
RPGM - Completed - Radiant Victorias [v1.0.2] [Akari blast!]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy grinding, once you develop the town you can get a lot of resources.
    Lovely VA from all the heroines.
    The plot is simple, straightforward and interesting.
    The music really pump you up at a certain scenes.
    The art is peak, thank god it was made by a nice artist, there is no animations but they are not needed.
    To get H scenes you have to kill at least 100 enemies with them in the party, no need to craft, search or buy objects.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good game with well-fleshed characters. It is very fun to play, both for the story and the combat. Unfortunately, good creators dont often get a good score on this forum, but this is because the majority using this forum are low-quality people. If the game is done by a stupid person, that is shoe-horning a thousand fetishes by second, you will see it will get something close to five stars.

    Now, when it comes to the review below, nothing said the heavenly creature was going to die, but she was urging the protagonist (and a particular person) to leave the place. The scene was emotional mostly because person X would not be able to return. Calm your tits.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    After spending nearly 19 hours in the game and maxing out everything, I'm compelled to post my first ever review. Here is why I think you should not spend your time on this game:

    is excellent for a H game. Certainly the best gameplay I've ever seen in a RPG Maker game. Functional party system with companion AI, combat feels great. Attack and skill AoE actually matches the visual effects, QoL is not bad with an interesting auto sprint system and fast travel. My only gripe is that you can't bind skills to a specific key of your choosing. I had to rebind other keys to fit around the skill keys.

    H scenes
    are a tad mediocre. Visuals are still images, and in my opinion the art isn't the best. The number of H scenes can be better. Only 32 scenes in the whole game! And these scenes are terribly paced to boot. At the beginning of the game, you're given one H scene, before you have to go through a large chunk of story (about 1 hour) before you get to the main base where a bunch of scenes are unlocked at once. When you enter the final arc of the game, then the rest of the scenes are unlocked.

    I appreciate the fully voiced characters, however. When nearing the climax of the scene, there will be a meter that fills up with each page, which is great for timing your finish with the climax of the scene. Of course, I appreciate the scenes catering to a wide range of fetishes.

    is ok for the most part, but some parts that needed a little more explanation were skipped over, sometimes abruptly. The character development for the MC is ok, but feels rushed for the girls. Many times it made no sense at all for the girl to like him romantically, let alone ask him to have sex with them. It would also elevate things to the next level if the level of intimacy with the girls was reflected in the storytelling.

    Finally, there is a massive, colossal plot hole in the ending that is just skipped over.
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    This made me very angry and compelled me to write this review.

    Overall, this game tries hard to make the player invested in the world and the story, but all of its systems together lack a certain something that leaves it all feeling lacklustre. This is an RPG with some H scenes in it, but those of us playing aren't looking for an RPG with H scenes. Taken as an RPG, it demonstrates flaws in its storytelling. Readers, your time will be better spent elsewhere.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The H scenes could be better, but the characters and especially the gameplay make the game worth it. Definitely far superior to most games released nowadays.
    I just wish there were more characters and a bigger variety of interactions.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Already finished the game, took me like 15 hours. I skiped most of the H-scenes since I knew all of them would be unlocked after.

    At first I tougth the gameplay would be like any other RPGM game, combat per turns, but it turns out is a in real time combat, it made me remember playing FF XIII haha. You attack and then wait some time to attack again. Quite entertaining for sure.

    The plot is kinda meh, you could tell what was gonna happen before it happened. It started strong, but at some point it become obvious. The end felt rushed.

    I didn't like that you had to lvl up the characters to see their H-scene, that's why I rushed to finish the game.
    The art is great, the VA quality is good. It depends on the scene, but each CG has at least 4 image variations. The only negative here is that the game has no animations.
    Most of the scenes are vanilla, some urination here, some trap there. But in general most of them are vanilla.

    So to sum it up.
    Gameplay 3.5/5
    Plot 2.5/5
    Scenes 4/5
    Overall 3.5/5

    Since I can't give the game a 3.5, I will give it a 4. Is a good game, if you have time and don't mind that it's mostly vanilla give it a try.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's straightforward, possibly this is the author/creator trying new things or something. Not much in the ways of choices or player movements like I said it's straightforward to get from point A to B etc. Art is good, just wished they had other ways you can approach the game. An over all decent game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Don't normally do reviews, but felt I should add this due to misinformation from the 1*'s

    Beside the first sex scene, all others are optional, you cannot get forced into seeing the trap scenes, no idea why they claimed that. Find them at the magic village early on or in the castle later on to see the scenes. They are spread far out so I wouldn't play this for the scenes, plus they are still CG's in the era of animated scenes nowadays but the voicing is good and the art is uncensored (no it is not simulated sex by fake clothing, that is just the one scene where the tights get ripped during it) so maybe worth it.

    The game has great gameplay attempt only limited by the fiddly directionals of the basic attacks for the male MC. Decent movement speed and a passable fast travel system means you can cross the world pretty fast and can change characters to control. I've seen some better but this is still pretty decent.

    Story, I haven't really completed yet, but seems to go down your average adventure story route. Characters are pretty good, even the meathead MC shows some signs of development as it goes on.

    All in all it's a decent enough game, worth it if you want to try it for the gameplay, although I wouldn't bother if you are just after quick H scenes, the pacing has a lot of time between scenes.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Gameplay 9/10

    Got to play it like a regular mmorpg with waifus

    H Scenes 3/10

    Not too many H scenes and they aren't animated either. At least there's voice

    Ease of finding H Scenes 0/10

    I actually finished the whole game and only saw 1 H scene which is the one at the very start. There's no hint on where to unlock the rest of the H scenes. The only redeeming part is when you clear the game you can force a full unlock to get all scenes
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First time review, there's gone my virginity.
    About 4 hours in the game, so take with a grain of salt.

    Gameplay 9/10
    Classic Mana series battle, attack once and wait for a sec to attack again, there's also very useful skill that you got after leveling, seriously each hero seems pretty good for their role. The more you play the harder the enemy and makes skill satisfying if you land it on enemey. Good things is you can quick menu for item, skill, and strategy and there's no delay or animation in it. the downside is regular melee can only attack left and right no up and down, but skill can.

    Plot 8/10
    Seems pretty good for early impression, MC typical muscle brainer but some of his comrade good in their head, and after progressing story seems MC getting smarter (actually had knowledge, like he knows that every country have different values while his companion ignorant)

    H scenes 7/10
    Only watching about 3 CG, but the quality of VA is pretty good, only downside is you know there's no animation, when the typical H-game nowadays have animation this game had not, but each CG have about 3-4 image variation to make up for it.
    Also it seems only vanilla, harem with optional trap in it, there's no NTR even the steam page said so.

    Overall 9.5/10
    Pretty good if you take it as game first ero later, this 4 hours i play only met 3 heroines and there's much more than that, i imagine i can clear it more than 10 hours.