Unity - Quickie: A Love Hotel Story [v0.38] [Oppai Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Typical overrated game that is plenty on this site. Not like its a bad game itself but it has lots of elements that are not the best or annoying. Why it has good reviews then? I dunno, seems like either its a first hentai game for some people or they didnt play better ones, or people just like slow visual novels with boring gameplay, annoying VA, just to see okeish sex scenes.

    Ok but seriously, what i didnt like:

    - VA is annoying, i hate when they do that when characters have 4 recorded short lines and they repeat them constantly like "eeekk!" every few lines of text. Either make game voiced or dont do at all

    - it takes whole day to do just one action unless something changes later in the game, i really dont like this mechanic. You pick just one action and have to go through whole unskippable-slow "nextday" every time, oof

    - characters talk a lot, i get it people like visual novels, but they talk kinda too much for me, or at least lines of text could be longer. When every event has like 100 short lines of text it makes you either read it all or feel pain when you try to skip it cus it takes forever, why not make dialogues longer with less dialogue lines to skip so its more fluid?

    - gameplay itself is rather boring, work at ramen is just memorize what girls like, work at hotel is boring drag and clean room. It could be more interesting, again i dont expect much from H game, but it surely wasnt interesting for me

    - H scenes are fun, i liked them, but also nothing impressive or worth time spend on the game, at least in my opinion

    - game has slow ui/menu transitions that cannot be speed up, in long run its pain, but then again, if someone has nothing better to do and is hooked up maybe its not so bad

    - not much real gameplay, its just visual novel with simple mechanics
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    very balanced beetween storie and management , great caracters, good scene with a nice animation. Can be played a few hours without being tired of it, really nice game. Hope it will continue do well developpe
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is HEAVILY inspired by the STYLE of the Persona games series. If you like that, you are going to LOVE this game.

    I am terrible with management, so I used cheats, but otherwise I can feel the management aspect to be a bit grindy. Once you get all the upgrades its pretty fun tho, even if you don't really need the money.

    The cast of girls is plentiful and varied and for most of the girls you can unlock the sex scenes pretty fast and there are like 3-6 scenes depending on the girl.

    What I really didn't like was the gift system, because there are like 100 different items and each girl only likes 5 specific items that you have to figure out based on their personalities and once you use one, you can't repeat it.

    Thankfully, for most of the girls you can just grind the relationship by having sex once you progress enough.

    The game is great and beautiful in spite of a few minor shortcomings. I only wish the sex scenes were a bit more elaborate and longer. For the most part its just one or sometimes two fixed angle animations from start to finish.

    Anyways the art direction even tho its not 100% original, it is still on A WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL than most games you can find in this site.

    Definitely a MUST PLAY. Very well made game. Cheers to the dev! :love:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Thank you very much! Hope the Dev keep on this., the potential is high. Very good graphics, chicks and animations & also nice (but a little grindy) Gameplay. 4.5 ! Maybe some more scenes for boob lovers would be nice :D
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.32

    Interesting game.
    You meet women while managing love hotels.
    To seduce the ladies you need to offer them appropriate gifts. To do this, you have to find clues.
    It's challenging because each female character has different personnalities and tastes.
    The hotels management mechanic is a bit repetitive but fun.
    Playability is good, I didn't notice any bugs.
    Graphics and animations are nice.
    2D sex scenes are well done but a little too short in my opinion.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the different stories combined with the hotel management . Having the different available rooms work as role-play scenes is a stroke of genius. Not to mentioned the UI is slick and responsive. Keep up the good work!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I can't live without knowing there is a unbroken 69, So I broke the 69th review and became 70th. As for the game, as the main title of the game, this is a quickie and perfectly not attentiable story that is perfect for a quickie
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Would love to give an in-depth review of this game but I've only played for a couple hours. I just know from what I've played so far I'm very much enjoying it. It's like if Persona became a dating sim/love hotel manager game. It's been a minute since I've been looking forward to playing an adult game so I'm glad I come across this.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Really difficult to fairly rate this game at this state. On one hand, outstanding art and polished UI. On the other hand, the plot is dull, characters are flat and uninspiring, and the management system quickly becomes boring as soon as you find out you achieve absolutely nothing with it - there is no need for money and characters' progression does not depend on your management progress either. On a personal note, did not understand the reason for adding choices of dialogue if they don't change anything but one-two sentences. Basically, 90 percent of choices go like this:
    Choice 1 - Yes!
    Choice 2 - Sure!
    Choice 3 - Absolutely!
    What's the point of adding choices if they change jack shit? And of course when it matters, like when you choose whether to romance a heroine or not, or to support their aspirations or not, you cannot make a choice. As a result - interesting concept I will continue to follow, but the game lacks several important things to become truly great. The only thing that really stands out is gorgeous art.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun hotel manager dating sim. Easy to play but has a lot of content and slowly adds more systems, areas and events so that you don't get overwhelmed or bored.

    There's a main story, and there's also character side events/affections like a dating sim.

    Art is very nice, hand drawn. Menus look great, things are intuitive. The menus and movement can probably get polished more but are very usable right now and not frustrating.

    I initially tried this out because one dude was whining about femdom. Personally I like femdom and vanilla games usually bore me. For adult games most aren't quality enough for me to play vanilla stuff and are rarely strong enough to be built on their gameplay---non-adult regular games put more focus on those things so are usually better. So for the most part I just look for femdom stuff off F95 because I have other sources for everything else.

    This game is one of those delightful exceptions. The base game is strong, everything is polished, it's interesting. You even get to choose the characters you further relationships with, and in any order you choose. No forced progression on one or all characters to progress who you really want, although characters are also unlocked by time via main story.
    Some characters are locked behind others. You have to get Satomi's gifts, so check the wiki for that (off memory it's ramen, maid outfit, both of the EKI or whatever books, and I forgot the drink),

    I actually still haven't unlocked all characters and areas after 4+ hours, which flew by. I have seen no femdom yet still am enjoying this game, meaning I think it's a quality game. Once I get into the femdom maybe I'll update for that too, again saw a dude whining about it so it's probably good. That's usually how you know it's in the game, when some insecure little baby whines and cries and demands it be completely removed.
    There is a femdom char sort of, she's assertive, but it's mostly just you have to actually get her off before you just splooge and roll over. It's very light, weird someone was going so crazy complaining, and it's obvious it's a femdom char too.

    The setting is Japan and we have Japanese names and conventions. Love Hotels of course, but the rooms too that you can build, ramen shops and other stores on the streets. No honorifics or onii-chan or anything like that, but it has the general feel you'd expect if you read manga or watch anime (there are even stores for that and gifts you can buy).

    One thing on the gifts, you can only give a favorite item once, but there's no real indication of likes otherwise so it's random and kind of a waste. Maybe dev can put some hints in and fix up this system, but it's low on the list of priorities. The gifts and likes need to be overhauled, since there is at least one character that has requirements for them. Further some chars give you room blueprints when you give them all their loved gifts. Gifts are also consumed when given to the wrong girl.

    Game is on Steam so once it's done or if you want to support it, probably a great way to do it that way. But that also shows it's a legit game, again not too many of these. Also of course a Patreon to support if you're interested in that.

    Still a 5 star game even with my corrections. But I mostly just play around with hotel management. I hope that gets improved and fleshed out more. The dating stuff, eh, it's fine I guess, not really super great but not bad either.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game, exelent gameplay
    I spent a few hours to complete the game
    The characters are very well done, both artistically and developmentally.
    And most importantly, the game is simple to understand and play.
    even for me that I am not a native English speaker, I managed to understand all the dialogues
    I highly recommend this game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really fun once you get into it. Once things start to feel less random and you figure out the system, it's more enjoyable. I don't particularly care for money systems in games anymore so I just use Cheat Engine to set the value. I suspect this removes what could be considerable grind from the game.

    The hotel minigame is fun, the location/interaction system is good, and the interface is excellent. Right click behavior feels a bit inconsistent (Phone > Char Details > [right click] exits phone, should probably go back to Phone).

    The game is well thought out, engaging and fun. The reason for 4 stars rather than 5 is because it feels like actions don't really have consequences. There's no investment into any character. You're just kind of along for the ride. But a consequence system would definitely detract from the simple elegance that is the heart of this game. So, I just bumped this review back up to 5 stars because the game is great for what it is, and doesn't try to do too much.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has some great art, great voice actresses, a fun story, and something unique - actually fun game to play. It's a fun management sim that has real gameplay and progress and would make this game pretty good by its' self. This game is definitely worth your time.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun game, however it has many problems, (not with the game itself,
    but with the base) let's go by parts, maybe I'm lucky, and the dev reads this right ^^

    First of all, of course, it's an early alpha preview.

    But let's go

    1° : UI

    The game has a menu that doesn't work, at least it didn't work for me, like you click to change options, but they don't activate, which leads to another problem, the resolutions option, it always gives me the feeling that the game runs better on a wide screen monitor because everything is off my monitor, I just know that the in-game menu kind of becomes useless cuz it doesn't work

    2°: Optimization

    We know that games get heavier every day, but not every pc has that much power, or even has it, but for something it doesn't run well, and this game has a screwed optimization problem, like it seems that everything is running at the same time , which loses performance, and there should be an option to disable animations other than in important scenes, but partially disable them, to help on average computers, I can just be talking nonsense, but other than that, the game is good, if you improve this, it's just success
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really impressed by this game.

    Characters are unique in both design and personality, dialog is entertaining, H scenes are really high quality, both in visual and sound design.

    The hotel management gameplay in games like this tends to be pretty boring and a time sink, but somehow this one managed to be a pretty cool minigame that does not get boring (also because you don't need to do it too often.

    Overall 9/10.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Tremendous game.
    Excellent artwork; solid writing; engaging characters and narrative and good gameplay.

    The visuals here are the real hook, they are simple but very nice looking and the sex scenes are well animated. The overall look of the game from the characters, backgrounds, UI and game elements are also all top notch.

    The writing is solid too, there's a bit too much giggling from the LIs but the cast is engaging and they each have their own issues the MC helps them through. This isn't a VN so people expecting a pathy game with a ton of impactful choices and branching paths will be disappointed. Nevertheless the LIs stories and the overarching story is well done. The writing for the sex scenes is good too. The LIs all seem to have their kinks and preferences which is nice, though people who have a real problem with certain kinks may be bothered because the characters are as they are and can't really be molded by the MC

    This is at it's heart a dating sim and management game and both are well done and enjoyable to play. The dating sim has the MC leveling up his relationships with the LIs and there are a variety of ways to do so: gifts, hanging out, taking them for a tryst in on of your love hotel rooms, or even mini games that you can make some cash on and increase you relationship points. The hotel management game is good too. You build your hotels with one of 4 different types of rooms and assign the guests the type of room that meets their needs, there are upgrades and consumables that help you make more cash and see more guests. Once the hotels are up and running you don't have to manual manage them as they provide cash automatically each day

    Finally the porn is excellent here too, there is a good variety of kinks some maledom, a bit of femdom and a few other things but none of it ventures into anything super hardcore and it should be safe for 95% of the players out there

    Overall one of the better games on this site and a game everyone should give a shot.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Art is great.
    Animations are pretty good too.
    Hotel management didn’t feel tedious for me at all and was kinda fun.

    Story is very shallow.
    Characters are very shallow as well.
    This game gets boring really fast even though it has great potential in my eyes.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay itself is a bit too limited and tedious to perform, quickly shifting from interesting in concept to just annoying. I much preferred setting up my hotels to maximum daily profit upon reaching 5 stars and never touching them again.

    The relationships are actually pretty well written though and flow well for the most part. Almost every character, even ones I didn't like at first, ended up winning me over and making me appreciate the narrative given for them.

    Ultimately I'm interested in following the progress of this game but I care much more about the stories of the characters themselves than the actual hotel management mechanics or the sex scenes, which I particularly felt were lacking.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Chewy The Connoisseur

    The game have a very shallow character develoment, as in: things go too fast. The relationships feel far too easy; you don't feel any dificulty towards earning someone affection, and, as a matter of fact, it's just... boring.

    Theres no depth on the dialogues, in many ocasions your answers options are basicly the same. And your choices have very little consequences.

    The managing hotel part is ok, but still... it lacks something.

    And is it just me or the characters don't look japanese at all? Or even asian? The clothes, hair, the colours and style.

    Overall, a shallow game that makes you lose interest in the first hour.

    P.S: I'm sorry about my grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent graphics and animations, not boring gameplay, and many characters and events. Recommended, I've fapped until 4 AM. Interesting combination of 3d and 2d graphics. All the scenes are in 2D that makes this game perfect