Ren'Py - Abandoned - Reincarnotica [v0.05] [Polyrotix]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game.

    Positive: It actually attempts a story. Interesting and grabs you.
    Renders: Well done. Although really only 2 girls, there is plenty to look at.
    Sex Scenes - there are not really any of them yet. Some teasing, blowjob, but there is certainly a build up.

    Sandbox: is worthless. Just make it a VN.
    Story: Although it is great, it can also be confusing. Some spelling errors exist. It also jumps the shark...

    Want to see how this keeps getting updated!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    This is a beautiful game. The two main ladies are stunningly sexy. Expressions, lighting, eroticism are all on point. The writing is pretty meh, the story doesn’t deliver, but is being carried by the cuteness of the LI. Long exposition dumps and MMORP inserts, as well as the sanbox are completely pointless.

    Good Things

    • Fantastic girls
    • Awesome mood of renders and game overall
    • Cute and sexy
    • Environments and main menu have great style

    Bad points

    • Sandbox is not implemented well, pointless tasks
    • For such awesome characters, story is a let down
    • Fiona’s actions and her forwardness don’t make sense
    • Surprisingly few choices
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story seems interesting enough haven't made it far enough to really see if it actually does anything with it or just fades off as often happens with games like this

    Excellent art, though a bit jarring with various things feeling like more old fashion appearance wise and I don't just mean the deliberate throwback of the diner, and then modern / near-future tech can lead to some.

    Music uh exists? At least as far as I've gotten it doesn't feel like its really added to any scene at best been non-offensive at worse distracting from the actual scene/mood.

    Sandbox elements feel incredibly poorly done, no tracker for objectives(PS Found the tracker tucked away on the laptop don't believe the game ever tells you this though), after the beach outing every npc has seemed to be missing so progression has ground to a standstill, and navigation of the house runs into the issue of moving around being a chore click wise to try to give the movement some degree of continuity.

    TLDR: Pretty renders bogged down by a terrible sandbox,
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This project was recently brought back to life, so I'm showing some love here in the hopes that it can gain more traction.

    If I was making a Mount Rushmore of characters from smut games, Fiona would go on it 4 times. She is the most Goddess-Tier Milf ever created and that alone earns this game 5 stars.

    Also, the dev has made some tweaks to the story to add some creepy stuff in there. It adds some much need intrigue to the story.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars - I am very impressed (and I'm usually pretty stingy with my reviews).

    Story was one of the best I've read. Really some pretty interesting concepts rather than the same boring tropes.

    Renders also, were some of the best I've ever seen.

    Models were really well done, in particular the Mother/Daughter main LI's - especially if you love gingers.

    A couple of misses, that need to be stated.....
    1. This really should just be a straight VN. The sandbox mechanics are relatively few and far between, but when they do come up, their just stupid and distracting from what otherwise is a compelling story.
    2. The sex scenes are little contrived. (I get the hypocrisy of this statement given the typical sex romps on F95, but with such an immersive story you kind of expect an immersive/believable build to the sex)

    And although this is not a full on fap-fest, the amazing integration of writing and renders make this an out of the park hit!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    let me start off with saying i love this game and hope more content comes on a regular basis because ive been following it since the beginning and have been infatuated with the redheads from day one! ok now that that is out of the way lets get to the review!
    its been a while since i played the intro but still remember how much of a grind it was to get through all that backstory when all i was looking for was to see some tits and ass! while this game has that, its ultimately not its main focus (or so it seems to me at least). if your someone sitting down to play this for the first time be aware that it may take you an hour or longer to get through all the backstory stuff to get to some boobies! however if you go in knowing the sexy stuff comes later and just enjoy the story then your in for a treat! the storytelling her is done to perfection and as i was playing and after i was thinking about the story when i finished it, i felt that the world that had been laid out before me was one in which technology was obviously prevalent yet architecture and designs of automobiles and the like still had that old fashioned 1920's ish vibe! all in all i pieced it together in my head that the world in the game was like that of the Fallout series universe (if your familiar with those games) where the nuke never got dropped but the technology and things remained akin to that type of setting!

    the game jumps back and forth at points between the previously mentioned world which is the real world and then has the underlying virtual/game world of the MMO Reincarnotica! at times this is a bit unnerving and the bits with the old man seem out of place (later you are given a reason as to why it was like that so just bear with it)! the characters are well developed and each has their own unique personality to a point where the reader/player (at least in my case) feels a connection to them!

    as far as gameplay, well theres nothing too terribly new here its mostly a visual novel with some sandbox elements for moving around at your own pace and allowing you to find hidden objects/pictures for some naughty pics of the girls! i personally love that kind of stuff and finding secrets and interacting with the characters in the world is amazing! there did seem to be bit of a lack of people to interact with in the freeroam sections and going forward would like to see more characters to interact with even if its just to hear them say one line over and over but optimally to be able to interact with them and ask them to do things with you if you are at a high enough affection level (but this may be asking a bit much).

    now the music in this game has always been exceptional and the light jazzy songs playing at interval of the day was nice! in the first couple of updates i remember there was only one song for each time period and found that "september" song being stuck in my head all the time! later we got more songs and they popped up more often and changed more often, especially in the later content but i was always drawn back to "september"! gotta be my favorite song from the game!

    overall my rating breakdown would be as follows (scale of 1-10):
    STORY- 10
    slow in some spots but good world building and keeps you wanting to know whats going on
    CHARACTERS - 9.5
    for the majority of the game your limited to just interacting with the two redheads and the doctor next door a little bit. the character development is really in depth you almost feel like you know the characters personally at certain points.
    MUSIC - 10
    superb music! the jazzy feel of most of the songs makes you feel like your actually there and the music is just playing off a nearby radio or something! when the game changes to the video game sections or the fantasy setting of Reincarnotica the music also fits those themes as well! the music/score to this game was done to perfection!
    GAMEPLAY - 8
    theres not much to say here but that its a VN with sandbox/ freeroam elements

    at this point i wanna take a minute to talk about the most recent update as of the time of this review (v0.05)! it was a long time in the making but it gave us a look at some backstory of how everything came about and filled in the gaps in the story where you might have been confused before but were now like "ah, that makes sense"! the establishment of an actual villan and a goal for the MC to work towards in the future was also set into play and it appears theres now an addition of 3-maybe 4 new girls! so thats always a plus! not only that but the game of Reincarnotica is changing and everyone is having to start over as a newbie and our MC has to hunt for VR maidens which i assume is gonna lead to more sexy times!

    just a bit of presumptuous predicting here but the way the last update ended almost seemed like this was the end to the prequel and the real game starts now! the next update will be "Episode 2: Return to Reincarnotica - the search for the keys" (feel free to use that by the way), or something like that! but im actually kinda hyped up for the new update now! new game world, new objective, girls! yeah man im diggin this game and im so glad its back! just hope new content doesnt take as long this time (and maybe a bit more sexy time this time around... please!)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Great game but disappointed with the fact that they hint at you having sex with the two woman you live with and ends up in nothing
    Renders are good
    story is good
    there is a mod to unlock gallery wich has better scenes then the game itself
    Got a few bugs for the flashback cutscenes
    Great game but just the fact there is no sex even when they making you think there is bad
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    The 2 stars are for the art.

    The rest of it wasn't good.

    The story starts interesting with the concept, but quickly drops that as a focus and becomes a day in the life style vanilla romance.
    Except... it has very little content to really be a day in the life. More like a few highlights to a week of time or something.

    The sandbox is obnoxious. Clicking around for the sake of clicking around.

    The sex is...well. Not really there. A bit of nudity. Yay.
    Oh this was first made years ago? It feels like a brand new first release, second at most.

    Maybe some day when it is finished it might be interesting. Currently it isn't.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This is clearly one of the best looking Ren'py games I have ever seen. Everything from the custom coloring of the assets, the unique look of the models and even the OS for the laptop. Such huge attention to detail and it really is impressive and very well done. The dev has developed a specific look and feel, complete with a color palette and it really does look amazing. If nothing else, you should download it to see what a Ren'py VN can look like.

    The story is pretty good, if a bit heavy with the words, but the dev does give you an option to dig deep or just get a summary.

    My biggest problem with it is the sandbox. Once again, it's a sandbox for the sake of a sandbox. There is no real point to it. I wanted to get on with the story, but instead, I had to find the laptop, take a nap, look for dirty dishes.... <yawn>. I mean, seriously. What is the point? You can't advance until you do these silly little tasks, but all I want is to progress the story. Instead, I have to deal with this silly sandbox.

    Normally, I would just let this go, but I am tired of finding these games and getting invested and then suddenly, it changed from VN to sandbox. Or, I go ahead an give it a try, just to find another silly example of how NOT to do sandbox.

    Anyway, if you don't mind searching for dirty dishes or being forced to complete these silly tasks to move the story forward, then give it a try. If you are like me and hate sandbox, you should still download and at least give it a shot to see what a great job the dev did with the production.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    For an over 5 year old game (almost 6) it has barely any content. Some naked breasts here and there and some blowjobs and that's pretty much it. And while renders are top-notch there's so little content here that it's pathetic.

    What's the worst though is the gameplay which is tedious and a complete waste of time as it's usual with sandbox games. 99% of the time you click pointlessly since you have to check every room for some possible content. That's not all however, oftentimes you need to be in a specific place in a specific time frame (sometimes it's pointed out, sometimes it isn't but either way it's another useless hurdle that wastes our time).

    There are also the worst quests here possible, i.e. find some item going through every room (and not necessarily in your house so there's a lot ground to cover) or going back and forth from one place to the next because we have to get laxative pills first from a bathroom, then add them to a cola bottle in a completely different place, then to bathroom again, then to the apartments and then to the bathroom again and then...

    Atrocious game and don't know why it has such high rating since a random kinetic novel would have better "gameplay" than this thing.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The models are excellent as everyone says but the other parts don't do much to support that.

    Almost the entire first chapter is spent in the MMO setting, which has a lot of detail on things that may or may not be relevant to the rest of the game. The story setup could have been done with much less effort on that part. Perhaps splitting it over flashbacks or something like that might have made it more palatable.

    The writing is decent, although there are noticeable spelling and grammar errors.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Excellent game (or rather: VN). Shame it seems to be abandoned

    Arts and writing are excellent. Music is excellent too! UI and production values are great.

    Story is actually interesting, the main LI so far is sweet and (but there is the usual cognitive dissonance between the 18y dictated by laws, patreon and/or decency, and the behavior of the girl, which seems to be more like 15 than 18). Even MC is relatable and likeable.

    Gameplay: The sandbox element is slightly annoying and seems useless anyway, in the end it is a (really great) VN.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the most beautiful one i've played so far, and probably will be for life. Such a piece of art.
    Also, not copy past like 80% of the games out there. Can't say too much beucase there's only a few updates, but I hope the Dev come back one day.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a good game but abandoned:(. I like the story and characters. Game is a slow burn that's what I like the most. VN with sandbox elements but it's simple no heavy grinding. No bugs. But there is no hint system within the game ( maybe there is but I didn't find it )

    Priscilla is the cutest redhead I've ever seen in the AVN. Cute redhead with freckles she is funny too :love:. Yeah the prologue is too long many of you find it's annoying. But what you need is patience, because what comes after is worth the wait. If you find the annoying skip it. But then it start like other AVNs out there. A guy waking up in the hospital with no memory. So watch the prologue too.

  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    This is really really good work. The best looking UI I've ever seen on a lewd game, great art overall, there's even great music and a very interesting story! Gameplay is interesting and doesn't feel grindy. This game promises to be one of the best ones further in development.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1188636

    This game truly is a hidden gem. The story doesn't have the typical run of the mill plotline, it's actually quite intriguing and has a lot of depth to it. I loved how the dev decided to go with characters with unique features, since you don't see many Redheads or Indians in games these days. I also enjoyed the bright and colourful art style, another aspect which sets it apart from other games. Overall, I was very impressed with this game and would absolutely recommend it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Liam Xster

    Gotta be honest, one of the best game I've ever played through . Everything was beautiful, graphic design is off the charts, and the story is executed perfectly, and good job with the ethnic variety.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the direction and artwork of this and I am hoping against hope that there is more to come. Without a doubt the biggest game I am looking forward. The character's artwork is amazing and very very sexy. This game shows great potential with a lot of love and care put into the pictures as well as the characters
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A beautiful, if not downright stunning game. It exudes quality and confidence, a rare gem looks wise, and decently enough written, though I will admit the story itself did nothing for me personally.

    So 4 stars, just for that. Too few games even come close to this quality, and if you read the other reviews and go "Hey, this sounds interesting" go for it.

    For me however, I kind of hatted it. Yep, 4 stars and I'll never pick where I left off ever again. I deleted the game, renamed the folder with "Reincarnotica - Not for me" to remember not to redownload it.

    Why? you ask?
    • Completley 100% linear kinetic novel - sandbox. Yuck. Dis-fucking-gusting. Such a colossal mistake.
    • No MC incest, not the fault of the game, but of the site. Still, huge minus.
    • Kinda boring
    That for me is enough. TBH only the sandbox is enough to make it a "never again" kind of thing. There's nothing I despise more than a game, not designed to be a sandbox, in a sandbox setting. I can hardly stomach real sandbox porn games. Ok, RPG maker is worse in general.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Based on Version .03

    - Good story
    - Great renders
    - Love the character designs, very pretty
    - Well written dialog
    - Decent pacing

    - Bad proofreading or not English as first language
    - Too much tease
    - Extremely short sex scenes, big building up, multiple scenes, 1 scene for a sexual scene
    - Not enough sexual tension, it's too obvious what is going to happen and the build-up isn't worth the payoff (so far)
    - Lack of agency for the main character. IE: Character continually says stuff like I'm not pretty, MC thinks to himself, yes, you are, but the PC isn't given a choice, instead PC is left with a stuttering MC claiming she isn't pretty and everything should be forgotten