VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Rebirth [Ep.1-5 All in One] [LikesBlondes]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Visual Novel , i loved the renders and the story so far , can't wait for the next Episode , i hope it's going to be a long one with at least 10 episodes , a man can dream right ? :love:
    Go and support the creator of this game on patreon if you tried and liked the game , i'm poor i can't spend money but at least i can give it 5 stars and it deserves it .
    some minor nitpicks :
    -the font style
    - the music
    but both can be enhanced with mods which already exist .
    anyway give it a shot , the compressed version is like 160mb so it won't take much.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say - in my opinion a masterpice.
    But: this game is NOT for everyone! If you are mainly looking for a game with lewd content, you will be disappointed. It's a "slow-slow" burner! Maybe this will change later on, maybe not - for me this would be a bonus of course, but not more.

    The story is good. If you are interested in vampire stories, probably even great. But what makes this game amazing for me is the storytelling.

    Technically the game is fine. Great renders, but no animations. Most girls are really hot. The game has music, and you can make a few decicions in the game which leads to some different MC skills. And there are also funny moments, too. Speaking of funny things: the hair styling is sometimes... (hello Viitgames/Haley).

    Summary for my review on Episode 1:

    – Storytelling
    – Characters
    – Render graphics
    – Models and locations

    – Story
    – Humor in the game
    – Music (nevertheless: Here's a Mod from me with changed music and added sounds)

    – Amount of gameplay

    rather bad:
    - No animations (but I didn't miss them)
    - Sex scenes (mostly some nudes in the bathroom etc.)

    Finally I would like to say:
    I really enjoyed playing it and I can't wait for the next update!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game I played here..The character development is awsm ,
    The renders are great and so is the story writing...the background music is also well suited for the scenes....
    This was sure a faster update and I hope the dev keeps it that way...

    Although no sex scenes(except 1 and a dream scene) are present but the story development is worth it and I recommend everyone to play this game.
    It sure is one of the best game in its genre(vampire theme) besides Occulltus.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Second game I ever review (the first being Realms of Lust). Also this is one of the handful of games that I actually enjoy the story of, and actually read letter by letter, and is engaged in rather than the usual "just skip until the sex scene comes up". This is the second game that I'm actually interested in supporting financially (the other being WVM).
    I'll say this first, if you like vampires, and vampire stories (Vampire the Masquerade specifically) then. You. Will. Love. This.
    The game is practically set in that universe. The "clans" or "types" of vampires in this game are inspired from that lore, like Nosferatu, Brujah, Ventru, Toreador, and even the Masquerade itself. The art is pretty damn good, dare I say fucking gorgeously amazing in the case of Merrick (you'll know him when you see him). Story is great, universe it's set in is amazing (Huge VtM fan) so all in all with that in mid? Easily top 5 Eroge of all time for me.
    If you don't like VtM or vampires in general, or at least aren't particularly interested in them, I think the story is relatively good still, the art is amazing still. Granted I don't think we've seen a single "real" sex scene so far with Ep 1 Update 7, so ye. For you it might be a 8/10 (if like me, most games you play you do solely for the sex scenes, and not the story, then you might rank this a lot lower cuz of the lack of quantity)
    That last part was me trying to be un-biased and giving you my review in it from a stranger's prospective.
    Likes: pequi
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    a very good game, an unusual plot, I would like to have more choice and choice, the game is remembered, thank you very much. unlike many others.
    I would like more history and drama, there is something to tell
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    After playing "Life With Mary" I was looking forward to a new game by LikesBlondes but "Rebirth" is a disappointing followup. This is more of a kinetic novel than a game, the player doesn't really have a chance to influence or change the story, instead the developer has made all of the decisions for them. That Includes who the LI is in the story, a rather ordinary looking vampire named Sharon and she often treats the MC like a puppy. Annoyingly, despite this, the MC relentlessly pursues her.
    I am not a fan of the vampire genre but enjoy when authors mix up or change the classic themes, perhaps modernizing them. Unfortunately it doesn't feel like there was any attempt to change or own this theme. All of the standard vampire tropes are present: reverting to a corpse during the day, sunlight, thralls, blood, etc.

    Pros: Well done renders

    Cons: Lack of input from the reader, no real replayability since there are few choices and they don't matter.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I see some people saying this is a great slow-burn. I respectfully disagree. The art is hi def, which is pleasant, but not a single steamy scene outside of the first meeting. Your sire is the typical immortal that's bored of immortality so instead of just ending it they just do things because, "lol random." Hints at some big story in the works, but anytime the MC asks a question he's talked to like a child. Just left me with a "meh" feeling after slogging through dialog and "choices" that seem to be mostly cosmetic.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I am not particularly interested in vampires and all that shit. I have only tried this game now because I noticed it's made by the same devil from "Life with Mary". And I am really glad I did.

    What can I say... There are no sexual scenes so far(E1/U7), so if you're looking for a quick wank, this is not for you.

    The story is very interesting, I found myself disappointed when the current content ended and it left me wanting more.

    Renders are good, models are good looking and not refurbished from other games.

    Characters are well written and have all have their own backstory and personality.

    I really liked the gradual buildup and the interactions between Sharon and the MC.

    Overall a very good game, well worth supporting. The dev is also reliable and consistent with his updates.

    5 stars.

    I am looking forward to new updates!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    EP 1 Update 7

    I wasn't expecting much from this game, but i really liked it, the story is very interesting and the characters are likeable. I like the MC personality and Sharon is gorgeous.

    If you want quick sex scenes this isn't your game, but if you want a really good story to keep you waiting for more, this is exactly your game

    Can't wait for this story to continue!

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Love everything about this game so far. The story, renders, genre, dialogue. Probably my favorite game on the site right now. Keep up the excellent work. Can't wait to see where this goes. I assume animations, scene galleries, etc. are coming.
    Likes: ThL
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all usually I'm not into vampire stories but in this game it works for me if you are the vampire and not the vampire hunter that is more fun. Maybe thats the couse. Renders is nice story is really well written and characters are interesting so game can be addictive. Only bad point I felt about is there are not too many choices.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelent game, excelent story 10/10! It reminds me of an old rpg game - Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines mix with old tv series - Kindred, story is very interesting and i think, with more content added and how it will develop it deserves not only a regular game attention but also as a masterpiece of novel itself. Renders and characters are also excelent btw.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Ep. 1 Update 7
    Although I'm not a great vampire lover, I admit this game has managed to make the topic captivating.

    The characters are particular and well-caracterized ... Each of them has strengths and weaknesses and wants to get to know them better to continue discovering them.

    The gradual advancement of relationships seems real and is engaging ... The more you make progress towards the conquest of the girl, the more you know and appreciate her.

    Recommended for those who love slow, detailed and captivating stories, where the characters, the story and the development of the plot are more important than sex.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. If you are looking for a game to coom to quickly, then this probably isn't what you want, as there is no sex in the game yet, although there is a good amount of lewd content. However, as a story based game, this is the best VN I've played on this website. I am very pleasantly surprised.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Captivating story, well made and belivable characters, top quality renders. Got that vampire story climat and some humor too. As of yet no porn at all and 2 hours of reading . Definietly has potential to be great.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Expected yet-another-mediocre-VN but was very surprised, this game is something else! Good writing, likeable characters and engaging plot, combined with nice art and strong VtM vibes. No sexual content at this time, but still worth to play.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean honestly this is one of the best.

    Good story line, nice character development and fucking vampires!

    I wish i could rate this even higher, defiantly gonna fall in love with this once you play it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Now _this_ is a proper game: superb plot and character development, a fully-realised world with its own rules and logic, and believable relationships.

    Don't go in with false expectations, though. This is not good fap material, yet... nor is it even particularly erotic at this point -- but the dev is setting things up very well for a turn in that direction quite soon. There appear to be meaningful choices, as well.

    Visually and in terms of the slow-burning, erotic plot development, it is quite similar to the Dev's previous work, _Life with Mary_. In other words, don't expect animations or cutting-edge graphics. But _do_ expect the slow-buring plot to pay off eventually.

    One of the Dev's few faults as a storyteller is that the protagonist can seem a bit robotic at times... I've always assumed this was an English/translation issue. There are few grammatical errors, but the dialogue can seem somewhat stilted. Fortunately, these quirks asctually work well in the context of the vampire setting, in a way that was not true with _Life with Mary._

    The bottom line is that _Rebirth_ seems to be another step up for the Dev, following his very good first game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Not planning on saying much.

    I would rate it more than 5* if it where possible.

    This game is awesome, I have absolutely nothing bad to say. This one sets a new standard.

    Just play the game, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the beginning remind me my first time I play VtM 20 years before :)Nice plot , nice image synthesis . More as i going to play more .

    Training day : is nice that you meet different character from other clans and you starting to know the basic of this society but i Love to have more options.

    Nice VtM terminology like:
    boon, major boon (even that the hound ask incorrect , the type is normally only boon for what she offer ) fledgling , hound ,Archon (even that terminology is different than the position we see here... here is act most like a prince)

    In general very nice game but with no much of sexual context