Recommendation: NTS Brothel sims


Jul 18, 2018
So like the title hopefully displays, i am in a bit of a search.
Let me start out by saying i dont really like NTR, with very few exceptions. I do however swing IRL, and have no issues sharing. Something very different, as some people are well aware of.
So i have been searching a bit, since i recall seeing the concept a few times, but i cant seem to find it again.
I am aware of the game "Letterman Hotel", which recently came with an update. The game however is broken as well.
The game type is similar to Secret Care Cafe, a game i also enjoy once in a while. The management/built up, of a business like borthel or maid "service" cafe, where the girlfriend decides to help you out, with more than a hand. One of the reasons i enjoy SSC is because of how loving and "loyal" the gf is. She is a slut, which i enjoy, but she is it only as far as she is allowed. And even accepts its both ways.

So, anyone who has good suggestions for this?

Searching for NTS games with a male protag who has a girlfriend help him out at his business with some prostitution services.


Jul 18, 2018
Thanks. Good suggestion. Gonna check it out, but it kinda seems like a "pure" ntr, where the gf is forced, or cheats.
Will find out. Thanks for the quick reply!