RPGM - Completed - Reimu Gets Brainwashed [Final] [Kei kei kei loan]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played: Final (MTL version)

    I think with this title, it's better to review it more as a visual novel or an interactive experience than an actual game just because the game mechanics here are very lackluster and only really exist to serve the whole idea of Reimu getting brainwashed and the progression from that. The game doesn't exactly hide this either with its description telling you that there the focus is on the cgs and the situations rather than any sort of combat, story or challenge.

    If you look at this as a game though then it's pretty bad. You navigate the same small dungeon area over and over spending a large majority of your time talking to npcs to get endings and cgs. The combat is pointless and there's some bugs like enemies not dissapearing when you defeat them and the version I played was MTL translated with issues with text wrapping and such.

    The game is also pretty short (you can get an ending within 5 minutes, and at best you'd spend an hour going through all 10 endings)


    However despite that I think if you just want to see Reimu and Tenshi from Touhou with big body proportions getting brainwashed and anally fucked then the game delivers.

    The Infilitration route at least I thought was pretty appealing, just because as the brainwash progresses so do the scenes and interactions with the random male cult members, even if just with the dialogue. The Tentacle scene in particular has different dialogue and slight variations between each of the 5 major stages of brainwashing which even if simple I kinda liked.

    Something about both the art and how the different endings play out kinda worked for me, despite the bad translation. Each of the endings all end in brainwashing besides the first ending, but how this brainwashing goes changes with each ending route. Sometimes it might be common sense distortion, or it could be her falling in love with the Guru bad guy, and other times she gets her body modified with bigger breasts with the ability to lactate on command (because the cult likes that I guess?)

    Also seeing Reimu start off being shy and then slowly getting more comfortable with the weird clothing and the cult members just kinda hit something for me. The whole "body modification" is also pretty rare, with the whole increased breast size, lactation and anal development to be suited to fucking.

    So I think this game serves its purpose since you don't really get the same sense of progression if you were to just look at the recollection room or the images in the gallery.


    There is a heavy Anal focus though, which should be noted. There's no scenes with any vaginal sex, and the best deviation you get is stuff like tit groping, ass groping and some scenes with Enema. Also lactation and spanking

    The "pregnancy" is either from the Enema scenes which produce the bulge, or interactions with one cult member and a Tentacle Monster which has it climb up their ass and then they shit them out later as part of their cult duties to birth the youkai tentacles. No actual vaginal pregnancy if you were hoping for that.

    Also I noticed the dialogue likes to focus a lot on the whole "I used to be Reimu Hakurei but now I am a sex slave thanks to the brainwashing, the brainwashing has removed my original personality and now I am a slave". I think the developer just really wanted to put their fetishes into the game and thats what they did lol.


    I played the Prequel alongside the original game, but the Prequel is less than 10 minutes and is basically the exact same as the main game just far shorter and far less cgs. You even navigate the same area with minor differences.

    I'm not too sure why it's seperated into its own game tbh, it feels like it could have been integrated into the main game as it's own side story.


    There is a download to a work in progress improved translation by "Crimson Nanashi" in this thread which I also tested to compare the quality, and it's definitely better than the current download version although it is obviously not finished and has some issues in parts like with a lot of "ohs" as sex noises and stuff.

    I opted to play the game with the MTL version to avoid issues, but hopefully at some point it gets finished since the game puts a chunk of the focus on the dialogue, although it wouldn't fix some of the flaws that are just part of the core design of this game.


    Overall though, I give this a reccomendation on the basis you like the art and the idea of brainwashing + anal, and are willing to deal with just walking around, talking to npcs and saving then reloading to view all the different endings.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    We got Kei kei kei loan, brainwashing, anal focus game. It is a short game but in some ways its a feature when a game doesn't demand a lot of time from you. Your playing as a female MC. who is infiltrating a mind control cult.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    If you ignore the MTL and just understand that you are an agent going in to rendezvous with your ally and that you have to play along with the hypnosis scheme to progress, then you can kinda enjoy the game.

    Honestly the only good thing about this game is the art and only if you are into comically proportioned women going full blown slut through hypnosis.

    Definitely fap worthy, which gives it an automatic average, just don't pay too much attention to the MTL.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is, quite frankly, hilariously bad. And I mean that in a literal way.

    The translation has transcended merely being "bad" - it's all but unreadable, to the point where it wraps around and becomes meme-worthy.

    The gameplay is similarly "so bad it's hilarious".
    If you choose not to hide in the beginning, the game can be over in a minute with the "good ending", without ever showing a single porn image. You will instantly beat any enemy you decide to attack, and they won't ever hit you in return.
    I'm not even sure if enemies path towards you - but if they do, that makes it possible to get permanently stuck right at the start because they don't disappear if you beat them.
    It's abundantly clear, then, that getting the non-brainwashed ending is not the focus of the game.

    If you do decide to hide, the game turns into a glorified CG collection. Any interaction with an NPC gets you groped, fucked up the butt, or both.

    The brainwash endings all play out very similarly to each other - you get stuck with a visor, take a peener up the butt and maybe get groped for a bit, the end.
    At least the artwork is well-executed, if very generic - I've seen the exact same "thicc girl and featureless male" kind of art from so many sources I've lost count.

    The only reason this game gets 2 stars is because it manages to be so bad, it actually does have *some* appeal - namely, as unintentional comedy. I spent a good few minutes just laughing at how badly the machine-translation turned out, and then another minute chuckling at the fact that you can easily get yourself essentially soft-locked.

    If you're looking for a good game, stay away. If you're looking for a CG collection, you can get plenty of exactly this kind of art, or better, by looking up the "brainwash" tag on Pixiv.
    Only play this game if you're looking for a quick laugh. With a proper translation, it'd maybe retain a "poor" rating as a game from me, or I might even bump it down to "terrible" for losing the comedy value.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I've seen some bad MTL but this isn't the worst. Don't get me wrong it isn't great either. I can see it easily putting people off. For me though I can manage. I've played through much worse. I do hate how some words get cut off but other than that I can get past the flaws.

    If you can get through the bad MTL it is a decent RPGMaker game. The art is good. I'm not one for overexaggerated sizes mind you but the art isn't bad by any means. Little to no effort was put into level design or anything like that. This is clearly just an excuse to use this art to tell this story.

    If you can get past the MTL the story isn't that great either. It is just there to help you get a quick nut and call it a day. Don't come to this game expecting the world because you will not get it here.

    If you like brainwashing/mind control and just want to get off quickly then this game is for you if you can get past the MTL. Otherwise keep it moving. This game is okay. If 2 stars didn't mark it as poor I might have given it that instead of 3 but three fits better so that is what I'll give it.