HTML - Abandoned - Realms of Lust [v0.71] [Rmaximus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fucking amazing.
    My only problem is the lack of "time" in a day which makes it hard to experience all events and sex scenes, you end up reloading and rewinding to visit all possible scenes and unfortunately it's too fast, the days go too fast, it's supposed to be 5 days but it can go for weeks easily with slow corruption rather than instant daily spikes, the pics are pretty fucking great so all in all it's one of the best HTML "games" I've played.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is very promising for version 0.1. A game of corruption with lots of gif and jpg ... I like it :)
    There are many pages, days, events, but I can not say that there are many multiple choices. I can not say if my choices affect my character and the events.
    I find for now, the game pretty horny.

    As the author says himself at the end of the game, there are problems in the interface. I found the pictures too big compared to the size of my screen, I would have preferred half less large. Stacking images and gifs on some pages, without much text, bothered me, especially when I had to go through the same page several times to visit girls. For example, when I'm in the college entrance and I want to visit each room. Or in the living room and I want to go to my sister's room, then my mother...
    And finally: the color of the font was horrible. Dark red on black, it's very good in an adventure or quest and you have to find a message or click on a secret link ...

    Thank you to the author for his work, I wish you good luck for the development of the new version. If this is the first game you do, it's very encouraging.