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VN - Others - Completed - Re;Lord 3 ~The demon lord of Groessen and the final witch~ [Final] [Escu:de]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Kili Krieger

    Reviewing the original release, not that translation.

    It's the third game of the series, so there isn't much to say. It's just more of Re;lord 2. There are a few tweaks, but nothing to write home to. If you are invested in the characters, this is a great third entry, and a conclusion to their arcs. Although... in the end, I was left yearning for more.

    If this is the first game of the series you've encountered, go play the first two. But if it's porn you're looking for, look elsewhere, cause there's not really much of it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7238311

    It's a very meloncholic ending to the series, with Wilfried's arrogance on full display as he tears through the Demon World, destroying everyone in front of him - friend or foe alike, all in the name of love.

    As usual, the VA actor's cast interviews aren't translated. Neither are Ria or the witches dialogues on the map screen, which is also annoying.

    Someone did mention that Wilfried should have surveyed Greiz before storming in. Whilst that would be the normal thing to do, Wilfried was under immense time pressure to find Iris. In addition to that, his advanced message to Alicia never arrived, either.

    The story is great, and pretty sad as well - Erika's death especially as she recounts her childhood. Kaya goes out with a bang. As for what happens to Iris - not much is left to the imagination.

    As for Wilfried - he gets what's due, or at least partially. He would be well worth killing off, but unfortunately, no. However, his sycophantic boot-licking friend is, so there is some good news there.

    The only problem I've had with the series, is that all the witch are too sanguine about being raped. All the witches treat it as though Wilfried has just played a nasty prank on them.

    All in all, it's a fitting end to the series. It's somewhat ambiguous, and some areas are under developed or ignored completed, but nothing can be done there now.

    Well worth playing
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Illidan No Women 10000

    Honestly, it's such a big disappointment. More over, it's last game of Re;Lord series. This game had such a big potential, but at the end... Story progressed in the worst way, same/lower amount of hscenes and even more grind with battles.

    Well, i will rate this game by such categories : Gameplay, Story, Hscenes, Translation

    Let's start

    Translation 4/5 - Can't say anything particularly bad about this translation. Interface translated, text translated pretty good. The only thing that i can complain, Ria and other girls voice lines dont have subtitles when you click on them.

    Story 2/5 - Story... Eh... I dont even want to talk about that. Witches for me, were a joke. Protagonist acted way too stupid and if he at least thought a little, with his brain... Prophecy would have been crushed. didn't he liked to say that he will crush his fate or smth along these lines? He didn't even did reconnaissance of enemy forces, which is the most basic thing. Not to mention that this being last game of series, made everything even worser

    Gameplay 2/5 - Gameplay didn't progressed much... They added just attack, which is simply increasing amount of clicks you need to do, to kill enemy in shorter time. Much more sections and enemies. Lower floor with infinite enemies and doesn't consume time inside. A lot of attack variants, which have different timings and you can only know difference by reading their names(lol... How can i know that it's roses or whip thing?). This game is worser than previous parts imo, because they tried to add a lot of things, but did it clumsy.

    Hscenes 1/5 - 3rd and last part of series... Only 3 hscenes, with clothes variations. Even if someone like them, it's still way too little for game which takes more than 1gb space.

    Personal rating 1/5 - Dont even try playing this... You will just waste your time and will disappointed with ending and story. But overally... I think it deserves like 2/5.