Question about a idea i have.


Aug 23, 2020
Hello everyone,

Recently i started to play with VaM and i do like the software a lot. I do make my own characters and recently i tried to make a little game just to test how everything works. I made scene's in VaM, took screenshots and build a little game in Ren'Py.

Now i want to make something more serious. So, i came with a idea of a possible storyline, so i wanted to ask you guys what you think about it.

It's a storyline about a couple (you play as the female) that are married for some time. The husband works in a office and the wife works as a teacher in the week and saterday in a clothing shop. It's going bad at the husbands office so the boss of the company decided to fly over and get everything back on rails. But to save money, he asks to stay at the couples home until the company is back on rails. He will also bring his son with him, that just got 18.

The wife likes to wear comfortable clothing like night dresses and other "sexy" stuff at home. But she can't wear it anymore because the boss and his son are coming to live in the house until the problems are fixed.

So, she decided against her will to wear normal clothing at home. Your husband boss is going to try to corrupt her aswell his son. Later on your boss is going to use his power to keep the husband more at work and even in the weekend and try to corrupt her to wear those "sexy" clothing again while the husband is away. The son's boss is also trying to corrupt her so he could have some fun with her. The son will also be a student of hers in the class and will also try to corrupt her at school. He eventually will also come over to the shop where she works and try to corrupt her there aswell through the shop owner.

The husband is also getting suspicious but doesn't have any proof of it. He also doesn't dare to talk about it with his wife.

You as a player will be controlling the wife and can decided to surrender yourself to the corruption or try to fight it. She doesn't like it in the beginning and hates the boss of your husband and his son. As the story continue's, she still hates them but she is starting to like it. So she starts to wear "sexy" clothing again with other people around and do some exhibitionism stuff without your husband knowning it or will the husband also starting to like it eventually if he finds out, who knows...

You can decide what you can wear. As the story progress, you can decide to wear "sexy" stuff in the house again, go with or without panties and or bra's, surrender yourself to the corruption or fight against it (both with different outcomes).

I'm not aiming for hardcore sex, but purely exhibitionism , corruption and female nudity. If she falls in to the corruption, she start wearing "sexy" clothing in the house again while the husband is working overtime (the boss makes use of it).

She will receives tasks at school from the boss son (think about different tasks not trying to be caught, with different outcomes)
She will receives tasks from the shopowner (think about wearing clothing that the customer wants to buy, for example lingerie).
She will start wearing sexy clothing again at home (think about "see through" night dresses and other sexy stuff)
The player will choose if she wears underwear or not, with different outcomes. If she really falls in the corruption, and fail her tasks, she will be punished.
Her husband will get suspicious overtime and they need to get through it together.

What do you guys think?

Like i said, i don't aim for hardcore sex nor male nudity. Only female nudity, exhibitionism, voyeur and corruption.
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Feb 22, 2020
definitely not my type of game. Woman just exists to be exploited... yeah we have enough of those.


Jun 14, 2018
The idea is not that original but what bothers me the most is that you did not describe what content would there be if she resists corruption.
I can only assume that most of the sexy content would be on the corruption path.


May 31, 2018
Okay, I got a few issues with your idea you might keep in mind to perhaps improve on it.
I personally am not a fan of games that promote pressuring women into stuff. You can go as weird and as BDSM as you like for me, but have her be in a place to say no without external pressures like the boss who separates her from her husband until she shows him some more titties. Extortion is just a crime IMHO, no good in sexual contexts. You could perhaps have the player fall in love with one of the guys or give the woman some other motive to relax out of her own free will without her being effectively pressed into that.

Or you could even have the guys exert this pressure onto her and paint it in some form of negative light, so the player feels uncomfortable with it. Perhaps she tries to tell her husband, but he won't listen, and then she goes to her friends, but they just shrug it off as "boys will be boys" or something. That could work as well IMHO.


I think there might be an issue here you should fix before doing the game itself.
You want this to be a game with choices and with the player in control of how much she gives in to her guests. The problem with that is that if you do an erotic game, players are in it for the shown skin, right? So what is the incentive to not do that? What is the incentive to go "No, I'm not showing nothing". The player who just gives in at the first opportunity will get what he/she wants and have erotic content to look at. What does the player get who does not do that? How is that player rewarded? If there is no reward that seems greater as just giving in, people will just click the "go undressed" button every time it comes up, because that's what they are in it for.
There needs to be some consequence the player has to be aware of. Otherwise, the choice will always be the same for almost every player and the game becomes a kinetic novel with a meaningless choice menu popping up.
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
I think there might be an issue here you should fix before doing the game itself.
You want this to be a game with choices and with the player in control of how much she gives in to her guests. The problem with that is that if you do an erotic game, players are in it for the shown skin, right? So what is the incentive to not do that? What is the incentive to go "No, I'm not showing nothing". The player who just gives in at the first opportunity will get what he/she wants and have erotic content to look at. What does the player get who does not do that? How is that player rewarded? If there is no reward that seems greater as just giving in, people will just click the "go undressed" button every time it comes up, because that's what they are in it for.
Not necessarily. I can think of a few situations where a player might not go for the ero-content if given a choice in a situation:

- The player identifies or sympathizes with the MC and doesn't want them being taken advantage of in sleazy situations.
- There are mutually-exclusive paths so you have to turn one down in favor of a later one.
- If the game has resources for the player to spend (e.g. money, energy), the ero-scene is not worth the expense, or it exchanges resources in a way that isn't conducive to the player's longer-term goal in the game.
- The scene leads to NTR (or prevents NTR, if that's your thing)
- The scene leads to futa transformation or gender-bender. You get the idea, long-term consequences.
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Deleted member 3145675

What do you guys think?

Well, since you ask... your plot is both childish and ludicrous... for several reasons, your idea would only be good if you intended to go Full NTR with a sub cuck husband. (but since you don't...)

- anyone working in a company whose boss cannot pay for an hotel or rent something would quit and find a job elsewhere. (having a minimum of self-respect or self-esteem and seeing that the company is gonna go down the drain anyway)

- most teachers I know don't have a second job as a vendor in a shop (unless it's Prada® and she works for a real good commission) - they edit books for others, give private tutoring, write their own book... (for real money/time value)

- the only way your plot could work would be with the husband being the teacher - and his wife the head of a subsidiary of a big company whose higher-up wished to revise or improve its results - then she would propose him to stay at her place so that they could work things up more easily...

- this would allow to create the necessary tension and motivation for blackmail and/or corruption
(she's a working girl and has achieved shit she wants to keep - she's ready to do a great many things for her life to remain that way...)

- yeah sure, the son could come why not...

Others have already pointed out the fact that your idea is not really a brand new one nor it is a groundbreaking improvement over actual existing competiton and that the market for those is kinda saturated actually.
(unless you create really really good art for it)

Anyway, those were my two-cents, have fun, best of luck for your future endeavors.


Aug 23, 2020
Thanks for the feedback. It doesn't have to be like 100% what i said. It can also be that husband corrupts her to boost their sex life, if the player find it more interesting like hardcore sex between husband and wife after the wife complete some tasks for example. Like secretly tasks when they have visitors at home or at work and try not to get caught or try to get caught with different outcomes.

Im all open for idea's.

Maybe an idea to give the player full control over a task. Like, they need to figure it out themselves how to complete a task. Like a sort of puzzle. For example, the husband gives a task to flash her boobs at work and send him a selfie through the phone while a colleague is sitting behind her. You have to figure it out how to do it and what to wear and try not the get caught.
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Deleted member 3145675

Thanks for the feedback. It doesn't have to be like 100% what i said. It can also be that husband corrupts her to boost their sex life, if the player find it more interesting like hardcore sex between husband and wife after the wife complete some tasks for example. Like secretly tasks when they have visitors at home or at work and try not to get caught or try to get caught with different outcomes.

Im all open for idea's.

Maybe an idea to give the player full control over a task. Like, they need to figure it out themselves how to complete a task. Like a sort of puzzle. For example, the husband gives a task to flash her boobs at work and send him a selfie through the phone while a colleague is sitting behind her. You have to figure it out how to do it and what to wear and try not the get caught.
Considering this would be your first attempt at creating a game, I would advise you to keep in mind some pointers:

- keep it simple. (too many plots from the start will lead to madness for future later updates)
- most people need several attempts at doing what they do before doing it well. (keep it short)
- If you want to be the next Tolstoï, start by writing a novella, a short story. (keep it short and finish it.)
- If you have a clear idea of what you want to do - do it. (it's your story)
- If you don't a clear idea - either think hard about it or rip-off someone else's good idea ;)
(this is an evil pirate porn site after all)

- Have fun doing it - if you don't have fun doing it, go back (or start) any normal boring day job 9/5 slaving for The Man.



May 22, 2020
1) Why do you need a husband at the beginning of the game ? The point of the game is to marry the one you choose !
2) Boss and secretary are your best classic choice.