RPGM - Completed - Queen's Diary of Adulterous Mating: RPG In Which Love Affair Is National Affair [Final] [Ore Teki Shikou]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    In this game you play as hot princess who is married with a infertile king, both of them wish to make children, but he is infertile, so his semen can not impregnant her. Because of that, the princess goes into a travel to find the wish fragments to somehow cure his infertility, however her mother-in-law tells to her that she needs to make a lot of babies to have at least have a heir if anything goes wrong.
    Yeah guys, that is the history of the game, I am gonna put the cons and pros of the game.
    -->For those who like pregnancy and birth content,just like me, will probably enjoy this game. The heroine can get impregnanted by almost all of the guys that she meets on her travel. The pregnancy sytem is very simple, if someone cums inside her and you skip one day by sleeping, she will get pregnant and it will be show who is the father of the baby
    Also there are 2 birth scenes, one it happens on the nursery and the other happens in public, which requires at least 60 lewdness if im not wrong.
    -->The voice acting is great, her lewd screams really are exciting!
    -->The combat mechanic is also nice , however make sure that you dont lose, since if you lose, she won't get raped and impregnanted, she will just lose money.
    -->There are not so many cg scenes of the sex scenes, there are just between 2 and 4 scenes for each act.
    -->It is censored.
    -->There are some missing tags on this thread. Between them , there are shota content and futanari content, both of them are part of history, so they are inevitable. I personally dont like these contents, but its up to you.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I would call this a fun-fap game, the scenes are not difficult to get, the story doesn´t treat itself seriously (like, the queen verbaly oposes the idea of cheating, but has no problem actually doing it, but still would prefer to find an alternative).
    The gameplay is a downside, not too bad, but nothing new or interesting, pretty grindy if you want to go in a "loyal" route (still haven´t finished this one).
    The translation is decent and so is the art, so that´s a plus.
    Overal average, so 3 stars from me.
    Likes: Lelix
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    If you've played one game from Ore Teki Shitou, you've played them all and this game proves it.

    Aside from the admittedly okay art, and an interface that isn't just straight-up default RPGMaker, this game is simply an overglorified scene finder in which you're also railroaded into cheating on your husband anyway. Now, I don't mind cheating or NTR in games necessarily but what I don't like is being railroaded into it when an alternative route is pretty clear. An example would be the Hospital Director, where instead of seriously using her authority as the Queen, she becomes meek and submissive because the director has the power of Plot Ex Machina where he somehow knows this secret plan shared only between her and the Queen Mother.

    The combat is...mediocre. It's not as annoying as the dime-a-dozen RPGMaker games out there but it's also just there. You fight thing, get scene, explore area, rinse and repeat. Pregnancy in this game also feels the same. You fuck/get fucked, sleep, magically expand into the final trimester, give birth, repeat. Despite being the core focus of the plot, pregnancy just feels like a lazy slap-on because the dev remembered that it's crucial for the plot.

    Speaking of the dev, having played other games from them in the past, this really does feel more or less the same. Even the art for the women look like they suffer from same-face syndrome. You play as woman, for plot reasons you have to fuck and it's usually really stupid, have shota, fuck a lot and maybe add token NTR, gather weird McGuffin/collect money to save the shota/make shota happy/[insert contrived event here], end up as happy slut.

    If it sounds like it could honestly apply to a lot of H-games, don't worry: games by this dev are no different. There's nothing exciting about this game nor any of the dev's other titles aside from somewhat okay art and shota.

    If jerking it to playable galleries is your thing, knock yourself out.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewed Version: Final

    Nice art, but the gameplay is very basic (judging from ~2hrs).

    The art looks good but what you see is what you get. There's no costume change even when you upgrade your "armor." Sometimes you get options for scenes to select full nudity (no stockings or gloves) or "half" nudity (keep on the stockings and gloves), but what's the point when she's basically always naked anyway.

    Lackluster. Any "sexual" attacks are just text with a status debuff so it's your typical boring RPG Maker combat. There's an "auto mode" but it doesn't seem to handle the entire fight. Would have been better to just leave out any combat.

    Seems to be a game about finding the events and grinding money. Unfortunately, from the events i saw, you don't really get much say in them. You basically only choose to initiate the event and maybe choose full/half nudity for the scene. Then you hold SHIFT to skip all the text. Pretty boring. There's coins and "memories" to collect, along with a bestiary, but nothing very interesting to me. Maybe there's more to it when you unlock having party members but it already feels like a grind just to get to that point. She also seems to be too willing to participate in lewd events which is pretty boring for me.

    Seems to be very basic. If you sleep with semen in your vaginal you can get pregnant, but only from the last man who inseminated you. You can pay for a service to have it cleaned out but it's expensive. At least pregnancy isn't a game over.

    2/5 because the art is nice and it feels like a complete game. Too lacking in gameplay for a 3 from me though.