Ren'Py - Randel Tales [v1.6.9-6] [Ero Sandwich Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Randel Tales

    Version reviewed: 0.6 Public

    Positives ;)
    • actually has an enjoyable story and worldbuilding - it feels like a raunchy DnD session
    • the art is simple but endearing, it has animated scenes as well
    • good cast of characters (can't wait for the forest girl to show up ;) )

    YMMV :unsure:
    • all around it's pretty vanilla, which fits the tone of the game, but you're not gonna roleplay Devil's incarnate here
    • girls are not concerned at all with getting pregnant or the protagonist banging other girls (their storylines are pretty much independent, which breaks immersion a bit given how "grounded" the game otherwise feels)

    Negatives :rolleyes:
    • a fair bit of minor spelling errors, etc. (nothing that breaks the game in any way)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game! Still early but a lot of fun content already and genuinely enjoyed the characters and interactions. Great art style and dialogue! :)

    Scenes are super hot. Appreciated the cheat mode to avoid the grind.

    Hope to play more soon.
    Likes: Bunis
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Edit from 14.08.2022
    Bunis returned, and he brought all of the deleted content back with this update! YES!!!
    Now the good and evil choices actually matter again.
    As promised, joining your patreon starting today. Keep up the good work man.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    +++++ Nice, hand-drawn art style
    +++++ Plot, characters, and worldbuilding are all pretty fresh, honestly
    +++++ Pretty into all these competent, decently-written, attractive women, tbh
    +++ Optional rape. Which could be skipped, I guess, but I'm personally glad I don't have to. We ain't all into it.

    - Lacking visual polish, particularly with the UI
    - Minor typos. Whatever.
    -- Kinda grindy in gameplay

    Them's some big pros and three very minor cons, from where I sit.

    As far as visuals, it's not the prettiest game in the world, but it's visually distinct and compelling in a kinda webcomicky way. Plus hey, none of the usual, weird uncanny valley models lumbering around. Plus plus, pixie cuts make me feel some kinda way.

    As far as writing, beggars can't be choosers and MAN does porn make me beg for it, but this is pretty damn decent. I appreciate the effort and skill that must take to execute alongside everything else. Also, unpopular opinion: good characters are more attractive.

    This obviously could use some polish down the line, but it's a sight for sore eyes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very great 2D game for players to download and experience the story with:
    Art style: 10/10
    The art style for the game was unique, maybe it wasn't a top class high quality you would see from professional artist but it have it own charm and very fitting with the atmosphere and the tone of the game's world. It will grow into you and you would slowly love the style
    Characters: 10/10
    Every single one of them was great, each of their design was different and hand drawn by the developer himself so you won't see anywhere else to have similar design unlike the 3D assets. Each character like Gabe, Evelyn, Uncle,... have their own personality and way of living in their world that make you feel like they are "alive" and not a generic NPC. Because of that you won't feel bored and want to follow and complete the story to learn, to understand, laugh, cry and love those characters with each event and moment you spend with them
    Story: 10/10
    The story was a great mixture of light heart adventure to straight up dark, with many time you will laugh at the comedic tone when interact with Sander but later you will feel your back turn cold when things truly got serious with death and destruction. You would have some very warm and happy moment and right there being throw down into a maelstrom of sinister, evil and madness that awaiting MC to encounter in the future
    Gameplay: 8/10
    I must say the combat system was fun but still not there yet, you have a few hunting quest, training, level up your own skill and the Guild rank,... but it was very interest and I want to see it to be develop more in a few updates. For now the gameplay would still mainly fetch quest, you go around and complete the things that needed and come back to deal with the problem (if the recipes was right then you pass, if not then the enemy could have murder MC and it would be game over)
    Music: 10/10
    Nothing to say, the music was great and you could stay for hours to just listen to it specially if you go into a romance scenarios
    Conclusion: 9.5/10
    Very great game, players need to download and try playing it at least one before pass by it. Maybe it wasn't a generic 3D with hot models that you could see everywhere in every 3D games but it will not disappoint you
    Ps: Would be great if we got some incest content like MC have sisters or cousins and maybe a little bit of hardcore content @Bunis
    Likes: Bunis
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    - Story nice.
    - As a 2D game, the art work and animated exquisite.
    - Relationship between the characters much detailed.
    - Giving good understanding (about tasks / path) for the user / player.
    - The developer know what we want ... hehe ~ :D
    Likes: Bunis
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game as far as 2dcg games go. I liked the art, and how it's properly animated. I like the gameplay in that it has zero bullshit attempts to stretch the game by adding dumb grind (it has none). I liked the plot, generally speaking, and the characters are alright. The game is a bit too short, but it only just released and it's already longer than 90% of games on this forum
    Likes: Bunis
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Randel Tales [v0.4.1] [Bunis]

    +1 Star - The writing is great! I enjoyed every single of it.
    +1 Star - Art is not bad. However, it is not consistent.
    +1 Star - Animations.
    +1 Star - Large Content.
    +1 Star - Every character has their own personality.
    +1 Star - Decent music and sound effect but some scene has no music.
    +1 Star - Choices/branches affects the storyline.
    +1 Star - Less romantic/cheesy lines.
    Overall: +8 Stars

    • It doesn't have incest.
    • Has a rape scene but MC is not the rapist.
    • MC cum inside but every heroine were not worried that they might get pregnant.
    • Lots of spelling, period, punctuation and capitalization errors.

    CONS: This can be fixed.
    -1 Star - There is no option for pull out or cumming inside.
    -1 Star - Pointless, repetitive grind that is made to delay the progress. However, I still prefer this than doing some repetitive mini-games.
    Overall: -2 Stars

    8 Stars - 3 Stars = 6 Stars

    - I wish there was an evil route, where the MC can decide to rape/dominate.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great history, the pictures are great too, can be more great, but the game overall brings back the good feelings those light novels give. Im playing the 0.4 and the history is really good in content, is rare I keep reading all the texts. thanks and keep going, great game
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    story: really good and with lots of though on it.

    character: very well done.

    draws: some are good and some are very good.

    scenes (all of them): well done.

    gameplay: really well done and with lots of though on it.

    music and sounds: nicely done.

    conclussion: the strongest point on this game, is the gameplay. is a nice conbination of "sense of adventure" and "your choices matter". also the characters of this game are on spot.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.

    psdt: there is some places that needs upgrades and maybe a fix or two, thats it.
    Likes: Bunis
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Taboo Lord

    I don't normally play games and care that much about the story, but I was drawn in by this story for some reason and I really liked it. I like the animation, gameplay, and sandbox elements as well as the characters and lore aspects. I think the dev does a good job of setting the stage for you as well as giving you an opinion on the world they live in. On a more personal note, I like most of the fetishes in the game as well as the sexiness of the female characters (I'm a straight male as I imagine most are who play these games), but if I had to add something, I guess it would be more opportunities to dominate some of the women and choose a more evil route without losing the chance to still sleep with or rape some of the women. Perhaps something more along the lines of non-consensual which leads to consensual sort of story line branch.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    As this game is still in very early version (0.2), and there is a high chance it will end up stuck in my backlog hell for far to many updates, many issues might be outdated when you read this.

    Here I have to note that I'm not a native English speaker myself, therefore I might be more lenient with my decisions on language than most readers.

    Art: reminds me of a "Aching dreams" for those ancient enough to remember it (you won't find it here, was on Newgrounds). It gives of this crude but cute vibe. Not for everyone, but if you like what you see on previev images, you will like the rest.

    Animation: some scenes have this basic "a few cg in loop" style animation, I don't mind or care for it that much, honestly. I know that there are many who like even these basic movements, though.

    Story: for me, this is THE most important part of the VN. Story is rather basic, nothing innovative, but that's not a bad thing. There is visible amount of thought put into the setting, trait that's sadly rare to found recently. There were a few things that bugged me, like MC not using invisibility during July's event, or mention of Wall Crawlers before you met them (depending on order in which you play your missions). I think these will be ironed out later on, but it shows how easy it is to miss a little detail when allowing player to choose his path. Another thing is that the game clearly warns about importance of choices, whille a lot of them do little to the story so far.

    Grammar: there are many mix ups between small and capital letters. Quite a few spelling and grammar errors and a few missing dots and commas, but everything was easily understandable. Autor doesn't seem to be native english speaker, but he mentions getting an editor soon, so I hope that these issues will be fixed later on. Some people in comments mentioned that font was bad, but it's does it's work, so it might have been about an earlier update. My only issue is that picking bright cyan blue, on rather bright yellow for USER INPUT font is a really bad choice. As user imputs are rare occurance, especially outside of naming characters picking hard to see color makes it very difficult to notice what's going on. Not to mention that the function they are used for could be done far better by simple menu with if statements. There will always be players that will write it in a wrong way somehow.

    Gameplay: a bit grindy repetition of training / hunting / etc cutscenes. Most can be skipped by using cheats, which I advise doing, as they have no point beside delaying player progress. No random, interesting cutscenes, not much difference between early and late levels, no minigames (althrough that one could be a good thing). Aside from that and ONE random quick time event that SHOULD have been either estabilished earlier (for traning, maybe?), or removed completely. Just like already mentoned user input's, they aren't typical elements of Ren'py VN, so tying FIRST instance of that mechanic to instant death event seems like a bad design.

    Under the hood stuff: I usually don't mention content of gamefiles when rating a game, but in this case there is an effect on gameplay. Namely, author seems to don't use labels to unify events. This means that in certain scenes, despite having already seen the same resuslt, while picking different choices you'll be unable to fast forward as Ren'py will see it as separate events. Annoying for completionists like myself, but it can be easily bypassed by picking "unseen text" in options.

    Music: I rarely turn game music or voice acting on, as I prefer playing YT in background, but from what i've heard it's a decent, if a bit generic VN music. It get's the job done.

    Conclusion: far to early in development to say what it will turn into, assumning it won't freeze in development hell, but more than enough as a proof of concept to keep checking on it every now and then.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review, i had to make one, this game deserves more players.

    The art is great, the story is well written, it has good humor and great characters, i like the mc and the interactions with the characters.

    Seriously play it, it's really good, you can feel that they put some love in it, and i'm gonna love to see it to the end, loads of potential, ive even thrown 5$ in patreon, it deserves more attention.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Is been a while since i've seen this much love put to a game
    while this game has the most generic setting and plot that you can find in fantasy it makes it up with all the care put into the characters

    The erotic aspect is lacking but it is to be expected since is the first release, what little it was however, was well done

    Every character here is well design both in looks and personality, including the men, (except the teacher, but it is kinda intentional), it is clear that this is the strenght of the game

    Plot is simple, you've seen it a thousand times, not that it's bad, just not very original

    Setting is simple as well, but you feel that they put thought to it, the geography of the world is clear and it helps you center yourself in it

    The art could be improved, especially in the hands, but i'll be lying if i said that the art didn't draw me in, i actually really enjoy those little transitions to a more simple and caricatures art

    All in all great game, i had a great time with it

    this review is based in version 0.2 of the game