StationmasterDev: I was a big fan of Stationmaster, and I'm really looking forward to your new game. It's an interesting concept – a management sim but in the style of an FPS and I'm really looking forward to how this develops.
Obviously, this is a 0.1 release and people have to expect some bugs and issues. But I've noted a couple of significant bugs I've spotted and I've also got of couple of suggestions around the user interface. Hope these are useful to you. It's a promising start – I just hope I can help you make the game even better.
Bug #1: Money memory leak
There seems to be a major bug around the money. When I restart the game and load my save, my money is reset to $10,000. And if I open an older save, then my money isn't reset. So e.g. I can save a game, sell (publish) lots of blackmail and make a ton of cash, and then reopen my save. I then still have the backmail available but I also have the ton of cash I just made!

Bug #2: Graphical bug after sex
After you have sex with someone, then camera seems to default to a weird zoom/ angle where you get… well, just look.
This isn't a problem with groping or blowjobs, just with sex. But it's disturbing enough that I'm avoiding having sex simply to avoid seeing that horror more than I have to.
User Interface/ Design Suggestions
1) Better character identification
There's a cast of hundreds, so some more help tracking who is who would be useful. For example, when you're talking to someone it would be useful to see their name/ company/ key stats on screen. Similarly if someone emails you it would be great if there was a sidebar with their company/ stats/ photo. And when you get gossip about someone it would be useful if their company was shown in brackets after their name.
2) Blackmail screen
Graphically, the blackmail screen looks nice, but it's not easy to work with, particularly after you get a hundred or so entries. It would be useful if worked more like that address book so e.g. you could sort by person, company, etc. And with options to show "leveraged", "unleveraged" or "both".
It might also be useful if there was a checkbox system so you could decide to publish multiple pieces of blackmail at the same time, instead of having to do it individually. That would help you e.g. publish all blackmail associated with one company or something like that.
3) Business intelligence screen
If you click on e.g. the baker or Pawn shop and then talk to one of the employees, when you go back to the computer it is showing your company, instead of the company you were previously looking at. It would be better if it stayed on the same screen. As it is, there's a few times I blackmailed someone to sabotage their company and then couldn't work out what company I was trying to bring down!
A few more icons would also help on this screen. An little icon showing if you have spoken to someone today would be useful: after I've squeezed 4 or 5 people from the same company for gossip, I forget which ones I still need to talk to.
And possibly icons showing what they are doing for you/ their relationship with you (e.g. sabotaging company, have moved in with you etc) would be useful
Hope these help you - and good luck, I'm eagerly watching where this game goes!