VN - Ren'Py - Re Education [v0.67] [Purplehat Productions]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The story itself may be good, but there's far too much going on. And despite the amount of narrative, many things are simply left open and are not pursued further. A little more action (SEX) would certainly do the game good. Anal plug, BDSM, sensitive lubricant, domination -- all wonderful, but where is this really done explicitly, especially as the sex scenes are quite short.
    In addition, these plastic figurine characters convey a Playmobil feel. I don't want to go so far as to say it looks horrible, but the characters really aren't pretty to look at.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Some guy's account

    Overall the game has interesting sexual themes and a decent premise for a sex game. However, the premise is let down heavily by both the writing and the art, and the sex scenes themselves are oddly truncated and undeveloped.

    The main barrier to enjoyment is the ugly, inexpressive 3d models. The sparse list of screenshots on the f95 page look almost comically inept, and can easily give one hte idea that the game might use animations, and that the screenshots, though bad, are not accurately representative of the game as played. This is not the case. The whole game consists of text of static pictures.

    While low-quality models can sometimes be appealing because they allow for a high degree of expressiveness, this is not at all the case here. The expressions are wooden and often difficult to read. As a matter of plot, the expressions change depending on how brainwashed the characters are. In one short "bad ending" path, the main character goes overboard and fries to brain of the main female character, Rachel, leaving her essentially braindead. But the storytelling falls completely flat because all the characters look like braindead meat puppets and all times. The different eyes which are used in an attempt to convey emotions range from scary 1000-yard stare to slightly less scary 1000-yard stare.

    The writing suffers from an extreme case of telling over showing. This is cliché, 101-level writing advice that isn't always really applicable, but this story is a great example of how telling can go way overboard. The main character will have a conversation with one of the other characters, then immediately go on to describe in detail how they feel about the conversation, how their childhood impacted their view of this subject, and what the wider themes are. It comes across as ridiculous, and it's made worse by the strange moralistic tone that tends to creep in at weird times. It's hard to take seriously the main character's meditations on Stalinist agricultural purges when they're being told to the sexual trafficking victim that he made his mind-controlled literal slave bring him for his own sexual gratification.

    The writer should probably take some creative writing courses at a community college or something. But maybe don't workshop this specific story or they'll try to have you thrown in jail.

    The sex
    The sexual themes and ideas are by far the strongest part of the game, and there is some interesting stuff in there. The inversion of the dominant-submissive relationship that is a core part of the premise, especially early on in the story, is not super original but always a welcome concept. Whether you like the fetishes presented is obviously subjective - I find the anal focus, the bondage and the domination stuff to be spot on. The daily outfit butt plug stuff and the sensitivity lube stuff is all really great.

    Unfortunately, none of this is explored in any depth at all. While the game is happy to talk in detail about the characters' feelings about sexual domination, enslavement etc. for great lengths of time, the sex scenes themselves tend to be extremely short and underdeveloped. Some of the plot points are just dropped with no pay off. The sensitivity lube is used in one path to heighten the long term anal sensitivity of Rachel, and it makes it seem like we're going to be treated to a view of how she develops and accommodates this new reality. But instead, it's referred to by Rachel once as impacting her life in a fairly anodyne way, and then the main character simply stops making her do it, and we never hear about the lube again. Similarly, in multiple paths the main character directs the girls to wear butt plug as part of their normal outfits, but we then never see them interact with anyone other than the main character, nor are we given any real indication of how this affects their day to day lives.

    This is a shame because bringing sex scenes with interesting kinks is the game's real chance to rise in quality beyond its weak fundamentals, but it never really commits to it.

    The game is structured not like a western trainer or sandbox game, but rather like a classic visual novel. The interactivity of modern western porn games often give them a leg up on the better produced Japanese porn games industry, but in this game, that's not utilized. Player interaction is extremely limited, simply choosing one or two options, which then lead down different, mostly kinetic story paths.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [ V0.55 ]
    I wanted h-content, but stayed for the plot.

    -Story, Originality
    You are a dude who want to make slaves and use hypnosis to bang girls...
    And then you get to "serious stuff" and it is not about banging, but about the feels.
    Roller coaster of a game.

    Dislike 3D models a lot (could be a lot better), but can tolerate them due to a good plot.

    Some background music.

    5 paths with unique endings,
    Takes some time to finish each.
    And not much h-content. Game is focused on plot.

    Works as any other RenPy game.

    Didn't see any.

    Still pictures only.

    -Voice Acting
    Didn't hear any.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    5 endings, each takes ~30 minutes.

    Wanted to see nice h-scenes, but got only feels and plot.
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    The story and the girls
    -> The story starts pretty simple but the paths and subpath are extremely different and well written. Main paths would be "good" and "evil" but there are a couple paths between. There are 3 girls and everyone is unique and likeable.

    The rest
    -> The art is crude, the game is rather short, nearly no lewd content and the the little there is, is pretty much the same on every path with little differences. AND there are next to no choices... The only choices you get are the ones which devert the game into the different branches. But after that, there is not a single one to make. You just have to watch how MC gets through the game and thats a shame. There were a couple of scenes where i wanted a different approach (choice) so bad, it really bugged me.

    As much as i was dissapointed with this game, the dev shows in the main menu a couple of scenes from the new project and they are rather promising. So im just waiting till the next one is out.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.20

    Overview: A surprisingly complex story about broken people manipulating broken people.

    Story: You start off the story right at what might be a the dramatic climax of another porn game. You've bought the mind control helmet, have kidnapped the sexy porn star, and are just about to press the button when you get a choice. You can let her go or go through with your plan. Your choice sets you down two distinct paths. In fact this game is really two games that just happen to share some assets. There is almost nothing else shared between the two paths at this point.

    Each path also has a set of different endings, but all of the choices in the endings are decided by some last minute questions in the game. So really the way the game works is that you select your path, read the VN, then choose the ending.

    If you want sex content the brainwashing route is the only option, and even then it's pretty brief. The MC discovers that sob stories are boner killers and the girls have a lot of them. The friendzone path has some off-screen stuff but it's all in the epilogue.

    Graphics: Honestly I didn't love the graphics. They're simplistic cell shaded figures with anime proportions. They're serviceable but lack both the warmth of hand drawn and the precision of most other computer generated graphics.

    Conclusion: Even though the friendzone path blue balls you and both paths are fairly short the story is a step up from most other games on the site, especially games with a mind control theme. The characters feel more like actual people instead of fuck dolls, but at the same time there are few other people in the world. The setting feels especially dead, maybe on purpose. One of the themes of the game is isolation and loneliness.

    Finally, as a "sexy punishment" for lying to the MC the girl lets you...feel up her leg and briefly touch the outside of her leotard. Could you stop being so lame even for a minute. Holy crap. By the way, that's not step 1 in a corruption path, that's it. No more.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Came for a quick wank, left with a decent enough story exploring morality.

    Writing and transitions between chapters could use more polishing, and as of this version the only choices that appear to matter are the very first choice (determines which route you go down) and the very last choice / last two choices (determines ending). Overall though not bad. Would like to see more dialogue options as well as those options having an actual impact on the story's progression.

    If you're looking for a quick wank / fetish fuel this ain't it, but if you're interested in an oddly wholesome story (in at least one of the paths) while exploring morality you might find this interesting.