RPGM - RealmWalker [v0.6] [SpectralByte]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Average isekai premise but with great models and renders, held back by pretty bad writing and general RPGmaker issues. The combat, the questing, it's all incredibly tedious, should have just been a renpy VN.

    Honestly it would have still been worth a play had it not been for the generic RPGmaker experience. If I wanted a 90's JRPG experience I'd go play chrono trigger. Nobody wants this grindfest bullshit.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Hannah owo

    Game is great but for realstic vipe like struggle sins add pregnancy , married , and netore (optional ) ,swing will make ur game more popular like struggle sins hope u will see my answer people who are agree with me like my post
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Demo

    While I think the foundation of a decent RPGM game exists with this demo, so far this game really fails to set itself apart from the crowd so to speak.

    It's a pretty generic set up as far as these types of stories go. Killed by a truck trying to save a damsel in distress, isekia'd by a priest into a new world, and then cast aside by said priest when you don't show the potential they are looking for. Wow that sucks! I must get revenge! Good thing this convenient sword and magical companion are here to deem me as the chosen one.

    As that might clue you in, the writing is by far this games biggest downfall so far. The originality isn't so much my problem, but just the almost complete lack of real depth in pretty much all of the writing. The MC was previously overweight living a shitty life, which could lead way into some introspection and such being in this new world given this new body. Or maybe as someone going from a modern world to now having to do real combat, or learning magic spells, etc etc, any type of self reflection or demonstration of adapting to this new world could be cool. But nope, none of that. None of anything really. He's just incredibly generic and forgetful. Also not a fan of him immediately calling the girls he sleeps with "sluts" and such during dirty talk but I digress.

    Same deal with the other characters so far. Everyone naturally falls for the MC's "charms", lack depth, and honestly just aren't interesting. I'm not really sure how else to put it. I will say the models look pretty nice at the least.

    On the RPG front it's mostly what you'd expect. Standard combat and equipment system with a lack of anything unique to spice it up. I'm not a fan of the random encounters and much prefer being able to see walking enemies on the map, but it's nice you can always run away. I seen the game wanted me to grind out levels in a cave and immediately went to use cheats instead. I'd much rather level up through quests and unique encounters instead of fighting the same enemies over and over.

    If this is intentionally going for a more simple sandbox-y grindy experience then sure I suppose it's on track for it, but nothing really hooked me as far as the story and characters go. It's only a demo though, hopefully some more development flips my opinion on this.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The intro does have me divided. Now, nothing wrong with the main character having flaws. A shut in who is overweight and still living with his abusive parents. Though did kind of want to show a sort of spice. A call to adventure where the MC does not mind hardship if it means a reward. Whether it is satisfaction in being a hero or wanting to sleep with a woman. How the real world is rather boring without monsters to fight and princesses needing saving and lusts for adventure only video games can provide him. As is, just found him a bit too wimpy in the personality department. Did like his psychic though of showing him not exactly the warrior of legend.

    Also recommend adding in some sound to the scene when the MC Iseki-ed. Just nothing going on as you read the text while in a fantasy world can be a bit boring. Maybe soft medieval music to help you get used to the setting. Or a light ping for each text box that appears.

    And a small detail, give the queen a chair next to her old husband the king. Feels weird that the queen does not have a chair to sit down next to her husband.

    As for the character’s change in body type, not going to lie I wanted him to keep the fat body psychic. Would help convince the council to throw you away like garbage. Would also be a great way to show the characters growth as he gradually loses fat and replaces it with hard muscle.

    Was surprised the music came back so soon but is a welcome comeback to get you hyped for touching the crystal, only for it to turn black. And do like this. How you did nothing wrong but circumstances outside your control said you are gifted in dark magic. How quickly they saw you as a failure and would like to send you back to your world if not for the Demon Lord. Actually showing the Demon Lord having an influence on the story instead of just being a passive bad guy.

    Like how you can pick up plants as well. Gives the world an even bigger reason to go explore it. Also the crack in the starter area that leads to a treasure chest was also great with the game even hinting at such a thing being possible with the journal near the skeleton.

    Back to the story, am very surprised the MC is already thinking of revenge on the priestess who sent not only him but others to their death in the dungeons. Now, do not get me wrong this is what he should be feeling, righteous rage. The problem is he should also be feeling terror. Absolute terror. He just fought two wolves and got scratched up bad and is about to fight an enemy the previous party failed to kill. Even if he wants to attack the priestess, want him to have some survival instinct of, ‘Need to prepare. Need to get stronger and get out of this dungeon.’ He has the advantage of everyone thinking he is dead. Though will admit, do love how the MC actually does show some intelligence later. How he knows that if he does get out of here, needs to learn more about the world before openly confronting the priestess.

    Love the outfits for the characters. The queen’s and the priestess Kalytha were my highlights. The cat that shows up in the artwork is also great. Even the enemy sprites were well detailed. Like the cave wolf looking like a real wolf but also a little sickly. Even giving the cave wolves different fur color. Little touches like that are greatly appreciated.

    And one thing I absolutely loved in this game is the amount of side quests you can do. Sure, you can farm items from monsters to sell but love how the game has plenty for your player to do. From collecting crystals in a cave to defeating an orc, there is plenty to do to keep the player engaged. If the game is expanded, be sure to have plenty of these small quests to keep the player occupied.