Unity - R-Life [v0.1.5d Patreon] [SEGameX]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    R-Life is a super fun game
    Scenes are done really well, especially the H - Dance scene
    The game has a few buggy flaws but only when you start cheating, hope the game turns into something great!, will be waiting for updates and supporting on Patreon
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good!!... I like game like this one....
    Survival games... I very love it... and Hentai games... i love it too..
    This is one of best game i ever play...
    You have to play this game if you like some survival games.... its good... i recomendded it...
    But the game still on beta ver
    hope you guys Support the Devs so he can make it even better..
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    the game has nice atmosphere, good graphics, story, you can fight with monsters to level up, explore the island, that you were lost on, build a campfire,tents,fence and even a chest and oven.There are many other options-you can even craft weapons, do many and different quests,sleep, save your progress, level up whilfe fighting the scary monsters, ask your maid and sister to dance for you, find food for yourself and them and spy them in their tents while they sleep(hehe if you know what i mean ;)).For a game in so early developement it's really good and i love it!