Renderotica Animations in DAZ3D

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
How ... I have no idea how to activate or run Renderotica animations in DAZ3d. If i try it the characters are all over the show.. Is there a good tut video on how to do this?
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Old Fart
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Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
How ... I have no idea how to activate or run Renderotica animations in DAZ3d. If i try it the characters are all over the show.. Is there a good tut video on how to do this?
Essentially, you select the male, double click on the male animation, select the female, double click on the female animation, and select the male gens and double click on the gens animation. The catch is that the animations (unfortunately) set the character's positions to 0,0,0. The way around that is to create an "null", parent both characters to that, apply the animations to the characters, and them move them wherever you want by moving the null. (Or, similarly, by creating a group, putting them both in the group and then positioning the group.)

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Mmm placing in a group, I can do that, will give it try... thx for help..

Essentially, you select the male, double click on the male animation, select the female, double click on the female animation, and select the male gens and double click on the gens animation. The catch is that the animations (unfortunately) set the character's positions to 0,0,0. The way around that is to create an "null", parent both characters to that, apply the animations to the characters, and them move them wherever you want by moving the null. (Or, similarly, by creating a group, putting them both in the group and then positioning the group.)

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Ok so Ive made a short animation which looks pretty good... now how do i insert it into RenPY?

I had a look at this tut but cannot make out the text as she recording in very shitty Low definition...


Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Ok did not see in her description the code. So I inserted it and everything is fine except when teh movie is suppose to play it only shows a quick black screen and carries on with other scenes?

Decompile, how is such a feat done young sir?

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Basically what i have, it looks fine... It looks like it wants to play it but then just flashing black screen.

Code at top of script file
image movie = Movie(size=(1920, 1080),  xpos=0, ypos=0, xanchor=0, yanchor=0)
Code in the game
        scene jensensleep
        show text "During the night..." with dissolve
        with Pause(2)
        play movie "dream.avi" loop
        show movie with fade
        show text "Very early the next morning..." with dissolve
        with Pause(2)
        show text "KNOCK... KNOCK... BANG... Riiiiinggg" with dissolve
        with Pause(2)
        scene jensenawake

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I also read this on the Renpy help below... Do i just insert that line of text at top where decrlaring part is or in the script between the other dialogue?
In otherwords do i replace the "image movie = movie..." part with below?

The easiest and most efficient way to display a movie fullscreen is to use the renpy.movie_cutscene function. This function displays the movie fullscreen until it either ends, or the player clicks to dismiss it.

$ renpy.movie_cutscene("On_Your_Mark.webm")


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
"Young sir" HA!

There are two tools that I typically use to reverse engineer a Ren'py game. Both are command line utilities.

rpatool ( ) will extract the contents of Ren'py "rpa" files. (A game is frequently shipped with all its content bundled into "archive.rpa" or the equivalent.) Essentially:

rpatool -x archive.rpa

will extract all the files in archive.rpa. With some Ren'py games, that's the only rpa file. With others, there may be multiple. (Some authors package scripts separately from images, for example.)

Some games, when you extract them, you'll find both "rpy" and "rpyc" files. If so, you're fine. Otherwise, if only the "rpyc" files are there, you use "unrpyc" ( ) to convert the compiled code back into the original rpy script.

unrpyc *.rpyc

I've attached both tools in a ZIP file with a README.txt. Note that you'll have to install Python ( ) as well as edit the two .bat files to insert the paths to wherever you put the tools. The README explains.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Thx Rich, I'll give it a try so hopefully become less of nuisance here asking dumbass question. ;0)

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Been email Afflyction Game dev and he suggest i use for example below.. I take it i need to remove the extras.rpy part as i am not calling any extras script?

I use this to declare the movie
image HJD1 = Movie(channel="HJD1", play="movie/HJD1.webm")
and then use this to call it.
if renpy.loadable("extras.rpy"):
scene HJD1:
size (config.screen_width, config.screen_height)
Since my movies are part of the extras, I call for the extras script.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
OK got my video to work, both avi and webm files. Problem is how do I get it to go to next scene when user clicks on it?
In other words loop until click or such?


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
It's hard to advise you on Ren'py code if it's not put in the forum with proper indentation, since indentation is significant.

"pause" normally waits for user input, so if it's properly placed and indented, Ren'py should sit there until the user clicks, then should move on to the next statement.

What you've done (it appears) is to create an "image" that's the movie, and then use it as the background using "scene". Another option would be to "show" the video image, pause for a click, and then "hide" the image.

I'd get this working without all the "extras" stuff. If, later, you decide that you want to separate the videos out into an "extras pack," that's fine. But right now it's complicating things.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Thx Rich...

What i have done is gone back to my original way of doing it. I will change the image movie part to what you suggested. Ive changed my code slightly last night so below is not hundred percent correct.

As for the extras stuff, it's what i've seen in the tutorial and as you say not something i need now.

TO quote you again: I am not sure how my indented is wrong but makes sense what you saying... The movie plays but does not allow you to do anything except right click save a file option.
""pause" normally waits for user input, so if it's properly placed and indented, Ren'py should sit there until the user clicks, then should move on to the next statement."

show the movie, pause for a click and hide the image (How would this code look? I am not sure about all the Python commands, not even mentioning the indenting)
show dream "dream.avi" loop
Pause click
Hide image

Code at top of script file
Code (Text):
image dream = Movie(size=(1920, 1080),  xpos=0, ypos=0, xanchor=0, yanchor=0)

Code in the game
Code (Text):
        scene jensensleep
        show text "During the night..." with dissolve
        with Pause(2)
        play dream "dream.avi" loop
        show text "Very early the next morning..." with dissolve
        with Pause(2)
        show text "KNOCK... KNOCK... BANG... Riiiiinggg" with dissolve
        with Pause(2)
        scene jensenawake

It's hard to advise you on Ren'py code if it's not put in the forum with proper indentation, since indentation is significant.

"pause" normally waits for user input, so if it's properly placed and indented, Ren'py should sit there until the user clicks, then should move on to the next statement.

What you've done (it appears) is to create an "image" that's the movie, and then use it as the background using "scene". Another option would be to "show" the video image, pause for a click, and then "hide" the image.

I'd get this working without all the "extras" stuff. If, later, you decide that you want to separate the videos out into an "extras pack," that's fine. But right now it's complicating things.


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
I didn't say your indenting _was_ wrong, but incorrect indenting is sometimes a result of logic problems in Ren'py. And one of the common issues with Ren'py is that there are multiple ways to accomplish almost everything, so you see different people taking different approaches.

Here is how one game that I know works approaches playing video behind dialog on the screen:

show movie
play movie "name of movie file goes here" loop
show movie with dissolve

other Ren'py commands go here (i.e. dialog while the movie is playing in the background)

hide movie
stop movie
If you didn't want any dialog while the movie was playing, then presumably just a "pause" command would work.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
SO frustrating for me, as you may have gathered coding is not a strong point... With your help im almost there...
so two things happening first code below i get the movie to play but it just loops and you still cannot click out of it.
        show movie
        play movie "dream1.webm" loop
        show movie with dissolve
        hide movie
second is it plays quickly once and the RenPy sprite image appears over the next scene image. So it's working but too quickly and a Renpy girl image appears...

        show movie
        play movie "dream1.webm" loop
        show movie with dissolve
        stop movie
At the top of script where you declare it i have
image dream1 = Movie(size=(1920, 1080),  xpos=0, ypos=0, xanchor=0, yanchor=10)


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
In your examples, you go right from "show movie with dissolve" to "stop" or "hide". That doesn't do the "wait for click" you're looking for. Think about it - you need three things

1) Get the movie playing: show+play
2) Wait for someone to click: pause
3) Get rid of the movie: hide+stop

So I think what you're looking for is:
        show movie
        play movie "dream1.webm" loop
        show movie with dissolve


        hide movie
        stop movie
Note the additional "pause", which should make Ren'py stop (with the video playing) until the user clicks. Then it will continue, hiding and stopping the movie. Also, note that "hide" doesn't stop the movie from playing - if you "hide" without "stop", it's still playing off in space, sucking up CPU power, which you don't want.

Also, with this arrangement, I don't think you need

image dream1 = Movie(size=(1920, 1080),  xpos=0, ypos=0, xanchor=0, yanchor=10)
since you're not using the movie as an image.

I should point out that I'm not sure why the example I copied has the "show movie" command twice - I just know that it's working in that game with that code. (The original example has several lines of conversation at the point that I put the "pause", but I'm assuming that you just want to show the video and then continue-on-click.)

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Thx again, let me give it a pop and ill report back :extremelyhappy:

and you assumed correctly..