Tool Random Video Player (v1.41) - The best way to view your insane collections of videos and images


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
Hey, thanks for your feedback.

Do you mean like, filtering certain file types to be ignored during playback?
In both playback and in adding to lists, but mainly the latter. Since I have a relatively gigantic archive I just add the entire folder into the list, so I'm thinking maybe there's a way to either search file types and delete them from the list or have the app automatically catch and exclude them.
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Vampire Enthusiast
Apr 13, 2019
New update 1.40 released! It's a bigger version jump since I've added a lot of good stuff!

Completely new settings UI that doesn't look ass:


Settings are now categorized and more descriptions are added within the settings tab itself.

All new filter system, that let's you choose definitve extensions instead of the simplified "image/video files" from before. You can now choose where to apply the filter.


All new Hotkey manager system. It let's you customize most of the used hotkeys to your personal likings. It allows for most keyboard keys and combinations with the default modifiers.


Within the about page, you can now check whether a newer version of RVP is available! (No update function, RVP only checks for an update when clicking the button)


Revamped the Listbrowser a bit by adding filters below. Depending on the chosen extensions, only files that match are shown in the browser. Also only those that match are added to the custom list.

I've also created icons for each file type and added a corresponding function to show each file as their corresponding type. This helps with visual clarity when browsing through files. Still not 100% happy with the current layout but I'm always happy for suggestions!


Thanks a lot for all the feedback so far! More often than not, you provided helpful additions I didn't think before and pushed me to improve on RVP. I'm always happy to hear from you, so again thanks!

As always, grab the latest version from my GitHub page:

Note: You only need the latest RandomVideoPlayer.exe & RandomVideoPlayer.dll from the .zip. Just replace your current ones with the latest. All settings are stored locally in the “RVP-Config.json” file.


Vampire Enthusiast
Apr 13, 2019
New update 1.41 release!


  • UI overhaul for Folderbrowser
  • UI overhaul for Listbrowser
  • Custom interface for Load/Save list option in Listbrowser

New features:

  • Change appearance of Listbrowser explorer
  • Ability to change item size in Folderbrowser and Listbrowser when set to "Tile" view (default)

Smaller update with some final (for now) UI changes. As the complexity, especially Listbrowser features increased, the old UI got more and more in the way of providing a clean user interaction. I wasn't 100% happy with the old one to begin with, but I've finally settled on a new approach.


As a user requested, I've added the ability to change the view of the explorer list on the left. Additionally I've added some customization for the list appearance. This and the addition of extension filters from previously made it necessary to overhaul the UI. I'm pretty happy with the current state and I think it's pretty clean and understandable. Though I'm always happy to hear feedback!

To complete the change, I've implemented my own load/save list dialogue for the sake of UI consistency and some neat features like seeing how many entries are in a list etc.

The folderbrowser was fine imo but I've changed it too, to match the new listbrowser style.


Finally a small video I've recorded to quickly go over some listbrowser usage:

Full ListBrowser Showcase Trimmed.gif

For now that should be last update for some time, as I have no pending requests or ideas. Time for some code optimization I guess :D
  • Red Heart
Reactions: humantrashpile


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
Bit of a selfish request, but would it be possible to do something where you can copy a file to a different folder? As an example; I'd watch a bunch of videos and some of them I'd consider to be really good ones, so I'd like to save them into a folder of good videos without fucking up my archive.

Anyways, Godspeed on the project, always great to see this one improving!
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Peanutccino


Vampire Enthusiast
Apr 13, 2019
Bit of a selfish request, but would it be possible to do something where you can copy a file to a different folder?
Nah, that's the spirit! Already a lot of great ideas from users I didn't came up with.

Yes, this is an easy thing. I mean the delete function acts like that already. Funny enough, I misuse it sometimes for a similar reason. It's always a compromis between keeping the UI as simpel as possible or adding additional features. But I think this can be done.

so I'd like to save them into a folder of good videos without fucking up my archive.
Hm, so do you mean the video get's copied to the folder? This would mean, you have two copies existing then.

For feedback sake, do you use the favorite function? It doesn't move any files, tho it stores all favorites in a list to play from.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
For feedback sake, do you use the favorite function? It doesn't move any files, tho it stores all favorites in a list to play from.
I do, but barely. It's more of an exploratory thing I use sometimes but not always. I do think that integrating it as the function I mentioned earlier would be cleaner UI wise.
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Reactions: Peanutccino