VN - Ren'Py - Completed - QPrey: Escape from Lake Thing [v1.2 Extended] [Rwocie]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    How Long To Beat: 3 hours

    A spooky horror game centered around a solid incest story.

    A brother (MC) and sister are vacationing in a cabin in the woods. The MC starts having strange dreams and out-of-body experiences while something lurks in the woods.

    I really dig the character models, the renders and animation, and the writing between characters. The game is concise and focused. The character progression in the sister felt organic. I especially enjoyed a scene where she roleplays a more maternal role. Very sexy.

    I don't know who's into the bizarre goblin monster cock, but I appreciate that I could turn it off and keep the penis normal.

    Absolutely worth a play, since it's over before it could overstay it's welcome. I would have enjoyed some more sex scenes, but I appreciate what it has.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story. Interesting but very short.
    * Good dialogs.
    * Has a nice BG music. No sounds. No voices.
    * No bugs, no crashes.
    ... regarding its erotic side:
    * Character design is good. If I remember correctly there are 3 girls and you have "sex" with 2 of them. The game doesn't last enough to know the girls well. Claudia was too easy for the MC imo.
    * Scenes are well directed.
    * Animations are decent/good.
    * No voices, no sounds, just music.
    * No scene gallery.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of QPrey: Escape from Lake Thing ...

    ... as a game:
    * Good story. Interesting but very short.
    * Good dialogs.
    * Has a nice BG music. No sounds. No voices.
    * No bugs, no crashes.
    ... regarding its erotic side:
    * Character design is good. If I remember correctly there are 3 girls and you have "sex" with 2 of them. The game doesn't last enough to know the girls well. Claudia was too easy for the MC imo.
    * Scenes are well directed.
    * Animations are decent/good.
    * No voices, no sounds, just music.
    * No scene gallery.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been a long time since I acutally found myself interested in a VN storyline and - hooray! - the game IS really interesting. Also it's nice and realistically cozy without weird motivations of characters. Although in the boob department the author went a little overboard, but just a little bit. Really loved that one on one format of the story, more girls might have ruined the mood, and now you manage to focus on these single relationships instead of different meaningless humping sessions. I really appreciated it!

    The kinks are there and that is great, let's hope for the second part and more Claudia's kinks. The author managed to create likeable, sexy and enjoyable character, so kudos for that.

    The renders and good, without stretched textures and artifacts. Animations are good enough too. MC model is great, wouldn't want to see lucas-like young adult here. The model fits perfectly into the narrative.

    Overall that was really fun game and again - hopefully there will be the second part soon. I am rooting for the happily ever after here!

    Great job!
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    I.S H

    My Rating: 7/10

    Story: ★★★☆☆
    Dialogue: ★★★★☆
    How well it plays: ★★★★★
    3D Models: ★★★☆☆
    Sex scenes: ★★☆☆☆
    : ★★☆☆☆

    A very well made small towards medium sized game.
    However it lacks variety, and flavour.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + The game is completed.
    + The story was interesting and there will be a sequel to this game, at least that's what is told, so there are still some things to tell about the story, things players want to know.
    + We have a couple of different (some sex scenes even have 6-7 different angles/positions along with animations) angles/positions and animations for sex scenes and some other lewd stuff and sex scenes are quite hot.
    + Female lead is quite hot.

    Bad Points & Suggestions For The Sequel
    - We only have 9 save pages, nearly every RENPY game has 999+ pages these days, so the game should have more save pages, at least the sequel should have 999+ save pages for sure.
    - We don't have a gallery feature having only 9 save pages is not bad enough the game lacks another essential feature.
    - In the first parts of the game render quality is not good even though some scenes look pixelated, I wish the whole game had more stable renders.
    - MC could have looked better, he looks too child-like more than a teenager, like Lukas for example.
    - There is only one love interest in the game, so might be boring it's not bad enough to have only one love interest she is the fiancee of MC's older brother and there is lots of talk going on about MC's brother's dick, how good it is, and even some phone sex scenes she did with MC'S older brother, etc.
    - Some details about the story makes not that much sense like: ''Young college teen and his brother's fiancee, quarantine themselves at a solitary lake house in the middle of nowhere.'' so older brother sends his horny teenage brother with his hot fiancee together to middle of nowhere? Yeah sure... And there is the thing about Claudia agreeing with John's request for accepting the take blame for him, it did make no sense at all, she shouldn't accept that easily or shouldn't accept it at all.
    - Uncensored Path was far better and should have been the main path, not the one added later.
    - Despite having supernatural aspects there was no fight scene at all, having some QTE fight scenes could be nice, let's hope DEV will add some to the sequel game.

    For The End
    Honestly, this game is like a hidden gem, it has some problems, but still worth playing and I do hope DEV will fix problems in the next game and not ruin things by trying to create nonsense drama with that Master thing, good luck with the sequel.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played all versions of the game. On the one hand, I admit that I didn't really like a certain detail in the original uncensored version, although this has been corrected (I think for the better) in the current version. However, I admit that I liked the originality of what originally happened. It is appreciated that a dev takes risks with new ideas.

    It has great quality, with great screenshots and animations, and an entertaining and realistic story, as far as possible. I can't wait to play the long-awaited sequel.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The model Claudia is quite nice. The story is not bad, it even has a minor twist I found funny. The other thing is that once things start happening they keep happening.

    But the game is too short. I hope to see a continuation with more good models.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I played final version with only the uncensored patch.

    I enjoyed this game more than I expected to, but I can't call it great. The dialog can be a bit stiff and dull at times, but it's not bad at all. The visuals are good: the main LI is fairly hot, but I think she would have worked better visually as a mom - I may try again with that patch.

    The overall story was more interesting than I expected, but that's less important (to me) than the items above.

    On a side note, I personally would have liked to see more time spent on the doctor getting her comeuppance.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it great game Story is Nice Models are Hot Plot Cool I want to see what next really nice work From the dev (y)(y)(y)
    funny moments Crazy Jump i want to know who is the Master that is >>>> next in the new one hope to see it soon
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Short but enjoyable. Plot was fun but not super deep. Both characters were likable and seemed to care about each other. Towards the latter half things start moving a bit too quickly in terms of plot development but it’s not hard to follow. Sex scenes were enjoyable and the animations were pretty smooth. Overall worth the download, I think. It’s short so you can probably knock it out in a day or too.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A horny big sis dunb enough to claim responible for her asshole boyfriends mistakes,
    a 16/17(?) year old MC that acts like a 12 year old,
    somehow glued togeter by the sisters fetish for werewolf-porn and her brother develloping a dog-dick after masturbating with some green goo as lube...
    spiced up with some conspiracy against Governement/big buisiness...
    Wrapped up as a penny dreadfull...
    Does it get any cheaper?
    Graphix and animations are good though, BUT come to a screeching halt at the end.
    First half was frustrating, because of the mc being waaaay behind his actual age, second half was disappointing because of lack of substance and sex.
    Would not recommend. At all.
    If you wanna try, make sure to know your ctrl key.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Aleks Mark

    This is not a game, it's just a holiday. I don't like playing kenetic novels, but I enjoyed this one. Everything pleases me, starting from the volume and the plot. High-quality pictures and non-tiring high-quality video, pleasant characters that do not cause irritation. Simply gorgeous. Will add to my collection. The only bad thing is that the game is over :( , of course, everything is logical, but I don’t want to part with the characters. Thank you very much for the pleasure :):love:(y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I will keep my review brief without spoiling too much.

    1. Great animations, although it has room for improvements, this the animations are decent.
    2. Dialogue is superb too, the dev sent his script and scene to a dialogue writer and this makes the game more enjoyable.
    3. The game is actually complete. Unlike most of the hot games out there, the dev always meets his target and communicates with his supporters well. After this game, he is making a sequel and I can see his work as something I will personally support.

    1. Plot is too short but honestly, I rather enjoy a well executed plot than one that's crappy and abandoned.
    2. There are some kinks I personally didn't enjoy, but the dev made a patch for it.

    To sum it up, play this bro. You won't regret it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. 10/10. It had smooth animations, a plot that hooked my interest without being unnecessarily dragging, and a good cast.

    The game is a bit on the short end but it completely manages to get its point across without any cliffhangers or obvious cuts in the story.

    I look forward to whatever next thing this dev creates. 10/10.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    QPrey: Escape from Lake Thing [v1.1] [Rwocie]

    3 stars is probably too harsh a judgement, but this game has flaws that cannot be hidden, although it is still quite enjoyable.

    on the positive side there's definitely the aesthetics, the unique LI is very shapely bordering on cartoony, but I like it. and both the characters and the story are interesting, nothing surprising but they push you to continue in the story

    on the negative side there are the dialogues, especially in the first part extremely repetitive (how many times does the LI declare the MC her life saver?) and despite the story builds a good premise to the relationship between the two (the problems and the confrontation with the boy, the isolation etc.) at the end the sexual actions start from the worst sterotypes of the genre
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A STUNNING game, well written, a story that you want to follow with renderings that are very enjoyable and stunningly done. So glad I played it and hope to see what happens next as there are so many ways that this can still go.
    Play this , you will not be sorry!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, there should be a gallery so you could replay de scenes, the animations are really good. the plot doesn't really put you off from the experience at all, it finishes with an open ending setting ground for a sequel
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    I normally don't give a KN 5 stars, but this one was so good, and had some choices in the game that I'm happy to give it full marks.

    The MC and Claudia were perfect.
    The chemistry between them were perfect.

    The story had me on the4 edge of my seat till the end.

    Two minor complaints.
    1) Would have like to have had a final tryst with Claudio to close of the story.
    2) The choice right in the beginning is kind of pointless. Not sure if I missed something, but for me it did not branch the story at all and just ended in a disappointed cliffhanger.

    Both these issues have been resolved in the latest version. So, a perfect short story for me.
    The full story, however were fantastic.

    Loved it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    UPDATE: The following review was written for an older version of the game, with less content, and more importantly, less options. The grievances expressed below have been addressed by the latest version well enough to warrant a bump in score from 1 star to 4 stars. Maybe one day I will delete this old review and write a new one from scratch, but for now I'll just update the score. Feel free to ignore the text that follows. Or don't, I'm not your mom.


    When it comes to games where the player's arousal is one of, if not the most important objective, such as adult VNs, each and every one of us has their own list of themes/fetishes that are simply deal-breakers. Usually these elements can be indicated with tags that act as warning labels for those who do not enjoy that kind of content. For example, if bestiality is a deal-breaker for you, the bestiality tag exists to help you avoid that kind of content. Simple, efficient, keeps everyone happy...

    ... and then there are games like QPrey. A game that is, technically, accurately tagged. But boy was that technicality a nasty surprise for me.

    There's no way to explain this any further without revealing the game's big twist, so if you don't want to be spoiled, I'll just say this: The very first choice you have to make in the game determines if you'll get that controversial content or not. One of those choices leads to it, and the other leads to avoiding it but also leads to a premature ending (in particular, an unresolved cliffhanger) with no sex scenes other than masturbation, that will leave you scratching your head as to why on earth the game ended that way. So in a very pragmatic sense, trying to avoid the controversial content is the "wrong" choice; the dev clearly wants you to go for the controversial content because that's where all the sex scenes are - and without spoiling anything, let's just say that you'll be really rolling the dice on whether or not you'll enjoy what's in store for you.

    As for those of you who don't mind being spoiled (or for those who usually don't want to be spoiled, but you've been worried by what you've read so far and want to know what the heck that controversial content is)...

    You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

    Shame about the renders and the animations, they're pretty high quality. The female MC is very pretty and unique-looking, too. All of that goes to utter waste because of that one thing in the spoiler tag above.