RPGM - Completed - Quantum Entanglement [v1.00] [Large Battleship Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Yet another great title from Saintbomber, this time around he decided to try sci-fi setting, which is quite ambitious in itself. Why? In fantasy setting you can basically tell "it's magic, I ain't gonna explain shit", but in science fiction you gotta make this shit believable. I'd say for the most developers out there without a professonal writer it would be an unbeatable task, but not for Saintbomber. Once again we are given great characters, cool story and cool setting.
    From the description I expected something a bit different in terms of setting (maybe more inspiration from SCP-Foundation universe?) but it was still great even if ended up being somewhat different to my expectaions.
    Let's be honest, if you liked any other work of Large Battleship Studios, just play them all. If you haven't, play Embric of Wulfhammer and then, every other game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A unique game, in all the best ways.

    Interesting and intelligent story (though heavy handed on the references and some of the jokes), and frankly very interesting to play though.
    Lovecraft/SCP style setting. Fairly long but the draw to learn more keeps you going without getting bored. A few times where you feel stumped, and sort of wish there were a guide, but you can usually figure it out easily enough.

    -Story rich
    -RPGM, even without combat or other RPG elements, is clearly the right engine for this projects.
    -Text and dialog is quirky at times, but it well written and lends to each character's personality in a believable way.
    -No juggling partners. You have one love interest, and that's it. That's the story.

    Considering how much I enjoyed the experience, I feel bad that I don't have more pros to give it. I suppose just enjoy the fact that those are good enough to warrant 4 stars.

    -The art. I feel bad for this con, because hand drawn is a lot of work, and it isn't... horrible. It just isn't beautiful. Still beats the pants off of what I could draw.
    -The story. Considering I also view the story as a pro, this is odd. But I feel there was a lot to be explained that was never explained, a lot to be explored that was never explored, etc. For every satisfying answer, you'll find yourself wondering about mild issues and aspects that you wish were expanded on, because at the end, you still feel there is too much you don't know... that you COULD know.
    -The ending. It just happened very suddenly, and wrapped up very little. I think I got the best ending, but what I got was, essentially, "The problem has gone and you are happy." SLIGHTLY more than that, but saying more is spoilers (though, you would assume that, in a happy ending, the problem has gone and you'd be happy...).
    I think a lot could have been expanded on to wrap up the narative.
    -VERY LITTLE nudity or sex. Now, this was not a con for me. I was happy to play the game and have what sex there was be something that was used to express "this game was made for adults," rather than play this for porn... but for some people, they will be very put off, because I expect many (especially with that tag list!) were expecting a lot more sexual content.
    -bugs and glitches. Nothing gamebreaking, but minor things that annoyed me.

    In the end, if you want a well thought out game with an interesting narrative that manages, very well, to ride to border of "eldritch horror," and "PG-13 story with happy endings and jokes that don't feel too out of place," then you'll enjoy this. I enjoyed this.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Had an enjoyable story telling and character development but things didn't really start until the middle of the story. H-scenes were very softcore which isn't always bad but if your looking for a game with decent amount of jerk off material i would try finding something else but still try this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Came looking for an h-game, got an actual interesting story. Writing is clever and being someone that's STEM inclined I enjoyed the jokes and clever writing. The h elements are very minor and can honestly be removed, but you would still have a decent adventure game (even if linear as of this current build, v1.00).

    If you're looking for a quick fap this isn't it. But if you're looking for a decent way to spend a couple of hours it's worth checking out.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I played for an hour and saw maybe 2 very soft h scenes.

    Its just walking about clicking on things and hopping its the thing you need to click on.

    There are no hints and no flashing stars to tell you its the thing you need to click on, and pretty much every object and surface in the game has multiple pages of context texts, so exploring takes ages and you might not even be in the right room to move the game on,
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Exciting scenario, nicely literate dialogue, good attention to world design and plot, but short on graphical fidelity and actual choices. Some puzzles, but I'm not sure there are any fail states. The events are great on paper, but the railroading made the game feel like a VN with token gameplay. This impression only grew as the dialogue ended up meandering, overly clever, and heavy on references.

    The game seems good as a novel story, if you enjoy the writing and dialogue, but that's it. The gameplay experience ended up mediocre.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hrmm I'm probably biased because i'm a huge fan of the author but here I go. QE is a walking sim/horror game-like in the fashion of ib, whiches house and that sorta line that RPGM took for a while in the past. So most game play elements come from interacting with the environment than any sort of battle system or what not.

    Story wise it's a has a ton of character in its characters! (he) I'm a bigfan of flavor text so it really appeals to me how there's a ton of intractable objects in the environment which causes character banter, and really helps brings life to all the characters. It really is a story about the characters and the situation they find them selves in, the situation itself being a huge plus for those who like SCP. Its more of a story before its an H game, in that the H isn't really the focus for those who were looking for one. The H just happens to be there.

    Gameplay wise, uhh heads up when you start the game a dude will ask you if you light the dark or not, its basically the darkness setting of the game lol so take it as you will. Make sure to use the sun glasses in every room, you won't regret it!

    Hmm final thoughts, I really love the sort of stories Saint bomber tells, and really hope that they'll be able to make enough money to support themselves by being a story teller one day, hope you guys enjoy the game!I say expect something more like Ib, whitches house sorta genere, than the DL site H game fare where H is the focus.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    45 minutes in, no content, barely pictures or gameplay yet - just a railroaded story/walking simulator introducing choices (Gabby or other chick?) that actually aren't choices at all. Drawings are lackluster, map design is decent, lighting is pretty cool. There seems to be a strong emphasis on the writing, but all it achieves with its wordy, yet irrelevant and unnatural (given the situation the characters speaking are currently in) drivel is being obnoxious - which makes me even less appreciative of all the effort that clearly was put into it. I feel like I got robbed.