RANT - things that really put me off in games now...


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
Just blowing out some steam but after a series of the exact same things in a row of games i now decided to insta-delete and block all games where...

- the female tells the male 'to put it in' - seriously ?? How old are the writers for these games
- devs (especially in Renpy games) create buttons for things to look like a choice when it's simply to forward content - one of the most annoying things i come across over and over again
- the story obviously is written around what asset in DAZ was available and not the other way around - Man up and buy some assets for a real story, will you?
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Sep 6, 2018
I don't mind much these kind of dialogues if I think it fit the tone and the characters.

I agree about the unuseful button just used to move forward.

I half agree about the story wrote around asset, seeing often the same scenery can become boring.

But having tried to build scenery in honey select, even with mods and the ability to create your own scenery with modular assets, their limited number is a restriction which can be hard to bypass.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
I don't mind much these kind of dialogues if I think it fit the tone and the characters.

I half agree about the story wrote around asset, seeing often the same scenery can become boring.

But having tried to build scenery in honey select, even with mods and the ability to create your own scenery with modular assets, their limited number is a restriction which can be hard to bypass.
The point isnt the assets -its how people come up with a story. There are many examples where people use the same asset and are still creative in their writing. But too many examples lately that write the story to fit the asset and not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
Meh. I've had more than one woman say "Put it in" ... it just wasn't the entirety of the conversation. "Stop fucking teasing and put it in!" isn't that uncommon a line. :D
4 more words in that context nearly would earn them a Pulitzer - you got the point :)
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
One of the sexiest things a woman ever said to me 'in the moment' was:

"I want you in me!"

I still fondly remember that encounter to this day...

Just sayin'


Game Developer
Jun 8, 2017
- devs (especially in Renpy games) create buttons for things to look like a choice when it's simply to forward content - one of the most annoying things i come across over and over again
I will agree on the false choice buttons. Some VN prompt you to pick a dialogue option or action out of a list of exactly one. That's not a choice, why did you bother making me click it? This doesn't qualify as interactivity.
Good thing I come across you guys. Im pretty close to release my project.. And sadly I have to admit I'm guilty of doing that on the first scene basically only diff between the choice is where the girl pouting or smiling... and merge back. In my defend tho, when I coded that I was still learn the choice option and was testing to see if I can make two diff path jump back into one path again it worked so just left it a lone. I didn't realize that people find that annoying. I could go back and remove it and rewriting that part shouldn't be a problem.

Now, on to the question I want to ask you guys. How do you guys feel about choice that could skip scene but doesn't affect the plot?
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I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
- devs (especially in Renpy games) create buttons for things to look like a choice when it's simply to forward content - one of the most annoying things i come across over and over again
This. There's nothing I hate more then illusion of choice. All it does is remind me about everything Fallout 4 could have been, but wasn't. Also something that really bugs me is when a dev doesn't finish a scene with an ejaculation CG and just substitutes text for it.

Now, on to the question I want to ask you guys. How do you guys feel about choice that could skip scene but doesn't affect the plot?
So people could skip certain content they might not be fond of like NTR or something? I feel like this would be ok as long as there's not a lot of said content. If lets say a dev making a game and a large chunk of it might contain idk, lets say scat, I would much prefer a option to just turn off the fetish all together rather then having the option pop up before every scene.
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Game Developer
Jun 8, 2017
So people could skip certain content they might not be fond of like NTR or something? I feel like this would be ok as long as there's not a lot of said content. If lets say a dev making a game and a large chunk of it might contain idk, lets say scat, I would much prefer a option to just turn off the fetish all together rather then having the option pop up before every scene.
Well not NTR, but lets say, if you turn left instead of right you might see something that foreshadowing/explain something later on in the story.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Well not NTR, but lets say, if you turn left instead of right you might see something that foreshadowing/explain something later on in the story.
Well aren't most people curious? I can't imagine a large amount of people turning right then.
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Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Well not NTR, but lets say, if you turn left instead of right you might see something that foreshadowing/explain something later on in the story.
General speaking if the choice doesnt change anything it shoudnt be in game.
In case of foreshadowing does it prevent the rest of the story making sense it?
If no then it is a good choice.
If yes then it is a bad choice.

For example in ecchi sensei i saw a girl in sexy ninja clothing outside of the mob boss daughter i was going to fuck that night.
My instinct was: Dont talk to the obvious bodygaurd/assasin.
I want to keep my dick attached.
One of the screenshots on the download page shows that ninja peeking from above.
I didnt get that image(probley because i havent talked to her)
And that was fine it was my choice.

It really boils down to how much it effect the rest.
I personal dont like to know stuff my charater doesnt know.
It kinda ruins the immersion if i know all the big bad plans because of a cutscence and still have to remember my charater doesnt know that.
But some will want to know.
It really depends on the type of story and the result of your choices.

I remember playing a choice of games called: Heroes Rise: The Prodigy
Your choices didnt change a single thing.
A choice needs to mather or not be included at all.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
In my opinion, choices should have a reason behind them. Now that might be open to interpretation a bit, but mostly the choice should affect something. Like the girl pouting vs the girl smiling. This is fine as long as it has some impact later. Like if you do the thing that makes her smile, you've earned a relationship point (can be hidden) and your relationship score affects what happens later. It doesn't have to be a branching path choice, but it shouldn't be meaningless either.

The one I hate probably even more than being given exactly one 'choice' I have to click is being given more than one choice that all do the same thing. I don't remember the specific example, but it's something along the lines of:
A) Tell her you like the black dress.
B) Tell her you like the red dress.

Pick A: Her response, "Yeah, I like the black dress too. I'll wear that one."
Pick B: Her response, "I don't know, I like the black one, I'll wear that one instead."

So in this case, the dev made the scenes afterward in the black dress, the red dress was never an option. You're allowed to say the one you like, but it doesn't matter. Don't bother asking me to weigh in on something if it doesn't matter what I pick. You've got a 50/50 chance of pissing me off.
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Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
In my opinion, choices should have a reason behind them. Now that might be open to interpretation a bit, but mostly the choice should affect something. Like the girl pouting vs the girl smiling. This is fine as long as it has some impact later. Like if you do the thing that makes her smile, you've earned a relationship point (can be hidden) and your relationship score affects what happens later. It doesn't have to be a branching path choice, but it shouldn't be meaningless either.

The one I hate probably even more than being given exactly one 'choice' I have to click is being given more than one choice that all do the same thing. I don't remember the specific example, but it's something along the lines of:
A) Tell her you like the black dress.
B) Tell her you like the red dress.

Pick A: Her response, "Yeah, I like the black dress too. I'll wear that one."
Pick B: Her response, "I don't know, I like the black one, I'll wear that one instead."

So in this case, the dev made the scenes afterward in the black dress, the red dress was never an option. You're allowed to say the one you like, but it doesn't matter. Don't bother asking me to weigh in on something if it doesn't matter what I pick. You've got a 50/50 chance of pissing me off.
Just for clarity, I take it your first point out-ranks the second, so if you chose the red dress and she wore the black, but it set a hidden point in the stats that your tastes were not the same and made her, sometime down the line, possibly trust your taste/judgement less, it's okay?

Tricky to know when to be annoyed that way. :D What if it changes a stat, but no event has yet happened that uses the stat (but you won't know that until/unless finishing the rest of the current content and searching through all the stat usage)? :D
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
All choices must have some impacts.
It can be either.
- Stat changes
- Several options that are repeatable to gain information about stuff (Bioware)
- Branching (in rare occasions - too much of this and be ready for the abandon tag)

Stuff like the *open the door* *Wake up* *Drink the Coffee that is already in your hand*
Is such an annoying thing. Now, it can be used for major climatic scenes e.g. suspense scenes where you are at a climax scene and you know shit is about to go down. To help make the people feel engaged.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
Just for clarity, I take it your first point out-ranks the second, so if you chose the red dress and she wore the black, but it set a hidden point in the stats that your tastes were not the same and made her, sometime down the line, possibly trust your taste/judgement less, it's okay?

Tricky to know when to be annoyed that way. :D What if it changes a stat, but no event has yet happened that uses the stat (but you won't know that until/unless finishing the rest of the current content and searching through all the stat usage)? :D
Context is everything. If the dresses seem largely interchangeable and it's just a matter of taste, then it probably shouldn't matter if we agree or not. If one of the dresses is slutty and one is normal, then there is more context to the choice. Maybe she isn't ready to wear the slutty clothes yet. I would expect the response in that case to be "I don't know, I think it's too skimpy." It all comes down to why the choice exists and what the choice affects. If my choice affects literally nothing, then it shouldn't have been there.

You can also have what seem like arbitrary choices or uninformed choices. They have impact, but the player has no clue what to pick.

"I got you some ice cream." "What flavor?" "Chocolate." "I hate chocolate!" DATE FAILED.
I'm being extreme, but I've run into versions of this in actual games. If the player was told she hates chocolate at some point, then maybe this can slide. However, if the player has literally no idea what flavor she likes through no fault of his own, then don't make it determine the success of the date. Now if this hypothetical date is a series of events where you get to know a girl, it can be fine. "I got you chocolate." "I prefer strawberry, but thanks." Now you know if it comes up again, to pick strawberry. It doesn't fail the date, she doesn't lose her mind, and the player now knows something he didn't before.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
All choices must have some impacts.
It can be either.
- Stat changes
- Several options that are repeatable to gain information about stuff (Bioware)
- Branching (in rare occasions - too much of this and be ready for the abandon tag)

Stuff like the *open the door* *Wake up* *Drink the Coffee that is already in your hand*
Is such an annoying thing. Now, it can be used for major climatic scenes e.g. suspense scenes where you are at a climax scene and you know shit is about to go down. To help make the people feel engaged.
I tend to agree, I'm sure there are a few other scenarios, but this is a good baseline.

Ah you've touched on the dreaded life sim game model. I really dislike this style where you have to carry out mundane activities over and over. Here's one I hate: Wake up. *Take shower* "I need a towel first" *Get towel* "All the towels are dirty" *do laundry* *get towel* *take shower* "I can't my sister is taking a shower" *Peek inside* "Damn, it's locked." FINE! *Eat breakfast* "Hmm, what should I have?" I DON'T FUCKING CARE, PUT FOOD IN YOUR STUPID FACE! And so on...


Game Developer
Jun 8, 2017
Ah you've touched on the dreaded life sim game model. I really dislike this style where you have to carry out mundane activities over and over. Here's one I hate: Wake up. *Take shower* "I need a towel first" *Get towel* "All the towels are dirty" *do laundry* *get towel* *take shower* "I can't my sister is taking a shower" *Peek inside* "Damn, it's locked." FINE! *Eat breakfast* "Hmm, what should I have?" I DON'T FUCKING CARE, PUT FOOD IN YOUR STUPID FACE! And so on...
LOL I completely agree with you. While that model could be fun if done right. like Super powered, but most just feel like grinding and hope to god dev finish the so all that effort worth it. That why i choose a strait story telling with branch that lead to multiple ending... well that the plan anyway.


Game Developer
Jun 8, 2017
How rude of me, I forgot to thanks you guys for breaking this choice thing down. And op as well for pointing it out. Thanks guys.