VN - Others - Completed - Renai Karichaimashita: Koikari - Love For Hire [Final] [ASa Project]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A Classic VN that I always end up coming back to every few years. The characters and story are great and in my opinion really funny, comedy is subjective, but I laughed many times throughout the story and was in tears at one particular scene that I wont spoil. The girls are varied and have compete difference routes that compliment their varied personalities. My personal favorite was Emi, she's my waifu in this game, she's cute, goofy and damn cute when she needs to be. The main character is actually pretty good in this game, he isn't your typical blushing anime dweed, who's only redeeming factor is that he's toxically nice. This MC has some backbone and is sarcastic, without being a asshole. Overall I think if you're a fan off wholesome VN's, this is a must.
    Don't listen to that 2 star review below me, I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, worst review I've ever read, what a fool.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The comedy is mostly japanese style WACKY ZANY LUL that doesn't hit the mark. The main issue is that, if it doesn't's the entire game. That's the gimmick. If it annoys you, like it does me...well then some of the routes will be non-starters.

    The Izumi twins route? I stopped reading half-way through. It wasn't funny, and the comedy is the entire route. Tsubaki's route wasn't memorable in the slightest. Hasumi's route I outright never played because honestly, she's a cunt and doesn't deserve a route. The "bonus routes" aren't routes at all, not sure why they're there. I haven't played Emi's route but accidently getting spoiled on it via VNDB tells me hasumi will be a major player in it, so I assume I'll give up or end up skipping through large portions of it.

    This game has uncensored CGs, and the art is nice. But the characters, and the comedy, are either a slog or not worth your time. Sometimes both.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything feels fresh with this one.
    Sure, our protagonist is a student (the staple), but the setting is not centered at it.
    The introduction, prologue, everything feels fresh and each route is lengthy enough to be enjoyed.

    At the time of the writing, I believe the game wasn't tagged with romance (not even at vndb), but believe me, IT'S 75% ROMANCE since 3 main route is romance, and 1 main route (plus 2 bonus route, but lets not count it up since it's too short) is non-romance, but still include love.

    The comedy really is japanese-kind of comedy, so it's either hit or miss.
    For me who got used to it, it's most of the time a hit.

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    If you're like me, who love romance VN, then this one is a must-try since the story feels fresh, for me it's 100% worth my time.

    TL;DR - 9 / 10 fresh romance-comedy VN with about 40hours of read that worth every second of my time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a good pick if you're looking for romantic comedy, it has a nice writing , nice art , and the prptagonist feels fresh as he is someone very practical and centered (not a total horny dumbass, I mean, he can be horny, but only when he actually opens up, so there's that).
    The setting is nice, the girls have their own quirks and personalities, no harem, no incest, though there's incest role-playing if you're interested, sex scenes are ok, no animations, but there's voicing in JP