Thank you!
I looked at the code, while it seems a walkthrough is doable for the game, I might do it but at a really slow pace. While I can present you with another offer, and that is to make an in-game mod that will ask which path you want to be on and tell you what to do. Tell me what you think?
I'd appreciate a whole lot if you could put up a .pdf walkthrough for the game, my friend. That's the way I play most of my games.
On the other hand, I will make a confession: I have ever been reluctant about the mod thing, although I did play Mythic Manor with a mod and absolutely loved it. Knowing the quality of your work, which is top notch, I'd be more than willing to use your mod for College Kings, for sure.
Just keep being this great worker that you are. I'm sure the whole community appreciates it and is thankful as much as I am!