Hi folks,
i need your help. A friend of mine cant open my new game version.
He get's this error.
He already renewed his gpu drivers.
According to renpy website. But didnt work.
Renpy recommends to do this --->
And this is his logfile:
Do you have got any idea how to solve this??
Thank you
i need your help. A friend of mine cant open my new game version.
He get's this error.
He already renewed his gpu drivers.
According to renpy website. But didnt work.
Renpy recommends to do this --->
Dealing With Display Problems
On Startup
Ren'Py requires that your computer has functioning graphics acceleration hardware, such as a GPU or a CPU with integrated graphics. Ren'Py will automatically choose between the following renderers, in order.
These are the classic renderers that were used from Ren'Py 6.13 to Ren'Py 7.4. These may not be available in 7.4 and later games that require model-based rendering.
These are model-based renderers present in Ren'Py 7.4 and later. These currently exist to enable new features, and are expected to become the default renderer in the future.
- gl: OpenGL 2.0 or greater.
- angle: Windows, DirectX 9 or DirectX 11.
- gles: OpenGL ES 3.0.
Older versions of Ren'Py supported a software renderer, but this has been removed.
- gl2: OpenGL 2.0 or greater.
- angle2: Windows, DirectX 9 or DirectX 11.
- gles2: OpenGL ES 3.0.
A small fraction of systems may experience problems when running hardware accelerated Ren'Py games. These problems are often due to buggy graphics drivers, and so your first step to fixing them should be to check for an update to your graphics card drivers.
If upgrading your video drivers does not fix the problem, you should consider switching video renderers, using the following steps.
We suggest trying the GL and ANGLE renderers. The GLES renderers may not function on desktop hardware.
- Hold down Shift while starting Ren'Py, or press Shift+G once Ren'Py has started.
- From the "Graphics Acceleration" menu that appears, choose the renderer to use.
- Choose "Quit", then restart Ren'Py.
And this is his logfile:
Wed Aug 18 20:29:46 2021
Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 1.98s
Early init took 0.10s
Loader init took 3.19s
Loading error handling took 0.77s
Loading script took 3.91s
Loading save slot metadata. took 2.05s
Loading persistent took 0.03s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
- Init at renpy/common/00updater.rpy:23 took 0.27258 s.
Set script version to: (7, 4, 8)
- Init at game/gui.rpy:11 took 0.36296 s.
- Init at renpy/common/00images.rpy:52 took 0.58801 s.
Running init code took 1.35s
Loading analysis data took 0.24s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.09s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.34s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
nvdrs: Loaded, about to disable thread optimizations.
nvdrs: "Couldn't load nvlib." (can be ignored)
Creating interface object took 0.12s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.35s
Build styles took 0.02s
Load screen analysis took 0.14s
Analyze screens took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 0.44s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.00s
Performance test:
Interface start took 2.53s
Initializing gl2 renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1366, 768)
swap interval: 1 frames
Windowed mode.
UGUU couldn't find glActiveTexture: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glAttachShader: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBeginQuery: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBeginTransformFeedback: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBindAttribLocation: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBindBuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferBase: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferRange: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBindFramebuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBindRenderbuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBindVertexArray: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBlendColor: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBlendEquation: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBlendEquationSeparate: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBlendFuncSeparate: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBlitFramebuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBufferData: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glBufferSubData: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCheckFramebufferStatus: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfi: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferuiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCompileShader: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCompressedTexImage2D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCompressedTexImage3D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCompressedTexSubImage2D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCompressedTexSubImage3D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCopyTexSubImage3D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCreateProgram: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glCreateShader: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDeleteBuffers: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDeleteFramebuffers: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDeleteProgram: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDeleteQueries: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDeleteRenderbuffers: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDeleteShader: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDeleteVertexArrays: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDetachShader: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDisableVertexAttribArray: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDrawBuffers: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glDrawRangeElements: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glEnableVertexAttribArray: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glEndQuery: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glEndTransformFeedback: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glFlushMappedBufferRange: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glFramebufferRenderbuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glFramebufferTexture2D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glFramebufferTextureLayer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGenBuffers: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGenFramebuffers: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGenQueries: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGenRenderbuffers: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGenVertexArrays: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGenerateMipmap: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetActiveAttrib: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetActiveUniform: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetAttachedShaders: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetAttribLocation: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetBufferParameteriv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetBufferPointerv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetFragDataLocation: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetIntegeri_v: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetProgramInfoLog: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetProgramiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetQueryObjectuiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetQueryiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetRenderbufferParameteriv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetShaderInfoLog: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetShaderSource: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetShaderiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetStringi: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetTransformFeedbackVarying: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetUniformLocation: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetUniformfv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetUniformiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetUniformuiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIuiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribPointerv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribfv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glIsBuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glIsFramebuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glIsProgram: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glIsQuery: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glIsRenderbuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glIsShader: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glIsVertexArray: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glLinkProgram: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glMapBufferRange: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glRenderbufferStorage: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glRenderbufferStorageMultisample: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glSampleCoverage: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glShaderSource: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glStencilFuncSeparate: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glStencilMaskSeparate: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glStencilOpSeparate: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glTexImage3D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glTexSubImage3D: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glTransformFeedbackVaryings: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1i: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1iv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1ui: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1uiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2i: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2iv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2ui: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2uiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3i: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3iv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3ui: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3uiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4i: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4iv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4ui: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4uiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix2fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix2x3fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix2x4fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix3fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix3x2fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix3x4fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix4fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix4x2fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix4x3fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUnmapBuffer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glUseProgram: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glValidateProgram: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib1f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib1fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib2f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib2fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib3f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib3fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib4f: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttrib4fv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4i: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4iv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4ui: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4uiv: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribIPointer: That operation is not supported
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribPointer: That operation is not supported
The following gl functions are missing:
- glActiveTexture
- glAttachShader
- glBindFramebuffer
- glBindRenderbuffer
- glBlendEquation
- glBlendEquationSeparate
- glBlendFuncSeparate
- glCompileShader
- glCreateProgram
- glCreateShader
- glDeleteFramebuffers
- glDeleteRenderbuffers
- glDeleteShader
- glDisableVertexAttribArray
- glEnableVertexAttribArray
- glFramebufferRenderbuffer
- glFramebufferTexture2D
- glGenFramebuffers
- glGenRenderbuffers
- glGenerateMipmap
- glGetAttribLocation
- glGetProgramInfoLog
- glGetProgramiv
- glGetShaderInfoLog
- glGetShaderiv
- glGetUniformLocation
- glLinkProgram
- glRenderbufferStorage
- glShaderSource
- glUniform1f
- glUniform1i
- glUniform2f
- glUniform3f
- glUniform4f
- glUniformMatrix4fv
- glUseProgram
- glVertexAttribPointer
Initializing sw renderer:
Do you have got any idea how to solve this??
Thank you