Others - Queen's Brothel [v1.11.0] [DPMaker]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    hi guys this is my react for this version


    -backgrounds is good but can be better by updates
    -level system is so good
    -character design is so good
    -missions is good

    -animation frams is can be better
    -hover of houses is so simple and this can be very better with little update
    -backgrounds is good but Can be in more detail

    sorry for bad english :)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A little too repetitive still but pretty funny and very enjoyable. Has a ton of potential and with a little polish will be a fantastic game, hence my high rating. As it stands today, probably closer to a 4/5
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Before I begin, I absolutely love brothel-type games. Sadly, for whatever reason, they seem to all have the issue of the creator doing some promising work, getting a bit of cash from Patreon/donations, and then walking off from the project without much of a word. DPMaker seems to be actively updating the game, but it hasn't gotten much love or attention just yet, other than a couple of mixed reviews and some comments. Remember that this game is actively in development at the time of this review, and everything here is subject to change.

    Right off the bat, the menu is pleasantly designed, loading screens that actually reflect progress are such a nice feature, and the inclusion of a few mods (with the implication of future mod support/development) is both entirely unexpected and completely welcome. Modding allows the community to do a lot of the leg-work that the developers either aren't willing or have bigger priorities to do niche things some parts of the community like, such as futa/preg/etc.. I can see a lot of potential in a system like this, and the included mods are pretty neat.

    Storywise is pretty bare-bones so far, but it's there and I can see the roots trying to spread. Naming the MC "Queen" and the mayor "Mayor" and such is a little off-putting, but I can see stuff like that changing, or it becoming a more clear stylistic choice.

    The gameplay is good! So many great QoL enhancements over games like SimBro and Breeding Season. I don't feel like I'm being treated like a child by the game mechanics, and I'm also not having to click through seventeen thousand menus when I just want to fap and play a game.

    The background art is overall pretty great. It's stylized very well, and has a lot of detail, something that is usually entirely overlooked by hentai game developers. The buildings in town could do with better labelling, hopefully something like actual shop signs on the various places you can visit. It's easy to pick up on, but it was the first thing I noticed.

    The character art is pretty good overall, placeholder assets nonwithstanding. Speaking of which, I do appreciate the MC and a lot of sex scenes/girls getting a good makeover before background characters and interactions do, that shows real priority work on the developer's part so far and is welcome. Nothing more frustrating than playing a game with great character art assets and animations but no actual fap material finished yet.

    The sex animations are really good! Obviously a lot of them are just onion-skins and placeholders, but what is there is super competent already, I just want more! The sounds are an awesome touch, bravo for not just using the generic "slap" sounds so many games like this elect to use.

    Overall I'll hold any real judgement until later, but I think this game as it stands deserves a ton more love and exposure. If things continue, this will surely be a favorite. 5/5, mostly due to what the future seems to hold for this game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm going to go against the grain of the existing reviews here and call Queen's Brothel very good. In a sea of CG Ren'Py novels, at least having a distinct art style sets it apart. Yes, there are tons of missing pictures and a lot of placeholders as well, if you want nothing but the pictures this is not the game for you.

    What it does have is an actual decent game underneath. The brothel mechanics aren't excessively convoluted and you're never grinding for more than a few minutes to achieve the next goal. The "story" is sparse but cohesive, immediately better than a lot of its competition.

    Is this the best game out there today? No. However, it has a lot more promise and I'm far more interested in returning to this in a few months than at least 90% of the other games I've played here. I think it's worth a look now and has the potential to be very good. Maybe that all vaporizes if it gets abandoned like so many other projects; for now, I like it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I've picked this game up at a number of points over the past couple of years, and while it has a good deal of promise due to it's good core concept, it's just never gotten to a state that makes it worth playing.

    The idea of a narrative driven brothel management game is appealing. Most manager style games feel too generic or impersonal for me to be absorbed by. Yeah, with mod packs the characters look different, but they generally act the same, the art doesn't usually match, they just feel incredibly broad but also shallow.

    The issue is, this game has never had a complete vertical slice of gameplay. Most games will put out a chapter 1, then a chapter 2, then 3 etc. Yeah, there will be bugfixes, some things may get edited or polished down the line, but there will be something that feels like a complete, albeit small, chunk of a game.

    This game has never had a complete chuck of gameplay. Scenes have been absent or placeholder, character art is again placeholder, the mechanics change almost every second patch, and not in terms of balancing, but total re-conceptualizations.

    The story got totally rebooted a year or so ago. The art has been totally rebooted, but not replaced. The games mechanics have changed dramatically easily a dozen times. There is always grind in every iteration. But actual completed story content with completed art? No.

    I feel like this game would benefit from picking a direction and sticking with it. It would be a risk for anyone to support this game given its history of frequent and abrupt changes in direction. The game you supported two months ago might not be the game you are supporting today.

    I keep coming back to see if the game is getting better. But when I load up the game to find a new art style that looks worse to me than the old, AND a large number of the new assets are placeholder, I just shut it back down. Yeah there is a bit of new content every so often, but it never feels complete, and I never feel like putting progress into it is worth my time, because a complete product seems like a distant dream.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Although I've been playing H games since discovering Monster Girl Quest ~5 years ago, SimBro was the game that led me to eventually led me to F95Zone. After learning about the state of development on that game, I explored most of the other "Brothel Simulator" games on this site, looking for one that had a similar level of variation and replay value. Although this game is not yet in a fully realized state, the developer's focus on a fun core gameplay loop is evident, as the story events, brothel management, and "sex bosses" are all pretty fun (and it sounds like future updates might further improve these elements).

    Most of the game plays like a visual novel, where you visit different map nodes while managing stamina and skill levels in different types of sex. There is a pretty deep RPG aspect to leveling these sex stats, and improving your stats has a substantial impact during boss battles. The fact that there are is a managable number of characters as well as QOL features like "click to work" and "work until tired" buttons at the brothel prevented this from getting too grindy. There are "Hard" variations of the bosses, I was grinding in order to complete those but that did become too much of a slog (I imagine hard mode will make more sense in later versions when characters will be stronger after passive gameplay instead of grinding).

    There's an impressive amount of depth for sure, and these core mechanics have clearly been a focus. However, that does mean that currently many of the animations are black and white sketch placeholders or otherwise incomplete. I do like the art style of this game, however, especially the main characters. It should be noted that at least currently, the OP of this thread's screenshots are very outdated. There has been something of a graphical overhaul, replacing the bland, potatoey characters shown in OP with more unique and likable designs. Even some of the menus pictured have changed visually or functionally.

    Dev also seems to be a cool guy as he is giving the game away for free and appears to be active in the thread.

    TL;DR: A fun but unfinished game with a good roadmap and reasonably frequent updates.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (Review Update - v0.6.10a - 24 April 2019)

    I was thinking about revisiting this game, but once I saw the preview pictures and found out it had Monster sex, which kind of looks like Beastiality… I just had to say NO WAY... Which is sad, because for me, originally, I thought it showed some promise... But with the inclusion of that kind of stuff, it makes me ill more then being a turn-on... I wish the developers the best of luck, but I will never be revisiting this game...

    (Original Review - v0.2.0 Alpha - 24 Feb 2018)

    It's a simple brothel management game that's in the beginning of development...

    The visuals of the characters are simple 2D hand drawn, with many different place holder pictures as it develops... The user interface is easy to understand and use... Just have to remember to click on the text box itself to move script forward otherwise nothing really happens clicking elsewhere...

    The script is decent as I only saw a few spelling/grammar errors... There is a tiny bit of story progression, but most of this game is just brothel management... Training up workers and the female protagonist brothel skills, buying equipment, upgrading stuff, and so forth... There is also brothel competition to deal with, and some other slightly comical stuff that I don't want to spoil... A slight amount of humor is added with some character interactions...

    Overall, it's looking like it'll be a promising brothel management game in time... For now there are a lot of low grade visuals that are mostly placeholders... But it looks like the basic mechanics work alright... Until it gets some more rework done to it's visuals and works in more content, it's an average erotic/adult game for the moment... If it improves with time I might revisit it, and up the rating based on how well it improves visually and so forth...