A Classic VN that I always end up coming back to every few years. The characters and story are great and in my opinion really funny, comedy is subjective, but I laughed many times throughout the story and was in tears at one particular scene that I wont spoil. The girls are varied and have compete difference routes that compliment their varied personalities. My personal favorite was Emi, she's my waifu in this game, she's cute, goofy and damn cute when she needs to be. The main character is actually pretty good in this game, he isn't your typical blushing anime dweed, who's only redeeming factor is that he's toxically nice. This MC has some backbone and is sarcastic, without being a asshole. Overall I think if you're a fan off wholesome VN's, this is a must.
Don't listen to that 2 star review below me, I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, worst review I've ever read, what a fool.
Don't listen to that 2 star review below me, I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, worst review I've ever read, what a fool.