Ren'Py - Public Sex Life H [v0.85.2] [ParadiceZone]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better game of corruption theme that I played. Offer a good variety so far between the three characters as well as a two different routes for each girl.

    I was hesitant initially since I'm more into corruption rather than the usual vanilla theme but not a fan of sharing/whoring, so it was a pleasant surprise to see that there is a slave route so to speak where you go for corruption instead of love but does not want the sharing/whoring theme.

    Gameplay is pretty good for this type of game. It's not just a straight forward select your choice VN but more sandbox where you can decide what to do and who you want to progress as well as what route you want to take for the girl. Each girl has a slightly different mechanic to progress as well, the teacher require money while the swimmer require endurance training, so it offer quite a bit of variety. That and the different route that you can take for each girl is great making you feel like you have more freedom and option.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Shows a lot of promise, alltough a bit grindy. Nice animation work classic, characters. the corruption paths are quite interessting and feel meaningfull and relevant. I hope there will be a full blown brothel furter on and that there will be a lot more charcters preferably further corruption of school staff. The navigation needs a lot of work and feels rather clunky, but the rest of the game makes up for it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Not really sure the motivation behind this one, it's exactly the same as Public Sex Life, just with realistic characters instead of Anime parody characters. The scenes are all nicely rendered, and this actually has some quality of life improvements over Public Sex Life. If you liked the original, you'll probably like this one. If you have played the original, it is EXACTLY the same dialogue and story-wise, so you can just skip through all the dialogue.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    beautiful animations, well written (the comedy scenes are actually funny), and the ability to choose which girl joins the harem or whore route is a nice change of pace. Even though this is in the very early stages, there are a ton of adult scenes, and by a ton I mean 61. They are not short scenes either.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    really good game. sex scenes are good and so far both paths are looking promising. i see some people saying that their is no direction so its hard to know where events are but i had no issue with that. the three girls are pretty much in the same place every time and its just a mater of going to them each once a day and progressing so far. though to be fair i have not made it to end of content yet but im pretty close.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A good sandbox style game with all it's common negative and positive aspects.
    + you can chose which route you want to pursure
    - you cant find hints anywhere on where to go to, to find the next events
    - Locations don't really matter for the actual gameplay

    + I like the two routs per girl system, so you can replay this one when it's finised
    + the events are structured well and the feeling of progression isn't artificial
    + Well done porn scenes (not for you if you dislike HS)
    - why would you ever put money grinding with no story or character development into a game where the players goal is masturbation or erotic entertainment? Now I have to use console commands to skip the grind :(
  7. D
    4.00 star(s)


    1. Gameplay: 6 (kinda linear and repetive)
    2. Music and Sound: 9
    3. Animation: 10
    4. Story: 5 (still in early development)
    5. Voice acting: 8

    My idea:
    1. I don't know about previous game but the visual of that game is good, exactly it's at "medium-high" quality on overall of many HS games. Note that I didn't care about previous one until "this"
    2. H scenes are all too damn good. I'm into squirting girls though ;)
    Much better if you can make "dripping" juices animated :p
    3. But almost I agree with many guys said that the game should have story of each girls. Schoolgirls theme is good, "treasure" for nsfw games, so I hope you concentrating on it
    4. I wonder how is "Love" route when I can't access it further :unsure:

    Keep up the good work devs!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2 Beta...

    This erotic VN/Game is primarily a stat grinder that is porn focused...

    The character visuals are of high quality, and mostly look unique... There are also many filler visuals for background character visuals (i.e. blank black colored characters), either used as temporary filler or as permanent filler, don't know... Some of them even have the occasional animation... The backgrounds are a mix of moderate to higher quality images, some of which I've seen before, especially with the school background visuals... The animations are of higher quality/resolution then you normally see in these things... The only qualm with the animations is that sometimes the lighting creates very bright shiny areas on some parts of the body... Perhaps the lighting brightness needs to be lessened, or more care taken with riding the animations of these sparkly reflections in odd locations... Sometimes the sparkly stuff is meant to represent sweat or other body fluids, but in some cases it appears in odd locations that have nothing to do with that...

    The script is fairly decent as I rarely ran into many spelling/grammar errors... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist student who has varying female characters he can interact with in a school setting... There really is no meaningful main story plot or depth to what story there is for a main plot... The goal of the protagonist is broken down into two formats... He can either follow a love/harem path or a brothel/master style path with each individual character... So you can either mix and match, with each female character going down different paths, or have them all go down one or the other... It's the players choice how they mix it up... The developer gives you a warning that the brothel style path will lead to different outcomes, but will not have as much meaningful content, being far more sexual based... I found that it's somewhat true, currently, yet even the love/harem path has the women still becoming rather sex starved for the protagonist near the end of the current content... Just one path is a slower burn then the other, prior to the more involved erotic content... Now, that could change over time as the various characters stories develop... And I would assume that more characters will be added over time, as compared to the 3 that currently exist, but only time will tell...

    Normally I would prefer far more meaningful and deep story content, even in a stat grinder like this one... What made me give it 4 stars instead of 3, is that the visual quality of the events was higher then what I typically see... And there is some attempts at story, at least for the love/harem paths... In reality it is more like a 3.5 perhaps, but I decided to round it up rather then down for this one... But if the current trajectory continues with being primarily porn scene focused, for me I don't see it going to 5 stars... As this VN/Game is still in it's early stages of development, that could change, depending on how it continues to develop...

    Overall, this is in essence a Japanese hentai style stat grinder, with two slightly distinct paths you can choose for each character you interact with... The visuals are of higher quality then I typically see with this graphic style of character models and backgrounds, and the animations are mostly done well... The main story almost feels non-existent in some ways, but there does seem to be some attempt to add story depth to the love/harem character story paths... Will it continue to look possibly promising? Only time will really tell... As it is so early in it's development, there is time to work out the kinks, expand, and improve... Will I revisit this one? Perhaps, but I'll wait until it's much further into development... Then we'll see if it improves and continues to show some promise or not...
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Promising content better than the cartoon version. needs a bit of refining with the interface but otherwise nice. like the new idea of different modes of corruption and different endings. introducing a bit of management of a business could be fun for the gamble.
    Looking forward to new releases.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    Review as of v.0.1

    So, basically a reskin of "Public Sex Life" by the same developer. Literally the same story, dialogues, even the names aren't changed in every instance.
    While girls look pretty, the animations are a severe downgrade over the other version, with less interesting poses, too much blur and oversaturation, a lot of clipping etc.
    Not to mention there's far less content than in the other game: no random events and empty routes. Maybe it will change later, if this game keeps the same release schedule as the other one, but so far it is what it is. An inferior clone.

    I honestly think this is a waste of time, for both the players and the developer. Just not worth it. I still recommend playing the other one though. It's a pretty fun eroge.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.1

    If you like a fast paced game; "instant" gratification; harem route or love route ; this game is for you.

    There is not much of a story but the amazing visuals, the audio quality and the variety of repeatable sex scenes made up largely for it. The MC is designed to be cocky, purposely to "make believe" of this story.

    Think of this game like a porn movie; go in a class, find a hot girl , some lame and cheesy picky lines and you are doing her on the table!

    In this version they are only 3 girls with a lot of sex scenes.

    Highly recommended if you want a "the most talented guy in the world" experience. I love it!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I will be honest,when i see this new version.I though he improve the story and characters.But,it still exactly the same as the previous one.Straight up copypaste.

    -Honey select character

    -Still douchebag mc
    -No main plot
    -No character development
    -Still whore route are no different than love route.They are exactly the same.Sex addicting whore that only think about cock everytime.The only difference is mc doesnt whoring them out in the love route.

    I think dev should take time thinking about a story first instead of just throw out some character that their purpose is only sex,sex and sex.

    This game is still in the early development.But,i do hope dev will improve the story atleast.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Animations looks decent enough.
    + Its good game for quick fap... (If thats what you want from game, like a porn...)

    Bad Points
    - Should we call this new game? Beucase this is non cartoon looking version of his other game named without ''H'' letter so this game have: exaclty same dialogues, same story telling, same characters, (their only differense is render/art style) same sandbox renders and HUD aswell, so im not sure about this subject at all... And honestly i never saw any DEV makes their own game other copy with new style and same time contiune make other game to
    - While MC should be same guy from other game he doesn't feel like same... He have literaly same dialogues and scenes but this guy is pretty different than other one.
    - Girls facial expressions looks realy dull and thats pretty annoying.
    - Girls/Women are not attaractive enough and its about game base art style.
    - Story is pretty empty. DEV need to add more story content instead of adding: sex, sex, sex and sex again...
    - Renders and animations needs a lot of quality improve.

    For The End
    Well... This game had good potencial but now its nothing more than porn, its good for fap but it doesn't have qualities of being ''game''
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Its basically the old game, but a massive improvement in terms of visuals of the girls and the game itself. The first release of this game has a massive amount of content, showing us exactly what this is going to be. 5/5 bravo