- Apr 13, 2021
- 1,831
- 1,497
I figured it out.
The syntax was wrong.
Though there is one question that remains. Based on the code i have and changed, what if a player love but then not loved the MC.
As of now, it checks for a greater number than 1. But that could change. How can i coded it so that it will check both conditions to make sure it will give the correct result.
Anyway, here is my code.
The syntax was wrong.
Though there is one question that remains. Based on the code i have and changed, what if a player love but then not loved the MC.
As of now, it checks for a greater number than 1. But that could change. How can i coded it so that it will check both conditions to make sure it will give the correct result.
Anyway, here is my code.
label choice_intro:
"Am i staying with my husband?"
"I will. I still love him.\n\nlove +1 [hint_1]":
$ love += 1
jump choice_intro01
"I have no love anymore.\n\nlove -1 [hint_2]":
$ love -= 1
jump choice_intro01
label choice_intro01:
if love is + 1:
show erica_explaining07_agree
with dissolve
e "I truly love my husband. How could i leave him?\n\nlove +1 [hint_1]"
n "(you have now {color=#00ffcc}[love]{/color} love point(s)"
jump finish_intro
show erica_explaining07_deny
with dissolve
e "I.. i really don't know. This is all so hard on me.\n\nlove -1 [hint_2]"
n "(you have now {color=#00ffcc}[love]{/color} love point(s))"
jump finish_intro
label finish_intro:
stop music fadeout 2.0
$ renpy.pause (2.0)
play music "audio/Eyeliner.mp3" fadein 2.0
#blabla... dialog.
label choice_intro1:
"Am i pretty?"
"You are pretty.\n\nlove +1 [hint_1]":
$ love += 1
jump choice_intro2
"You don't really look pretty.\n\nlove -1 [hint_2]":
$ love -= 1
jump choice_intro2
label choice_intro2:
if love > 1:
e "Thank you so much. You are such a charmer.\n\nlove +1 [hint_1]"
n "(you have now {color=#00ffcc}[love]{/color} love point(s)"
jump letsgo
e "Aeh... thanks?\n\nlove -1 [hint_2]"
n "(you have now {color=#00ffcc}[love]{/color} love point(s))"
jump letsgo