Question on Fetishes


New Member
Sep 8, 2020
Hi everyone! I'm new to posting, but been playing adult games for years. I've made a few adult games for myself over the last two years, and I've been thinking about making one to publish. I love games like Being a Dik, and I just discovered WVM which I'm falling in love with.

So I personally like many different fetishes in games I play, I believe it keeps them interesting. I'm also a believer in listing every fetish in the game in the description, and making sure there is a good enough scene with that particular fetish. That way the game player knows what's in the game, and if they are expecting a fetish, they get it at some point.

So my question to all is, would you play a game that list fetishes that you are into, but also list fetishes that you are not into at all? But also gives you an option during the story to turn down any upcoming scenes with a fetish that you know you wouldn't be into, so you can choose where the story goes, without dealing with something you are straight not into, but also choosing what you are into.

Thanks for any feedback!


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 29, 2017
Hi sup..... answer ur question....yep i would play it....
...there are some games that do that.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2020
If the fetishes are optional (as you've said, it's possible to avoid/turn them off), I'd be inclined to play.

Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
Virtually every game I've played had at least a couple of fetishs I was not into along with the ones I was. I usually just try to ignore them and let the game progress. It is a real bonus when the dev gives the option to skip, except for hardcore fetishes like guro or scat where skipping is a must. (See Domina or Tower Escape with Lily).


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
Theres always noisy groups who will complain if things don't appeal to them in a certain way.
A game is better if it's not trying to be too accommodating to people who are unusually sensitive, the pictures on the screen are removed enough already so being able to skip is irrelevant.
With some games making content flags apparent before experiencing them is so easy that there's no point not warning about it, if making a scene optional makes you more likely to implement stuff many would like then go ahead.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
More important than the fetishes
Lack of bugs (particularly in early game);
Intuitive gameplay (preferably one handed mouse driven);

However there are 8000 odd games on F95 so for the time being I am going to continue to keep playing those games that have more of the fetishes which appeal to me and ignoring those games that have fetishes I prefer to avoid.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
Depends what fetishes, e.g i like bukkake stuff but hate futa stuff so when i played terminal desires i was happy to see you could skip the h scene whenever a futa zombie beat you


May 10, 2018
Don't know why someone would not play a game with freedom of choice, one of the reasons Warlock and Boobs is so great and everyone can enjoy it.
The only complaints people can have are related to how it will affect update frequency and quantity, but I personally don't care about that so long as the product has good quality and care put into it.

Semi-related on this topic, I always wondered why RPG games with deep character appearance customization don't allow us to customize heroines/heroes while retaining all the character writing and everything if there's no appearance-based writing in the script outside of vague lines that apply generally, kind of like Dragon's Dogma with familiars. I think Baldur's Gate 3 had me making a 2nd character after making my protag which might be what I'm talking about, can't remember.
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Sep 20, 2019
I also have fetishes/kinks i like and don't like, mostly the extreme and 18+ ones, but they can be optional to me but there are certain ones i do want to do as much as possible if it is possible, so everyone have different preferences for them, same for the characters and objects.


Mar 5, 2021
I think it is an excellent idea to have both options (the list and the option to skip.) A game is about player enjoyment above all, and the option to skip helps keep that enjoyment level high.

I would suggest that you could, at each scene, give the player the option to choose between two different ones. Or better still, perhaps have a settings option to globally deny certain fetishes, where the game in turn would pre-replace them with others. This way, the player doesn't even have to slow down to skip anything.


Jan 15, 2019
I would certainly give it a shot. Though, I feel that you usually end up spreading yourself too thin if you try to incorporate too many fetishes at once. Naturally, you cant have all that much content for each fetish if youre trying to cover 12 different ones. If you do try to be wide and deep, itll be a pretty large chunk of work. Though, its been proven that it can be done. The Company by Westane comes to mind.


Jul 25, 2018
For me:

Good Fetishes - Pregnancy, Lactation, Water sports, sloppy sex, female humiliation, Incest (no dad/daughter), sneaky sex, dirty talk, being watched, harem, hairy bush, loli, shota

Bad Fetishes - Scat, NTR (being forced to watch someone else fuck your women), Futa (still don't see how this is as popular as it is), Furry, dad/daughter, monster sex,.

That being said, I would love to see someone make a game that is slow burn where you are hooking up with all of your daughter's friends. Above all though, the writing must be good. For me, 'Home is where the heart is' is the pinnacle of an awesome pace game with incredible writing. I can tell the writer is a bit older and has a passion for writing in character and creating banter and personalities for their characters.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
I would, and I have. Though it's rare that a game tells you in advance what fetish is coming up and asks you whether you want to skip it. Ruin Me has been the best one I've seen, always indicating the weirder fetish scenes in advance and giving you an alternative. Games like Corruption of Champions, on the other hand, well... I hope you like monster/furry stuff in general, because you'll be tasting the whole rainbow one way or another, even if you're only into, say, slimes or minotaurs. There ain't no railings in this zoo.

Deleted member 3145675

your question is interesting but it omits the "plot fetish" notion
i.e. I don't "like" dog killing - but in John Wick, you don't have a movie without it.

So if the fetish is plot relevant, or a motivation tool for the MC it can
be overlooked as a "coveted fetish" and viewed as a mean to advance the story.

I would be more concerned over an over-abundance of fetishes in a game, as a
personal rule, I never play a game that has more than a dozen fetishes, it's
either confusing or an indication that the game does not know where it is going,
or that the creator threw everything and the kitchen sink to attract viewers
(for material gains?)

(it also indicates that the game development will take forever or be abandoned)

I'm into many things, but first and foremost an enticing story with more or less
relatable characters is a must.

Second is a logical plot advancement or if the plot is derailed it requires
a good reason for doing that.

Third, regarding your "refusing scenes", it's tricky, it would either indicate that
one is playing a game with tags he does not like nor tolerate (which is weird) or that
one does not feel that the scene is plot related - which could either be linked to poor
writing (it happens) or poor playing
(like someone wanting the "faithfull" or "harem" path and ending in full unadulterated NTR)

(or both)

(some games have a very confusing path)

There's also the matter of whether or not the author has a clear and precise goal to
reach for his game - is he creating his game with a definitive end locked story or is he
writing along according to feedback?

Last - I try to avoid "illegal" fetishes, like "incest" "pedo" "shota" or "bestiality" which
are considered wildly illegal in most countries (and where I live) and that could send you to Jail
if it was found on your computer by the authorities.

so in a nutshell - if you plan to make a game - Good plot - relatable characters - not too many
fetishes - clear and precise storyboard - stick to your story whatever the cost (or drop it entirely)

(if you go Patreon only care about them good patrons mullah)

(don't propose 45 subplots with hidden paths or convoluted subsubhiddensecret options)

(if you go NTR or Cheating or whatever may infuriate someone at any point just go full steam ahead
if it is your wish - it is not possible to please everybody and it destroys any plot that tries to do so.)

the story is yours to tell, some people will like it, others will hate it, most won't care about it,
it does not matter, what matters is that you will have told your story.

GL x_0_x_0
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The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
I imagine I would love to play a game that catered to all my fetishes but the reality is that such a game would either have so little of each that it wouldn't be satisfying or so slow to develop that it's never get past 0.2 :(

Take SpaceCorpsXXX for example, much as I enjoy the game (and am happy to support the dev) I can't deny that, in expanding the amount of fetishes the game contains, the story development has stalled somewhat; the first part of phase 2 was meant to be out around a year ago and instead we're still getting the final parts of phase 1, albeit as significant content updates with plenty of fap material.

IMO it's better to focus on a few fetishes than cast a wide net.


New Member
Mar 12, 2021
I find that if you spend too much time trying to find something that specifically caters to only exactly what you are into you're never going to find something satisfying. Unless you've got someone specifically making content ONLY for you directly, you're always gonna come across some stuff that you're not into. Not saying that you have to like everything, but you probably need to learn to not DISLIKE most things. Does that make sense?

Basically learn to look past the stuff you don't like so you can enjoy what you do rather than reject something because it has something you don't like mixed in with something you do. End up finding way more enjoyable content if you go into it with that mindset.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Trying to please everyone will please noone.

If you happen to find a couple fetishes hot then by all means, include them, after all, art is very much a form of self expression as anything else(regardless of what you're trying to express). However, those who don't have those fetishes tend to write it very poorly, so those who don't want to see it have to sit through it and those who don't see a scene that never really captures the essence of what is attractive about it.

tl;dr Write what you know(and what you like) but don't just add stuff because you think people will like it.
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Jul 22, 2018
If certain scenes are skippable/avoidable, I don't mind if they are in the game.

I am usually not generally avoiding games with certain fetishes I don't like, nor am I playing every single game that has a fetish in it that I am interested in. Exceptions are games that are obviously revolving around specific fetishes/tropes, which I don't want to deal with.

Example: I will never play a game that is about bestiality, but if it just contains one scene that I can avoid and is otherwise well made and entertaining, I will certainly give it a try.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
This. Games which fund their niche are well-received. Games where the tag list is longer than the introduction post at the beginning are "not Fish, not Meat". They try to get everyone.

But what's the matter if everybody comes but nobody stays.

How often did we read/play Harem incest stories with Male domination and BDSM. What did we get? One scene with a playful spanking on your elder sister.
What I want, and I am a D/s guy is a good story with pictures/cgs that are fitting in.
I don't have anything against this harem game quite contrary. But we as a player should have at least the choice and with that some power over the story we play. After all we are here for fun and entertainment.
More and more "Games" becoming simple picture stories. I want more player empowerment. Otherwise, I just could read a book.

I am for more niche Games. We could then decide this game is for me or not before we even start playing. In one way or the other I want choice. Before I play and in a game.

Don't write BDSM stuff in your game when you are not into it that leads very often to very bad written stories.
That goes to all other fetishes as well, of course.
I also enjoy male dom and can't help but put it in my games. Personally, I think what makes or breaks S&M is the dialogue, how the sub and dom play off each other, if you can't get that right, it isn't S&M. Which is why you can have S&M without the "whips and chains" and have it be very hot, though on the other hand I've seen people put it in who don't know what they are doing and it just sounds like the dom is trying to hurt the person as much as humanly possible as if an S&M relationship is just Stockholm Syndrome between a psychopath and their victim.(fyi, nobody is trained to enjoy being a masochist in an S&M relationship, the sub always starts out and is fully aware they are a masochist from the beginning, "training" is simply bonding between the dom and sub where they build trust as they try new and more extreme things.) So, you end up getting scenes which seem more like torture than BDSM.

However, someone who enjoys that stuff and does enough research to understand the nuances can craft a BDSM scene that is not only visually appealing, but the dialogue syncs up perfectly and is both believable(in a "these sound like actual people" sort of way) and sexy to read. You can even turn normally vanilla sex into S&M with the right dialogue.