Well, thanks for the replies guys....
I'm still a little confused and I will have to reread your posts and maybe try and code a bit to really grasp some points but it was really helpful, thanks.
However, I also think maybe I should explain what I would like to do a little better.....
(and of course in Renpy I'm a beginner, although I have done a little coding...just simple stuff like getting the player to choose a name and then a few screens)
Here's the thing
I'd like to make a game that combines a main storyline and some elements of sandbox/trainer games
to be more specific, the actual novel (but still with choices etc) would be what I called Story A in the example....and other stories, involving interacting with girls in the harem/training etc, would be more like the B story in the example
Yes, some bits of those stories might end up affecting the main plot as well, and that would have to come down to variables I guess (not too worried about that yet..... I'd like to make a good beginning first of all...) but I was looking at other ways to create various paths and options for the player.
I'm a beginner when it comes to coding/creating game mechanics, so maybe I'm just being stupid maybe, but I thought I could do something like this:
For Example -
Home Menu (when the MC is in his residence)
- Town (to go to a list of locations or map)
- World Map (same but for the fictional continent where the story begins - anyways not really used at first)
- Girls/Harem whatev (mostly working on the actual stories on paper now, game mechanics I just started refining)
So, I was thinking that
The MC could move around the town, and eventually events, dialogues, encounters etc will help him/her proceed with the main story....
I think this part would be easily saved automatically by Ren'py, as long as the story itself is fairly linear (with many paths and choices, of course, but eventually reconnecting etc).... because it would be part of a fairly linear series of statements....
I understand Renpy would save the last saved statement....
On the other hand, let's say the MC decides to stay home for a bit and play with some of the girls etc
clicking on the menu above would send him to a page with a list of the girls.....
From there, I know different games have different approaches
Games like Slave Lords of the Galaxy and other trainers, for example, are big on the girls stats to determine what is possible or not, adding new options to the trainer parts etc.....
That is possible, although of course I have a lot to learn a lot in terms of how to implement all that.
Harem Hotel is different...and maybe a little closer to what I'd like to do (not the same though); there are stats, and I'm sure they have some effect on the game, but it feels like every girl has its own 'linear' story.....if you meet and chat with one (or buy certain equipment) you can go to the next stage and so on. Every update often adds bits to the stories of various girls.
Anyways, they're both examples and both games are actually quite different from what I'd like to do..... (although in terms of coding there might be some similarities with Harem Hotel since saves take into account the progress made with each girl).
So, let's get back to the girls.... I was thinking it would be interesting to create stories within the larger story for them....stories affected by the choices made by the player, rather than go the 'stats' route.
Like I said, I'm probably missing something, but it seems to me like ok, we click on a girl's name the first time, some choices will pop up, the path will split etc.....
But then maybe the MC gets bored or whatever, goes to town, meets somebody, whatev .....eventually he returns home and clicks on one of the girls again.
If clicking on a girl's name is the beginning of a linear path, then, I'm guessing, but correct me if I'm wrong, when I click on her name the link would take me to the beginning of the girl's story again, rather than to the point where the MC had decided to take a break and explore the town instead.
What I was trying to ask, is: how can I get the game to keep track of how the MC progressed in all those different paths? Preferably something not super-complex?
(or does it do it anyways? I really appreciated the long post about how Renpy works, found it very interesting, but I'm not sure how it applies to what I'm trying to do.....and again sorry, I'm a noob when it comes to coding)
Someone said I could set up separate saves for each path (again, maybe I misunderstood....if that's the case, my bad!)
But I don't really like that. It would be confusing for the players (normally we just save the game, not specific paths) and not very elegant... It would heighten the feeling that those sections are completely separate, which is not exactly true.
Also, on the topic of being able to restart the story with a girl, that wouldn't be a problem...... earlier saves for the whole game would easily allow to replay those parts and make different choices.
Beyond that...well, hopefully you have a better idea of what I'm trying to do. Any other suggestions? (just some general idea, and if possible some links to materials you think I should familiarize myself with)
thanks again for any help guys, much appreciated
PS Yes, it might be a bit ambitious for my first real project.......but it's the way I am: if I can't do something interesting I just won't bother. Besides, I will keep the first demo (assuming I ever complete one) fairly short. But I want to create something with the potential to keep growing until I can show the whole story I have concocted (and that I think is very interesting).
I also want to make something I would enjoy as a player, and what I described above fits the bill.
Chances are I'll eventually give up and quit, but you never know. I can be pretty stubborn at times and I do have a story I like and that will keep me motivated.