Flash - Pussymon [v2408 SE] [Sp3ktr3]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    good game, its called pussymon and is exactly like you imagine. Sandboxy and is thus grindy but i like it. animations are great and get beeter with every update, although i have not completed the current version i can tell where a previous update ended and where a new one s started. so there is improvement. The art is very pokemon akin. its like if nintendo or gamefreak or whoever the fuk owns pokemon went full dirty, damp and deep with the franchise.

    there is a lot of fucking up until where i stopped playing. also i cheated my way through the water levels.

    i dont think it is good enough to support with money so i will support with a 5* review instead.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The games are really bad and boring.

    The gameplay is just too grindy, and the energy should just be removed it is annoying to always sleep after doing like 5 things.

    The art is pretty awful and every characters looks the same after a while.

    The sex scenes are not worth not.

    I can´t think of any reason to play this.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Played these games years ago.

    Animations 3.5/5 to 5/5 Updated after recent playthrough
    Story 3/5
    Gameplay 3.5/5
    Combat 5/5
    Concept 5/5

    Most of the games have turn-based combat, which is somewhat of a grind but tolerable. The story is ok, I never bothered reading it tbh. The turn-based combat, is pretty good and has no issues. Animations are well done, and all H-scenes are animated, which is no small feat. Art, yeah I don't really care much about art quality, so no comment.

    These games are great, if you know what to expect from the developer, but best not to set expectations high.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not the highest end out there, but it is a classic and the author actually works at it. I do wish he would change up the leveling and combat system a bit though, it has definitely gotten better since the first ones, but is stale again these days.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I played a bunch of these. They're clones of one another and the art, animation, mechanics, and plot are terrible and haven't gotten better since the first one. The game could have had potential if the developer had decided to do anything new or make any effort to improve the game.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Wew, I remember when I checked out the first episode of this game series years ago. I though it had potential, I figured the dev would improve in art, grammar and so on over time. Lo and behold, 52 episodes and like what? 3 years later and it's still just as awful as it first was.

    It's baffling that after all this time, literally nothing has improved. It's rather disappointing to be honest. Don't bother with this, it's really not worth your time.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    "I hate wasted potential, that shit crushes your spirit
    it really does, it crushes your soul
    This game is not good. The story is dumb, the grammar is awful, the gameplay is tedious, the art (the most important part) is mediocre and barely shows any improvement.The nicest thing i can say is that it has lots of content, but that doesn't matter if the art is not good (quality over quantity vs quantity over quality).
    I personally kinda enjoy it, in a "So bad its good" way, but i can't honestly recommend it to most people
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    if i could give negative stars this game would get it. the art is terrible the gameplay is atrocious and it is never going to improve. Like it is shocking how bad all pokeporn games are and this is the bottomest of the barrel
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Seriously, I do not know who would even bother to download this game. Did a child draw these pokemon? And IF you wanted to make a pokemon hentai game why would you turn them all into women things, just make sexual the regular pokemon.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This review will be long as fuck and the rating can change with time. Yes, I played every single episode and got every single scene possible.

    Note: If you like good writing this game is a solid 1/5. I do like good writing but I'll explain my reasons for the second star in the end.

    Positive Aspects:
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    Negative Aspects:
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    Nitpicking section:
    Things that may or may not bother you.
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    Veredict: One star because of episode 17 and another one because of Bridget/Val.
    This rating can change with time. If the dev merges all episodes together and reworks all art/dialogues/progression this rating can change to 4/5. If he also rework the combat and caring system, easy 5/5. This wouldn't be difficult considering how little dialogue the game has.

    In conclusion, don't play this. It's a waste of time and equivalent to torture for anyone who enjoys good writing and/or art. Avoid this game like the plague unless the dev decides to rework things with a bit more effort, which in unlikely given how it's been three years of no progress or hints that the dev is even aware of how terrible this game is.