Games/Animations by these authors:
- [KENZsoft]
- [Seismic]
- [Almond Collective, アーモンドコレクティブ]
- [StudioFOW]
- [Atelier KOB, アトリエこぶ]
- [Akai Syohousen, Akai Shohousen, 赤い処方箋]
- [Stborough Ag Seirenjo, スタンブローAg精錬所]
- [TamangoWorks, Tamango Works]
- [Double Soft Cream, ダブルソフトクリーム]
- [Kuril, Krill, くりる]
- [Hamburg Gakari, ハンバーグ係]
- [Socrates, ソクラテス]
- [evee, electric visual entertainment evolution, エヴィ] ; [SLAVE] ; [RST Slave, RSTSlave] ; [Ebina Souichi, 海老名総一]
- [Otemotoya, おてもと屋]
- [Rainbow Bambi, にじいろばんび]
- [studioGGB]
- [Doll House, DollHouse, ドールハウス]
- [Pompurin, ぽんぷりん, ポンプリン]
- [sakamotoJ]
- [SYLD]
- [Gomasioken, ごま塩犬]
Easier to list the authors themselves than the works. The products from the ones below the line technically aren't played from a [.exe] file (at least i don't think so, can't quite remember), but pretty much fall in line with having quality animation.