VN - Ren'Py - Projekt: Passion [v0.11] [Classy Lemon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    - good setting (space theme - aliens, different races, planets jada jada);
    - great plot/story (very engaging, keeps you in suspense, there a few ways to play some parts of a game, I like games with good replay ability: like if you go along first with Ashe's suggestion - you get very touching scene with Ash on a snow planet, otherwise - great scenes with Emily, each worth playing);
    - humour (hilarious jokes and situations MC gets in, good face expressions, all of it creates relaxing atmosphere in a game);
    - solid animations, partially voiced;
    - well written unique characters, each with their flaws and ups, own back story, you believe them, you feel for them.


    - didn't find so far.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Here we have a very well-rounded game without major shortfalls.
    There’s a lot of features that fall in the good category: Writing, story, dialogue, comedy, character design, music, UI.
    And there’s a lot that’s unique here even if I don’t go crazy for it: Partial voice acting, a lore codex, a dragon age 2 dialogue wheel, fast pacing and plot progression.
    But most importantly there’s some areas were this game really shines and knocks it out of the park.
    • The Animations, are some of the best I’ve seen, there’s some nice life in their movements. And the effort, you never see devs bothering to make fully animated cutscenes and fights in daz like here.
    • Sound design, this isn’t something most people would bother caring about but sound effects make or break sci-fi.
    • Environment design, the maps show a clear amount of effort, I’m so glad to not see regular suburban architecture on a foreign planet.
    And what makes this a true 5/5 is to has no major weaknesses. There’s things I don’t care for in the game but they’re not intrusive, and I know they’re personal taste details. There’s nothing that feels like it’s dragging down the good parts, the entire game supports itself well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely well made, fantastic story, lovely girls and side chicks, immersive soundtrack, beautiful voice-over animations... deep characters.. and: silly humour. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard playing a computer game.

    Some thing to keep in mind is that choices do not seem to matter that much (at least there are no completely different paths.. Personally, I actually prefer that, as it gives the main storyline the maximum amount of attention within the development cycle. But if you are a "all choices must matter" enthusiast, look elsewhere.

    If I have to find something, I find that the girl's voices do not match their age in the game... While they are supposed to be twenty-somethings, their voices sound much more mature than that.

    Other than that, fantastic games, support the Dev if you can.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Projekt: Passion.... Where to start.

    This game is such a gem and not your classic AVN, the amount of ticks that this game has on the AVN features list is outstanding,

    Story is great, full of character to character humour but also has a more serious over arching story which the MC and Crew is working towards solving; which is super interesting along with the fantastic world building done by the dev to make an immersive world that feels full.

    The characters that have been created are well grounded and well-designed both visually and narratively, a lot of different visual styles between the LI's and members of the cast for purely story reason which helps keep the game looking fresh and each character distinct.

    Now on to the animations... The animations in this game are S++ tier, the developer has implemented fully animated cutscenes into the game during very important and key plot points which add a bunch of extra flavour to the scenes and make them hit so much harder, these animations are also not just very well animated nice and dynamic but his facial animation, and lip-sync skills to go along with the VA is immersive and not jarring to look at. The Lewd scenes are also fantastic nice posing, dynamic smooth animations with great camera angles which really turn up the heat.

    All in all Projekt Passion is an amazing package of a product, great characters, theme, world, renders and animation this all goes to show the PASSION (excuse the pun) that the developer puts into their game 10/10 would recommend everyone to give this game a go.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating: ★★★★★

    Project: Passion is not your typical adult game; it's a delightful blend of humor, immersive storytelling, memorable characters, and beautifully crafted adult content. Developed with attention to detail, this game stands out in the adult gaming genre, offering an experience that goes beyond the explicit scenes.

    One of the standout features of Project: Passion is its exceptional sense of humor. The writing is clever, witty, and often downright hilarious. The game doesn't take itself too seriously, injecting levity into every interaction and situation. The humor not only adds to the overall enjoyment but also serves as a refreshing departure from the more serious tones often found in adult games.

    The world-building and storytelling in Project: Passion are commendable. The game creates a captivating universe that draws players in, making them eager to explore its every nook and cranny. The narrative is engaging, with well-developed characters and intriguing plot twists that keep players hooked from start to finish. The immersive storytelling elevates the gaming experience, making it more than just a collection of explicit scenes.

    Speaking of characters, Project: Passion introduces a cast that is both endearing and diverse. Each character has a distinct personality, bringing a unique flavor to the game. The interactions between characters are well-written, adding depth to the relationships and making players genuinely care about the digital personas on their screen.

    Of course, the game wouldn't be complete without mentioning its visually stunning adult scenes. The creators have spared no expense in ensuring that the intimate moments are not only explicit but also aesthetically pleasing. The attention to detail in the character models, animations, and environments enhances the overall sensuality of the experience.

    Project: Passion successfully combines humor, immersive storytelling, great characters, and beautiful adult content, setting a new standard in the adult gaming world. Whether you're a fan of the genre or a newcomer looking for a unique gaming experience, this game offers an entertaining and satisfying journey that goes beyond the surface level. It's a testament to the potential of adult games as a medium for engaging storytelling and memorable experiences.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, everything worth saying is already said. I'd just echo all of the positive comments that came before. So, here's the scoop: Download and play this game. Ravenously wait for the next story update to release. Marvel at the best Daz animations out there. Fall in love with all the girls. Action, romance, drama, comedy, space. The real question is; why are you still reading reviews and not downloading Projekt: Passion?
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute gem, a well deserved 9/10 game. Great job Classy Lemon, hat's off to you.

    Visually, some might consider it less beautiful than others, however I believe it actually focuses on having it's own style compared to many others that are simply competing to be the best in one *particular* style. I can't think of many AVNs that look explicitly like Projekt Passion, and it's uniqueness far outweighs seeing the pores of every character.

    Choice wise, it's an interesting scenario. You get 3 different 'expressions' to offer: "friendly", "witty", and "aggressive". From my experience, I'm not sure the choices particularly matters? In my run I was able to go through with very minimal backtracking and seeing all the content, so either the effect is minimal enough where you can still access all the content by just not being a total asshole, or it's impact is largely on the presentation than the content. My bet is on the latter, as it fits with the dev's style better.

    All of the romance-able options are fleshed out characters. While some look quite similar (looking at you, Ashe and Emily), they all have distinct personalities, desires and interests, which make them all enjoyable to interact with.

    The humour is goofy and fun, spaced out enough to not be annoying and improve the AVN rather than take away from it like some other examples on this site.

    Story-wise I'd say it's good, but ultimately the story is almost secondary. Could the story be more engaging? Probably, but I'm not sure it's really the focus of the experience. It's more the backdrop of the experience, the relationships with the romances taking priority.

    The ONLY negative I could really offer, is that I think the voice acting in the cutscenes leaves more to be desired, but honestly most of the time I just play with no volume anyway. The English accent on the dude designed to be a cowboy has to be the most jarring decision I've seen. Britain is quite possibly the furthest you could get from cowboys. Australia and Canada were closer to having cowboys than England. Also, if I was being honest, the voice actor isn't very good in general. The girls do an alright job, but they're still not particularly grand.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the humor of the game! As long as you don't take it seriously you'll enjoy the story.

    Love the girls too! Big round eyes and tight bodies for the win!

    The game is very immersive too with the nice design and camera smooth movement. Voiced clips aren't my thing at all but they are appreciated too.

    Now, since it's all laughs and happy funny accidents, I can't empathize with most of the emotional and serious moments.

    MC looks cool but it's a cry baby that doesn't fit this game style.

    Honestly, I don't give a shet about the main story. Again, can't take seriously.

    Just wanna have more funny moments across the universe with these cute ladies and know more about them.

    Not a perfect VN for me, but top notch for sure!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this might be one of, if not the best VN I've ever played.

    First of all, the most important thing in VNs, the writing is superb. The game is mainly a comedy, a difficult thing to write which it does incredibly well, but it has plenty of dark moments that manage to make you take the story and the characters seriously.

    Early on, I'd say the visuals are pretty average, but that's pretty much the only "bad" thing I can say about this game, though I'd rather call that a neutral point since they're still fine, and they get increasingly better as the game goes on. The visuals of the last few updates are very cinematic and nice to look at.

    Animations, holy shit this game is leagues above any other game of this type. Not just the sex animations, which are awesome, but the random cutscenes that show up, with realistic lip syncing and facial expressions with tiny details that make the characters come alive. They manage to take the game to the next level in terms of production quality. Voice acting here is fine, not amazing, not awful, passable, which is all you can ask for really.

    Sound effects and music are high quality and always fitting for the scene. Season 1 has gets a little repetitive when it comes to music but Season 2 fixes that by introducing many new high quality tracks that are always well placed and enhance the mood of the scene.

    This game has the highest production value I've ever seen in a VN, the name is fitting because you can tell that this really is a passion project.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing too thought provoking or earth shattering about the story so far. You're somewhat of a loveable asshole (or that's just me always choosing the funny response) who actually has a warm heart, you find yourself skipping planets, fight against the big bad corporation and banging hot chicks at the same time, plus some existential void drizzled here and there. That said, this game really compensates. The models are great, the sex is simple but pretty hot, the story is very coherent and surprisingly relatable to me at a personal level, and some jokes are pretty hilarious. It really did grow on me. Absolutely well done, and I actually wishlisted.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review upon completion of v0.7
    I saw this in a list of recommendations and more or less picked it out willy nilly. I'm sure glad I did.

    Story: Nothing earth-shattering here, but there is more than enough to keep you interested. Taking down an evil corporation is always fun. There's good bits of lore to find here as well, and it's clear where the dev has taken some of their inspiration from (Mass Effect stands out). Overall, it was better than I had expected.

    Characters: To me, this is where the game truly shines. Like I said, the story's nothing earth-shattering in and of itself, but with this cast of characters along the way, the story could be about watching paint dry and still be entertaining. There's not a single character whose screentime I wasn't looking forward to or wanted to skip over. The LI's are all interesting enough to want to interact with and get to know better, and attractive enough to want to go further. Even the side characters who exist only for comedic effect work very well, and all the alien races have their own fun quirks. Superb! Also, the MC looks good and believable, and the way you can help shape his personality is very well done.
    Again, it's clear who was inspired by what but if it works, it works.

    Writing: It's not often you come across an AVN that is genuinely funny without it feeling forced. I've had legitimate LOL moments during every episode, and every character is allowed to shine in their own way. There's the odd grammatical error here and there (it's/its, nothing major) so it could probably do with a final proofread but it's still a lot better than some of the other stuff I've read that comes across like something you'd find written on the side of a toilet stall written in shit. There's some unrealistic dialogue here or there that plagues even the best of AVNs, but nothing too egregious. I was pleasantly surpised.
    The comedy is accompanied by some very emotional story beats as well. It really worked for me. The writing makes you laugh, makes you care, maybe even cry if you're the emotional type.

    Graphics: They grew on me. Animations are fluid, the renders very beautiful at times, and the lewd scenes were simple but sexy. Nothing I saw looked too off-putting to me. Character design was done very well, and most people have a distinct look and feel.
    Most renders and tiny animations (like headshakes, eyebrow raises, etc.) really add to the funny vibe, and the expressions are often priceless for all the right reasons. Very well done in that department.

    Sound/music: I'm not a big fan of moans and such during lewd scenes, but that's personal preference. The voice acting in the cutscenes is passable, but it'd be foolish to expect AAA level voice acting. Other than that, the music isnever distracting and complements the scenes very well; although nothing stands out as truly memorable. But other things do (like the characters, dialogue, etc... which is more important)
    Sound effects are often to great comic effect, however, and is very well timed for maximum effect.

    All in all, I am loving this game so far and heartily recommend it. I bought the first season on Steam because it's definitely worth the money. I will probably end up as a Patron as well, because this project deserves support. I hope the dev can see it through. Five stars, all day every day. Looking forward to more!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Projekt Passion is truly a masterpiece in the visual novel genre. The dev's passion and dedication are evident in every detail. The characters are not just hilarious but also deeply developed. The renders are gorgeous, the animations are top notch, and the voice acting is a perfect cherry on top. Overall a beautifully crafted game that you won't regret playing.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Obi Wanks Kenobi

    Outdated graphics. Renders looks like 2015. Alien chicks are ugly/creepy. An excuse of a story: travel to new planet, find excuse for another sex scene. Repeat. Idiotic humor: think Spaceballs not Star Wars. Too childish to be taken seriously.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that I've contemplated reviewing for quite a while, but I wasn't sure how to rate it.

    Some things worked really well for me, the humour, the story in general (while it meandered a bit at the start, it quickly turned into a nice space opera)...
    The character models were fine, even if there is only one body type, and the faces look pretty similar as well, tbh. it took me a while to keep the brunette girl from the redhead . Sex scenes also weren't bad, but also not great.
    TL;DR, I wasn't sure wether I should give it 3 stars or 5 and somehow the compromise 4 also didn't seem so good either.

    But with the start of the new season, there is no denying anymore that this is a great VN.

    It has great visuals, lots of models and settings, there are some really long and well done animations in it and while I still think some positions look a bit hard to pull off, even with the MC having a large cock, the sex scenes overall have become quite good. (though I won't lie, it could still do with a little more variation to spice it up, so far we have only had straight vanilla sex, no kinks, no RP, no threesomes (though, don't hold me on that, maybe there was a threesome, if so then it didn't really stick in my mind)...

    But what makes this one stand out are two things, the grandiose space opera setting, with its mixture of Star Wars, Lovecraft and Firefly. Which slowly build up, until it has reached new heights in the last few updates.

    The other thing is the humour, sure it's silly, sometimes a bit infantile, but just that fe. we have this ultra-cool MC, who also constantly shows that he doesn't take himself so serious, that there are completely ridiculous side characters and that more often than not the humour also comes from visuals and expressions (which is a pretty hard thing to pull off in a rendered VN), that the story can switch on a bit from ridiculous goofiness to tragedy, all that makes this a joy to watch, read and play.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying it is perfect, the things I mentioned above mostly still stand, but overall the game does so much right that the game clearly deserves a five-star rating, especially considering how much it has on many of the games here, rocking similar ratings.
    There are games that are literally nothing but "you're so hot, please fuck me" where every woman is a humongously-breast equipped bimbo, who instantly wants to fuck the MC, with broken English and two-second loop animations repeated endlessly who get that rating and compared to those, Projekt Passion is classic literature or a Shakespeare play.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have nothing but praise to give to this game. The writing puts Classy Lemon toe to toe with my other favorite adult VN maker, and I would keep coming back for more even if every sex scene faded to black.
    • A lot of care goes into the visuals to make the scenes dynamic and enhance the drama.
    • The humor is appropriately sparse and clever, punctuating an otherwise tense story of regular people standing up to impossible odds and overcoming personal issues.
    • Each character has a distinctive personality and a complete background that is slowly revealed and perfectly explains their attitude and motivations, and the relationships between them feel genuine and not centered around the MC for the sake of justifying the harem setup. The wholesomeness and maturity of their interactions make the overall story feel lighthearted and pleasant despite the threats looming in the background.
    • Even the sex scenes feel thoughtful and meaningful, and for once the women's sex appeal isn't predicated on having the biggest possible [insert body part], which seems to be getting rarer nowadays.
    Almost makes you wish the game didn't have sexual content so it could reach the broader audience it deserves, but then again... the characters are really hot :sneaky:
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 game, a starred rating
    - Very good character models
    - Interesting characters
    - Overall good story, with witty humor
    - Excellent animation especially with the sex scenes

    Space games are the best and this is easily top 2, and Ashe is the best girl.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm just going to delete all my other games and play Projekt: passion on a loop from now on.

    It’s got everything that anyone could want. Action, adventure, good-looking girls, emotion, hot sex, and awesome music.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely fantastic. I normally hate having multiple choices in games and prefer a mostly kinetic experience but holy shit some of these dialogue choices that lead to bad ends just absolutely murder.

    The game also looks great and generally sonds great. I am excited for what is to come!

    Review as of 0.8.1
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Pronominal game. Played through season 1 and was absolutely enamored with the story and gameplay. Came for the fap, but stayed for the story. During my time playing it I was constantly surprised by the amount of work put into the gameplay including the cutscenes, dialogue choices, and how those dialogue choices effected the outcome of the story, even in small ways. I especially loved the two SAC guard characters on the space station, those two were absolutely hilarious, and I really hope we get to see them again in Season 2. Great work, Class Lemon, I can't wait to see what you do with season 2.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily one of the best VNs here that I've played, right up there with titles like Being a Dik which I also regard highly.

    The cutscenes are an addition that I wasn't expecting, and they have consistently been a pleasant surprise. I haven't seen them in other games here, and they all seem really well done in their quality, their execution, their quantity, and their placement. They add a whole other layer of narrative immersion, and help bring the characters and story to life in a way that is often lacking in other titles.

    The animations, while fairly simple as is typical for a renpy title, generally feel much more fluid and natural than what is typical for animations in these VNs. Rather than simply animating hip thrust, for instance, the developer has actually gone the extra mile and animated the whole characters to really up the quality, which is something I always find myself wishing more developers would take the time to do.

    The sound effects and voice overs are better than what is typical, I think. I often find voice overs to be somewhat cringey in how they sound and how they're delivered, but in this case I think I enjoy them. I wouldn't say they're amazing, but they do what they're supposed to do in complementing the cutscene, animations, or renders they accompany. And the sound effects, while also not amazing, do seem to sound good in general, and are placed and used appropriately. Along with the background music, I'd give the overall sound category a rating of at least above average.

    The overall art style and its sometimes seemingly oversaturated aesthetic isn't my favorite and I'm personally not crazy about the lighting and textures in a lot of cases. None of it is BAD by any means, but it could be better. That said, I can also probably sympathize with having balance render quality vs render times when considering the volume of renders and animations that are being produced and delivered.

    I generally like the character design. All of the characters have a distinct look and feel to them that adds to their unique characterizations, MC included. So far there's no extreme proportions anywhere either, which seems fitting and appropriate.

    The writing has been top notch thus far. I have found myself laughing out loud regularly at some of the dialogue exchanges and hijinks that take place, yet I've also found myself charmed by some of the more serious, tender, and emotional moments in the story as well. And the pacing and plot has been interesting enough to keep me hungry to find out what happens next. I've never found myself bored with reading through the VN.

    The vast majority of the character interactions and relationships have felt organic and natural which is actually quite uncommon for these VNs in my opinion, so I always appreciate when a dev/writer manages these well. It's often the case that characters and their interactions/relationships in these games comes off as too contrived and gamey, one way or another, but the only awkward interaction I can think of in this game is one lewd scene with Ves that kinda seemed to come out of nowhere relative to others. But even that exception wasn't all that jarring either. The rest have all seemed to have adequate and appropriate levels of build and setup without being overly drawn out and falling into that all-too-common cookie-cutter lewd progression that I've come to find very annoying in these games.

    I like having multiple mood/attitude-oriented dialogue choices to respond with that don't necessarily or dramatically impact the story all the time. They just add an extra touch of flavor to the writing and scenes without always being all that important, and it's nice to not have to worry about gaming the choices all the time in order to unlock this content, or pursue that path. It's nice to be able to just roleplay the MC, for lack of a better description without stressing too much about content I'm being locked out of, or permanently altering my playhrough somehow with ever interaction I have.

    I also wanted to mention I really appreciate the subtle zooms and pans in the still shots, and the way that the transitions and montages are done. And even the small differences in character movement or expressions from render to render. These little bits aren't strictly necessary, yet add that extra bit of flavor, detail, and 'aliveness' to things that always seems to enhance the VN.
