While developing my game I encountered an issue where the mouse cursor would disappear in full screen mode. While researching the issue I discovered many of the "popular" renpy games also seem to plagued by this issue. It's an easy enough fix, just define config.mouse in the options file, but I found it odd that so very little information regarding the problem could be found on these forums since it seems to be very prevalent.
That leads me to wonder, is this a problem with my computer config or do people just not play in full screen often enough to notice the issue?
Here's the fix for those that may be searching. Just add it to your options file and replace the cursor path with your own and adjust the xy offset if necessary.
That leads me to wonder, is this a problem with my computer config or do people just not play in full screen often enough to notice the issue?
Here's the fix for those that may be searching. Just add it to your options file and replace the cursor path with your own and adjust the xy offset if necessary.
define config.mouse = {
"default":[ ("gui/cursor.png", 18, 18) ],
"say":[ ("gui/cursor.png", 18, 8) ],
"pause":[ ("gui/cursor.png", 18, 8) ],
"gamemenu":[ ("gui/cursor.png", 18, 8) ],
"prompt":[ ("gui/cursor.png", 18, 8) ],
"with":[ ("gui/cursor.png", 18, 8) ],
"menu":[ ("gui/cursor.png", 18, 8) ] }