It's hard not to forgive this game of any faults when it's this funny.
Normally I'd give a very thorough rating, but I don't really feel like it. This game is just too charming.
Gameplay: 4.5/5
it's a basic clicker, with some choices of varying importance. I don't find the choices particularly interesting when it comes to kind/funny/rude, as funny is nearly always the best choice and fits with MC's personality. Though sometimes it was nice to be more serious. The non personality based choices are more interesting and don't get in the way. Most AVNs add choices that end up being both arbitrary and often annoying, this game does not have that problem and I never feel too much pressure to pick the right choice but they do matter.
Sex: 4.5/5
Excellent renders, characters, scenarios, animations, and dialogue all lead to excellent sex scenes. The only thing holding them back is my personal preference to have a bit more emphasis on the big finish. Don't get me wrong, there is way more thought and work put into them than 99% of games on this site, but I like to see O-faces more than closeups, or both, and I like em longer and more drawn out. Honestly just a nitpick though. The sex scenes are stellar.
Story: 4/5
The characters are distinct and well written, the pace is nice, it knows when to slow down without ever feeling drawn-out. But where this game really shines is the tone. The dev is excellent at being serious when needed, and that makes the comedy that much funnier when it happens, and this game is FUNNY.
It doesn't just settle for gags (though those are great too) it knows how to weave amusement into the dialogue without ever sacrificing the pace, the story, or breaking the 4th wall in a cheap and easy way. I laugh out loud pretty consistently when it wants me to, which is so rare. I can't say enough good things about the tone. Hilarious and thought provoking. I'm never near tears but that's OK, I take it seriously when it wants me to, which is rare in AVNs. The writer isn't anywhere up their own ass, I'm in for the whole ride. I also love that while there are many influences, this world doesn't feel like a ripoff of anything. There's a good amount of sci-fi and cyberpunk elements but it has its own flavor without piggybacking on existing material.
The plot is the only place I'm lukewarm. It's good, but it lacks greatness. Maybe it's because the main conflict is extremely vague. I'm not sure of the stakes and I'm not sure how much I care. However, there are many elements that shine through and keep me clicking aside from just how funny it is and that's how good the character development is. Despite an awful lot of space jargon that I usually roll my eyes through to get to the next sex scene, the atmosphere is very strong and the characters and their personal journeys do a great job of wading you through the kind of muddy overall plot.
EDIT: Literally after typing this review I hit the scene that finally explains what the stakes are, gives them context, and makes them important. While I still think it took a bit too long to get there, the explanation is given a lot of weight by the fact that I'm already familiar with everyone it affects. I'm still not fully sold, but I have to take back the muddy comments. This game continues to surprise me even when I think I have a valid critique.
This is easily in my top ten games on this site and well worth your time. If you require depth and quality, expect it in pretty much every aspect of this game. I can't wait to play more.