RPGM WIP Question about posting a translation for ROBFEOY


Aug 14, 2021
Hey all, I'm translating ROBFEOY for myself and since I'm putting a decent amount of work into it I wanted to share it with everyone when I'm done, but the game dev is against people translating their game. I have no intention to charge for it and I'm just going to post the translated files and how to install them, not the game itself. Just wanted to know if I would get in trouble for posting, thanks in advance !


Jan 7, 2019
The Dev has indeed softened up over the years. I don't think you'l get into any trouble by posting it here.

Will wait eagerly tho! Thank you for your hard work nonetheless!


Aug 14, 2021
Thanks for the replies, I'm taking a bit of a break because there is a lot to translate but I will post it once its fully complete!


Aug 14, 2021
Getting there, there's a lot of stuff to translate due to the common events section, not to mention text wrapping and making the machine translation understandable. I'll make an official post when I have an actual release date in mind. College and work got me swamped right now so its been slow progress, but I intend for it to be a pretty good translation.


Aug 14, 2021
Progress is still being made, don't worry. I have had a lot of stuff to do between work and college and the translation kinda took a backseat. I have finished most of the big parts like the common events (Over 7000 lines I went through individually) and items, and well as the biggest maps. The only thing I can't translate is the skill menu but the skill descriptions are translated. Some translations won't ne the best because I am using two different MTLs and translating based off of those, so some names may be different here and there, like Alchemist and Alchemis. Also some common event lines (like the dirty talk during sex scenes) will be a bit strange because there is a word limit because the bar at the top fills up really fast and Japanese writing can fit more meaning into less space. Sorry its been taking so long but it will get done! I'm also going to continue to work on it after I post the translation to clean up any mistakes I made. You won't have to worry about losing your save when I do that because the translations still applies when in game, just make sure to leave whichever are you are in an come back.


Sep 6, 2022
I hope you manage to put something out soon, I think a lot of people would appreciate it. Maybe others could even help complete it if something's missing when you put it out. I don't mean to sound demanding, I've just seen some translation projects where a lot of work has been done but never gets released. In any case, good luck with everything!