VN - Ren'Py - Completed - QPrey: Escape from Lake Thing [v1.2 Extended] [Rwocie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting and the renders are nice. Would very much love to see this continue and its potential sequels in the future. If anything, I would appreciate it if the developer would also improve/polish the animations.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good graphics and very good story , But the really good one is patch.rpy , This file enhances the overall experience of the game , At least 50% of the quality of the game . The mother and son's Resident Evil storyline will be particularly interesting to watch .
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    If you're into shota and alien/monster sex, then this is the game for you.

    If not, then this game will be a repulsive experience for you.

    I recommend that the developer include a much earlier sex scene, perhaps in the form of a prologue, to keep people from wasting time playing the game only to reach a point that leaves them disgusted and ready to submit a low review score.

    If the developer is interested in selling the game for profit, at some point, I'd recommend they consider making the alien/monster content optional. Doing so would seem to require a relatively minor investment in additional content for a significant increase in customer base.

    The environments and characters are posed, rendered, and lit, well. The writing is in natural, fluent English, and the characters are plausible, if not particularly deep.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting and engaging story. One of the best built-ups I've seen in games. Every day is depicted perfectly, no jumps in time, not much of weirdly unexpected stuff in the relationship. It speeds up a bit, maybe too much to the end of this release. But it can be only a good thing if the dev is planning to finish it soo.

    Some kink stuff is about to be well introduced to the game, so looking forward to it.

    Great renders, thanks for music to whoever provided a patch. Incredible game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Wicked Garden

    I played this game for the first time in one sitting, and I'm going to summarize my thoughts and feelings of this game as the chapters went on:

    We have a shota like MC, not really my scene but paranormal/horror game tag seemed enticing, so I rolled the dice. My first thoughts were that the main female character is hot, this immediately led to teasing, brother seems like a douche, so no guilt feeling here. Spending more time with the brother's girlfriend now led to more teasing, which led kissing. I'm thinking this is getting hot, plus the presence of this mysterious creature has my attention.

    Fast forward to chapter 5, we start to get unexpected changes from the MC but not in a good way, his hand changes... and so does his penis... as if that wasn't fucked up enough it didn't change like in some games where his penis magically got enlarged no... he has a doggie dick... That's right folks you get through all the teasing, you endure all the flirting, the kissing, thinking you're going finally going to see a good sex scene... NOPE!

    Boom, doggie dick, out of nowhere. I went from raging boner to flaccid city, my dick hasn't gotten that soft since I walked in on my mother in law naked. I don't know if that was the plan or better question why that was the plan but it was a horrible decision that ultimately ruined my experience with the game, I was so turned off afterwards, that I immediately exited out of the game. There was no disclaimer, a warning or anything. This is why I usually pass on kinetic novels.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First Impressions

    This game really surprised me - in all the right ways.
    I expected a standard plot involving a motherly figure and a horny boy, but while that is partially true, the characters behave like actual people. They're sometimes funny, sometimes serious, they're flawed and - yes - horny, but they're not complete maniacs or anti-social psychos. They feel bad when they do something shitty and they do their best to make up for it.

    I admit - I'm not a big fan of protagonists like Tom but as far as baby-faced-protagonists go, this is one I don't mind spending time with.
    The game looks good, it sounds good and Claudia is simply gorgeous.

    And as someone who loves horror - body horror in particular - I certainly appreciate the mystery aspects of the story.

    Two thumbs up. I hope, this game doesn't land on the big "abandoned" pile, but the quality of the game seems to indicate, there's actual passion and skill behind it.

    I you haven't already, definitely give this one a try. It might surprise you like it did me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wow v0.6,
    games has been unbelievably good so far!

    Never seen a story like this. The story has huge future multiple routs IMO.
    It could go something like MC becomes monster as time progresses and loses his mind and succumbs to his primal urges. Or MC has to engage in sexual acts in order to stay humane.

    Characters are just right especially the MILFS with breasts weighing 50 pounds each.
    Hope the dev continues working on the game, awesome job so far kep it up.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good believable story, nicely put together lewd scenes, great pace. I enjoyed it very much. The art work and animations were very enjoyable. Looking forward to future installments. Keep up the good work.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Demonic Presence

    Despite the main character being another half shota midget I couldn't turn away from this game. I'm a horror/paranormal type of guy and I wanna know what the hell is going on, the suspense so far has been great. There's a female character that's worth the wait, let's hope that this game sticks around, I wanna see the conclusion.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the women in it, ofc I would hope for even bigger tits in any future games from you :p
    I do feel the amount of updates without any sexy stuff have been a bit of to long burner, like some more would be better, at least personally for me to want to back it, like GREAT build up, but a bit to much for me personally xD, I am horny :p
    Like a one of top nude at leat would help, or another women, random slut by the lake, just give MC a HJ would go long ways to satisfice the burn for the main girl a bit.

    Otherwise a great game, more in-depth then I had expected , and love that they build a relationship overtime, like properly it seems, at least for an porn game standard. For the future I hope bigger tits, and more women for MC to get know.

    Keep up the great work mate!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good renders & animations.

    Decent story but good.
    Some decent sexual content kinda early. Looking forward to upcoming releases and scenes in this game.

    Definitely worth the time to play and enjoy.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This was already a great game with a pulpy B movie premise and great visuals, but with the latest update, there's new intrigue and I like it even better.

    I love the two main characters - the MC and his brother's fiance. They both look good and have interesting personalities to keep you engaged and the whole monster suspense plot is a bonus.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.6

    Meh Not bad in the latest Chapter

    Not anything remarkable or close to it, borderline bad. Isolated scenario and hot milf keeps you interested.
    • a lot of nothing initially - the plot tends to be either "it's time to eat something" or "it's time to take a shower" until later on where the plot point that triggers a [body] horror mystery takes over
    • dialogue is glossed over - nothing to engage much in which further creates a meaningless reading for the next tease
    • inconsistent - one moment it uses porn logic, like in Day 4 when he is naked and too heavy for her to move him off of her in the bathroom. Her solution, despite being opposed to any sexual interaction with him, is "Maybe if i jack him off it will release some tension.", but then have the characters take on a respectful mannerism with each other's sexual privacy, clearly seen in the near end of Day 4 when she lets him sleep in her bed and he makes sure to ask if she is okay with this multiple times but yet immediately goes for her tit when he sees it :rolleyes: (not that I have a problem with such a scene but it just doesn't make sense to what we see before)
    • dumb character logic - mostly from the boy, such as when he uses "lotion" from the ground which apparently is a crucial plot element for the story

    • so picking back up this VN after a while... the story is now getting interesting in a sort of "I'm interested to see what happens next" way
    • characters have realistic reactions to one another given the circumstances

    Art / animation
    • rendering shows a lot of improvement from initial release to v0.6
    • character design - have not seen the guy model used in other games but the milf model is a bit generic as well as her proportions, still hot though
    • lighting too bright sometimes (cloth pants should not reflect light so much)
    • animation is smooth but not clean:
      • glitches - observed when she sleeps topless by lake; crotch area flaps crazily and in Day 4 when she masturbates, boob area etc
      • frame skips during ejaculation - animating projectiles I can tell is not easy but we see the reason why animations tend to end right before the cum so we don't get this bad visual of a frame skip
      • jerky loops but otherwise smooth movement and good pacing
    • unnecessary animated poses - just looks awkward to the moment
    • music used in some scenes - that's about it - scenes tend to be soundless
      • relatively works for the scene
    • sfx present sometimes
    Sexual Content
    • female MC's wardrobe - she has many outfits that are skimpy, no bra often times or no pants.
    • not much unless you like teases
    • animated teases or gestures - not often but appreciated
    • missed moments that would be natural to the scene, like when she rests her legs over him for the noir movie
    • there is currently a substantial sex scene now
    • grammar errors
    • names mixed up when he gives her a massage and in Day 4 when he wakes up naked in her room

    She's hot but the story and plot is mostly lame. As it progresses we will get more sexual scenes but no guarantee they would be satisfying since the animation and logic tend to be mediocre.

    The VN went from average to good for me on it's recent version so the dev is improving his quality work. LOL at the readers who can't handle MC's doggy dick - I love the novelty of such a horror idea - and I look forward to how it affects the FMC and what other outside forces befall her.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The perfect mixture of suspense and eroticism in the form of a hot future sister-in-law and MC! Since it is a kinetic novel, it saves all the hassles of ascertaining choices and the story is also a very good slow-burner! Hot scenes are worth it!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Super hot female model, but she's being wasted on this game imo. Although each update is getting slightly lewder, it's not clear whether it's moving towards actual sex because of the no sexual content tag and conflicting reports on the dev's intentions. Even if it's moving in that direction, when it eventually gets to sex it won't be satisfying to see. The mc is a dwarf (he might be 18 but there's serious shota vibes) the girl has 40lbs on him and is a foot taller. He's packing like exactly 5 inches and not a drop more lol. Oh, but I'm sure he "knows how to use it" and she'll magically cum her brains out. Just like how he has "nice legs," you see bigger stronger men often have chicken legs. And he's a "great kisser," much better than her fiance. The amount of this crap weaved into the game just looks like someone coping.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Are you ready for the slowburn?

    There's lots of good in this - a straightforward VN, no choice, no mucking around. The plot is very tight, and shows the benefits of keeping the cast of characters and location small. This is like a Twilight Zone episode, no excess, no sprawl.
    I like the scene pacing very much. There is a lot of dialogue, but the dev keeps the exchanges short and does the trick of changing the angle of the scene with each spoken line, so it feels very dynamic. A big problem with dialogue in VNs in general is that conversations go on waaaaaaay too long. But that problem doesn't happen here.
    The posing is very skillful, natural and cinematic. The female model is nicely va-va-voom. I'm not a fan of animations in general, but I really like the way they're used here. They're subtle, and accent the still images. No jerky thrusting meat poles that remind you of an industrial hot-dog machine here.

    Speaking of meat poles, as mentioned, this is super slow burn. Lots of titillation, but if you're looking for quick relief don't come here. I think the dev gets away with it because the suspense element is very well handled, in a kind of B-movie way. Obviously something does have to give, soon I think, and it will be interesting to see how the dev handles that.

    Flaws? Well...
    There are interior monologues... no no no...
    Almost all of the images are at the same focal distance. I think the dev should try to mix things up a bit more with a few closeups and distance-shots.
    The dialogue does seem to be straining the dev's writing skill. The female lead has twice cooked "new recipes", and in general there's a lot of talk about food. This is another thing I notice in VNs - when at a loss, make the dialogue about food. I wonder if it's because there are so many Daz assets of cups and hamburgers and pancakes etc. It does start to sound like a mosquito in your ear. But the dialogue is getting more stilted as the game goes on, which is a problem with stretching things out.

    The one big thing I don't like, and this may be more a taste issue, is that I have a problem with how the two leads are characterized. The male lead is just a little too young. And the female lead is weirdly inconsistent. Like, she seems to love her fiance, but then she's also intent on teasing his younger brother. In fiction, character is motivation, and the characters in this VN are inexplicable in terms of what they do. Am I overthinking? Well, if you're gonna do a long, slow burn like this, you're gonna get your readers thinking about this kind of thing.

    My usual taste in these things is forover-the-top, precious bodily fluids sort of thing, but I am thoroughly enjoying this so far. Hopefully the slow-burn will catch fire soon.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense

    The look of the MC bothered throughout the game, originally his character was this odd looking shot but I guess the Dev changed him up a bit. The problem with that is there were times where his body looked disproportionately like his legs looked like they were stretched, meanwhile his torso area looked the same as before. He's supposed to be 19 but I don't see it, which makes this thing ridiculous. Claudia is beautiful but that's where the compliments stop, almost automatically the "unintentional" teasing starts, as well as her forwardness, which brings on more overdone cliches, such as uncontrollable boners. The game does have a supernatural element, that could lure me back in the future but right now I'm good.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games that i read the story and not skipping anything.

    Plots seems promising, but the biggest asset of the game are the renders. Amazing job.

    Keep it up dev and good luck on your effort.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit After v0.6

    A doggy dick ?! the new jackerman ?!!

    i am Done with this game

    Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Story : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    renders : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Animations: ✭✭✭✭✭
    Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    History - ✭✭✭✭✭
    Graphic - ✭✭✭✭✭
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am Not sure what will happen in the next updates BUT give a try. there are already more than 20 supporters on his patreon and I wish you have way more. Nice models, good plot. Lights are good. I hope that this is going to be a nice thriller to see. Give you 5 stars, as this is a really good start!