game.
    Personally, I think that the choise part could be removed and the game should be based on corruption, something similar to what NLT-Media (The Genesis Order) does.
    The updates would be good to be more frequent if at the moment it is not possible twice a month then at least one update a month again I recommend to look at the process that NLT-Media has.
    Finally, I can only wish success to the developers and wait for the next update.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is so far, so good, albeit still buggy and not without issues.
    There are several instances where you can break the main story, and is a good idea to save often. There was an instance were I was low on ammo, and thus decided to rush to the objective building and avoid zombies. On my way out I was clipped inside of a zombie camping the door and it was gameover.

    Graphically the game looks great! Classic Fallout 1&2 vibes from it.

    Mechanics take getting used to and could probably benefit from a revision. I'd recommend the inventory / shop system be a bit more Diablo-like.

    In conclusion, Project Venus has a lot of promise, decent enough mechanics, nice visuals, B-movie tier story, and as being currently in-development it's not without bugs or flaws. If you like the Zombie genre you'd might like to give this game a try.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Vyacheslav Grinko

    I just finished the game version v0.1.4.1 it took me around 5 hours to complete the game and i must say this game is a hidden gem indeed there are plenty off sex scenes for the current version of the game and the nice feature is that you can avoid to engage in sexual options . The gameplay it's simple map where the quest give you information for your next missions there are limited supplies and which makes this game a truly survival experience plus its has a crafting system . The female protagonist is very attractive the game also has a corruption system and pregnancy is planned for future updates what more can you ask so this game makes it into my excited for the next updates list and i think it's only two guys on this large project so props to them for their dedication in this project