Tool - Ren'Py - Renpy Suite 2023 for Translating

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Tuve que modificarlo ya que no puedo borrarlo cosas a decir perdi este programa por causas de formatear windows y quise descargarlo de nuevo resulta que solo ves tutoriales de videos y ninguna descarga y tampoco van a ponerlo mas entonces no puedo opinar ni a favor ni en contra.
    Esperemos que algun dia se decida que la gente pueda probarlo y dar su opiniones para facilitar errores o mejores actualizaciones ..........
    Saludos a todos

    I had to modify it since I can't delete it, things to say, I lost this program because of formatting windows and I wanted to download it again. It turns out that you only see video tutorials and no downloads and they aren't going to put it in anymore either, so I can't give an opinion either for or against .

    Hopefully one day it will be decided that people can try it and give their opinions to facilitate errors or better updates..........

    Greetings to all
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This suite is a great tool to speed up your translation in Renpy games. There are instructions to guide you from start to finish, so even if you have no prior experience, you can still use this. I hope to see even more improvements in the tools in the future. Thank you.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent translation suite allows everyone to start translating the games of interest with excellent results.
    Definitely worth a try, also for the obvious reason that it's totally free

    Ottima suite di traduzione permette a tutti di iniziare, con ottimi risultati, a tradurre i giochi che interessano.
    Sicuramente da provare anche per l'ovvio motivo che è totalmente gratuita
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent suite for those starting to translate and also for those who want speed.
    just one click and everything is resolved quickly.
    it also comes complete with introductory videos
    Ease of use and constant updates.
    Must try to believe.
    Thank you.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic tool that allows you to translate a Renpy game in a few clicks all very simple and intuitive. Try the suite it is truly exceptional! All thanks to the ingenious mind of our friend Bad!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A clear and intuitive software that follows you step by step to obtain fast, simple and perfect translations.
    Finally, new horizons are opening up on this beautiful passion of those who already translate and those who are starting to do it...
    Kudos to the creator!

    5 stars deserved
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say, before I translated a game every 3 hours, but since I use it I translate 7 into 2 hours. Outside the fact that before I had to look for the phrases to be translated one by one, while now with 4 "clic" I also extract the coffee from a game. If you can't make a translation with this suite now ... you will never be able to.

    Che posso dire, prima traducevo un gioco ogni 3 ore, ma da quando la uso ne traduco 7 in 2 ore.
    Oltra al fatto che prima mi dovevo cercare le frasi da tradurre una ad una, mentre adesso con 4 "clic" estraggo pure il caffè da un gioco.
    Se adesso non riuscite a fare una traduzione con questa Suite... non ci riuscirete mai.

    EDIT: Con l'ultima versione se ne possono tradurre anche 37 (si, ho scritto trentasette) in 4 ore... fate un po' voi.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    GioBol - The Librarian

    Great Suite! I am proud to have contributed in the role of primary beta tester and supporter in its development, which started in January with some simple programs, and then grew into a complete Suite.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    effective program for each translation, the intuitive menu makes it simple to use even for those who want to try their hand and are beginners. The possibility of making a translation of one already done with the "Fusion" program; the extraction and automatic compilation of the various "old/new" and t.replace () with Pandora and many other possibilities to make your translation perfect with the language of your choice.
    what about the dictionary checker? simply the best idea to create your own database and shorten the time for future translations.
    excellent 5 out of 5 stars (although it deserves 10 out of 5)