VN - Ren'Py - Ravenous [Arc 2 Ep.6] [Lament Entertainment]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally i'm not really into supernatural and fantasy VN's or Games but really liking this one .
    It's well written and the build up is good .
    The story is engaging and so are the Characters .
    The renders and models are great , animations are good .
    Can't really fault anything at this moment in time .
    There some spelling and grammar errors but i can easily forgive them as they didnt bother me at all as the rest kept me very entertained.
    Keep up the good work , please don't rush things and take your time Dev as you're really developing a good one here .
    Thanks a lot
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice job, the graphics are nice and the story seems to change from the usual. I can't wait to see what happens between my sister and her girlfriend, my mother and her girlfriend, and my grandfather. Keep it up
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    Excellent game so far!
    • The renders are good.
    • The outdoor environments feel large and realistic.
    • The characters look good. Most look unique.
    • Dialogue feels mostly realistic. (MC not suddenly out of nowhere wanting to bone his family).
    • Story is interesting and the storytelling is good.
    • No sound or music. Hopefully it gets added soon.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Great models and very cute characters.
    What kill the game is the lack of freedom, choices and interactions during lewd scenes. A simple rework could make it one of the greatest, but righ now, it's more of a VN than a game :/
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This could be a very promising 'game', though right now it should be marked as a kinetic novel, because there are NO choices.

    Attractive characters/renders.
    Good base for the story if developed well in the future.

    No action at all so far.
    MC looks too young/wimpy and acts like a real pushover so far.
    Hey Dev... please STOP splitting simple sentences between...

    multiple screens. It's annoying as hell and completely unnecessary. It totally breaks up the storytelling/reading

    when you have to click to progress reading the same sentence, or just to get a tiny sentence

    that would have fit on the same f'in screen.

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game with great renders and a twisted storyline. The characters are all attractive and each release leaves me wanting more. Some stories are just fodder to get to the good stuff but I actually found myself reading through and engaging with each character.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice renders but the terrible writing makes everything so boring. The premise is goofy but the writing just keeps on convincing the readers' its grounded realism. Slow pace but building up to nothing. The Mc is so flavorless, but does blend well in a boring environment
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    good renders and .....thats it ,well storytellingis nice and pace its good too but well its a kinetic novel nothing else ,shota and loli characters everywhere and bad ones not even curves ,and mc have a child dick so ....nothing else to say ....rev for 0.084version
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It looks like a really good story. I like the characters and art work is really well done. I wonder how it will come together as we have a lot of characters and a few plot lines. The mother seems like the weakest character but I have a feeling I'll be surprised as the story goes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is promising, the graphics and animations are good.
    The story seems good to me too, I look forward to the rest of it
    In addition I love the atmosphere of the games, I find that we lack games that mix horror and sex so I welcome this one with a lot of interest
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I have been saying for decades that I am completely down for a David Lynch-inspired VN featuring a lot of incest and lolis, and I think this is a really promising start.

    The writing has been cleaned up a lot since v0.05 (I'm reviewing v0.083) so it's more literate than it was before, although there are still instances of things like "u" instead of "you". But even beyond those technical issues, the dialogue is pretty hammy and clunky and the team absolutely needs a dedicated editor if this project is going to meet its potential.

    The plot wears its influences on its sleeve, but knows to keep things campy and isn't taking itself too seriously. I expect the plot to be batshit nonsense, but as long as it's fun batshit nonsense, I'll have no complaints.

    The story so far moves at a breakneck speed introducing characters, and I'm hoping they're mostly done, because it's not even v0.1 and there's already, what, nine characters the main character is probably supposed to fuck at some point? Ambition is a good thing, but I think scope creep is something that kills a lot of projects by making them too unwieldy, complicated and stressful for a small team to handle. You can go back and fix dialogue at any time, but messing up your scope is hard to undo, and I hope most people (including them) would rather have a finished game with fewer characters than yet another piece of abandonware, so hopefully they figure it out now and make it more likely they'll get to v1.0.

    (It is funny to see complaints about the main character's reaction to incest. Most people do actually think incest is fucked up and weird, but his sister is obviously the main love interest, so everyone can safely chill.)

    The art, character designs, and brief animations are all strong and create an atmosphere that does a lot to make up for the writing. The assets are high quality, the environments feel lived in, and the look doesn't feel derivative of anything else I've played. Lament knows exactly what they want this game to look like and they're not cheaping out or cutting corners.

    And I am going to break with a lot of reviewers here and say that when I praise the character designs, I'm including the the main character, since I actually like his look quite a lot. The designs of MCs in adult VNs are always an afterthought, thrown together by someone who has clearly never thought about what leading men tend to look like. Given that most MCs look like they just escaped the Matrix, it's nice to have a protagonist where it actually makes sense that girls could have a crush on him. He might even be someone's type. Terrifying.

    (I suspect what a lot of people are actually reacting to is the fact that the character is designed to be seen and receive attention in the same way the female characters do. That's an unusual choice, but I think it's extremely refreshing.)

    Even though the writing is cleaner than it used to be, I'm still holding my score to four stars until Lament figures out a way to finish the cleanup and find a way to keep things tighter going forward. But I hope they stick with it because they've got some real strengths and a solid foundation. (And those tags are very much my shit.)

    One final note: Horror protagonists aren't allowed to have cellphones and the MC's had better be in at least two pieces (preferably more) or at the bottom of a lake before v0.2. If anyone needs him for a booty call, they can just yell really loud and throw rocks like our grandparents did.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Now that the first part is done, i can honestly say I feel baited by this VN: the story ended up being lack lustre, the porn part almost non-existent but plenty of teasing panty shots, thats all your really getting though.
    The characterization was poorly executed and the MC ended up a naive, bland dude, but everybody still wants his dick and he still isn't getting any.
    Not worth your time!

    For a preview, this sets up a promising story and sexy characters!
    The MC is more then just 'empty trousers' for the player to fill and not some 'over-the-top-self-made-superman' that just has to 'grab em by the pussy'. No, this is just some kid, fresh out of high school and that is fine with me at least!
    The other characters look and act like there is something more going on then just being wet holes to be filled: again, very good for a story driven VN like this.
    Technically: this game looks very good, the visuals look good.
    Not very much sex in this preview, so I recommend: wait and see!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    If your like me and reading the tags and thinking this game sounds pretty awesome you may want to hold off for the forseeable future. From the description I thought we would be playing as some badass MC ready to seduce any female that crosses our path. Nope, we get to play as a 12 year old boy who runs away at the sight of naked women. This is looking like a game where our MC will get little to no action while being flooded with lesbian voyeur scenes with no player interaction, so tread carefully if that isn't your thing.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a good share of porn games, and I have to say, the game looks quite promising. The characters are gorgeous and the renders are neatly done. The game is superbly done on the lines of incest & loli. The story is okay as of now, but its too early to even judge it.
    There are some grammar mistakes, but can be easily ignored. SOme guys here play a free game and expect it to be written by Shakespeare.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.083 Preview -
    PROS -
    Good looking female models
    CONS -
    Main character looks too young to play , doesn't seem like one who graduated frm high school .
    Story is kinda boring with cliche characters and it doesn't help with the little content of the game .
    Writing needs a little bit of work with typos in the game .
    In the end there are few works to be done to make this game a good one , it would be nice if it is done in early stages of the games , rather than doing something like remastering the whole game in the middle .
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm left confused at this point.

    Models are attractive
    Renders are decent

    Writing is bland
    Story is meh
    MC looks like he is 15

    I'm struggling to understand the direction of the plot and what the dev(s) are trying to establish.
    So here is some constructive critiques for this update.
    1. The writing needs to be adjusted some what. In some dialogues you get complete sentences and in other scenes you get half sentences just to get the rest of what was being said in the next click.
    For example when your "Uncle" is talking to you on the phone you get about half of what was being said, and then the rest is left for the next dialogue.
    He said: I was hoping we could meet( then the next click)
    so I could get to know my brother's son.
    That could have been one complete sentence. Feels like the brake is to add more content. Just my opinion.
    The story is directionless at this point. Way to many things going on that left me confused about what is actually going on. Confusing but understandable to build up suspense, I guess.
    2. Why does the MC look like he is 15? I understand wanting to deviate from the normal MC type that is used in every other VN but come on! How old is the MC? I don't think it even stated his age, but it did say he was finished with school. Confusing as well.
    3. Why add ages to some of the women? Just set it in stone from the beginning that they are all 18 and be done with it.

    So I think with some tweaks and writing corrections this might be a good VN. I'm not turned off by this VN at all so I will recommend it, and will keep an eye out for future updates. Hopefully they will come faster than every few months and have more than 15 minutes of play involved.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    reviewed against 0.092

    The game seems more polished now after a year of releases but it's now suffering from other problems. The MC is stupid, like.... really stupid. Part of it is plot dictated, part of it is just the MC being an idiot. There's a LOT of "I can't tell you that" and "I'll tell you later" being thrown about which is usually the sign of a weak as hell plot. What makes it worse is in addition to that we get a lot of

    blah blah blah
    What do you mean?
    Oh you should ask x about that

    Then he just straight up forgets. Like Severed head on a table? Meh, not important right now. Statues moving on their own accord? Meh, who cares.

    Renders are.... ok, plot is interesting but it's ruined by some horrific low level plot. It's like the Dev knows where they want to get to, and aren't too fussed about the journey to get there and hopes you won't care cause you might see some tits. Like, I know I said this but the MC may be suffering from a brain injury. Like.... he doesn't know he has an aunt and cousin? Now I could understand if he had never seen that side of his family but he was obviously nearly a teen when he left so.... what's up with that?

    reviewed against v0.05

    Interesting premise, character models are good, quite detailed so it feels like the love's been put in there. Too early to really comment on the story, it's still very much in the setting up stage. Lot of threads being dangled which is good as the pacing seems to be fine.

    Didn't feel like there was a huge amount of content but it's early doors. Gave it a 3 star as it could go either way, probably needs to cook a bit more to really appreciate what type of game it'll be. The foundations of a great game are there though.

    Only issue I could think of is the grammar. Seeing a few instances of were as opposed to we're, that sort of thing. A little polish of the script will probably pay dividends.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    R Voss

    Ravenous is still in its early days, but what's here is interesting.

    The setting is, essentially, a horror b-movie. The tone thus far is decently creepy, and there's been a lot of effort put into setting up lore and mysteries. Characters have some personality, but it's too early to tell if/how they'll grow.

    But holy hell, the grammar.

    This game desperately needs a copy editor. The grammar and spelling aren't the absolute worst I've encountered, but they're definitely in the bottom 50%. It reads like the script was written on a phone by someone who hates autocomplete.

    This isn't just being pedantic; Ravenous is looking to tell a real story. Proper spelling and grammar is core to that, and it's distracting when it's this poor.

    With an improved script, even at this early point in development, Ravenous would be 4 or 5 stars for the effort obviously put in alone. But, until that's fixed, it's just middle-of-the-road.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Good renders, basic story, but my God. As others have mentioned typos and grammar errors every other sentence. Completely takes me out of the experience. My IQ was already low, and this might have lowered it further.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    V0.083 preview

    Character art style is good and renders are ok. But Main character design needs some change. And about the story, i have nothing to say. Because there is nothing . I still don't know what is going on or what it is about.