Ren'Py Renpy question about auto advancing text.


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
Hey. I tried google but wasn't able to find what I'm looking for.

I'm trying to find a way in renpy for text to auto advance without the player clicking.

Something like.

MT "{i}So warm.{/i}"
$ renpy.pause ()
MT "{i}So warm. So hard.{/i}"
$ renpy.pause ()
MT "{i}So warm. So hard. So big!{/i}"

The effect I'm going for is for the player to get to this section of the script and have the displayed dialog expand out into the full text without the player having to click each time.

Anyone know if this is possible and how to achieve it?


Keeping Families Together
Mar 5, 2019
Sounds like you could use the {w} (wait) tag.
MT "{i}So warm.{w=2} So hard.{w=2} So big.{/i}"

Just set the number in each tag to the delay you want, in seconds.
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