RPGM - Renryuu: Ascension [v24.09.29] [Naughty Netherpunch]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't get past the first five minutes of the game, I really can't, we start with a sex scene which is already quite jarring for an introduction to a game, a main character that is some sort of edgy tryhard design by an 11 year old, and is also probably a self insert by the author given that they have the same name, the fact that it is characterized both as some kind of detached tough guy and a playboy at the same time doesn't do him any favors in the likeability department, the gary stu schtick gets even worse with the cast figuratively and literally fellating him from the very first second, the excuse the plot gives you for him to become the ruler is *incredibly stupid and unbelievable* and makes the main character even less likeable (honestly him saying he wasn't the heir and the guards saying "shut up, we have bigger problems, you have the sigil, and since you're already some kind of god's gift to mankind according to everyone else you'll do", would have helped tremendously).

    In short, the main character and the writing are so terrible I can't even make it to the management mechanics that seem to be the game's main focus, I genuienly can't.
    And I thought Monster Girl 1,000's main character design and name were outrageously stupid, at least he's likable.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Been a while since I played this but it is easily one of the best games on the site. Good story, interesting mechanics game. Updates are very frequent as well. Overall I really recommend this game. RPGM doesn't really hold the game back imo.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Just starting the game but so far so good, the charachters are likeable, the art is quite good, the only gripe i could think of it's that as an rpg you might hive to grind to actually defeat the bosses and monsters, but if you have no problem with that this game will be quite enjoyable.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the classics of the adult RPG's! This game is old and the dev still active, so only that is enoung to give him the first two stars!
    Abou the game, it's very good made, with good art, good mapping, nice puzzles and a new system that I had never seen on a RPGM game, the kingdom management and tatical battle. A very cool system!
    The diplomacy is a nice thing too. The story is simple, but sustain the gameplay very well.
    There a lot of grind on it, but mostly is not a "must do" to follow the story. The grind, as like in all RPG games, is to unlock more content. So it's ok.
    The bad thing about this game, is that for some years it turned like a "testing project", with things not that cool, while the story was stuck. But happily it's moving foward again, and I just await good things from now on.
    A sky full of stars!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    For a game about becoming a king, this game drastically fails to capture the feeling of becoming a king.

    Instead, the game puts the player in a very passive role for all but the most superficial grinding choices. Whereas when it comes to important things like relationships, you are given little control. Often just relegated to buying everyone's love by mass feeding gifts and waiting until they feel his highness is worthy of their linear fetch quest.

    With a lack of more proactive/dominant options and an MC that rarely initiates anything, this game really does not do power fantasy well. And combined with the mismatched emasculating fetishes that cannot be properly avoided, the "becoming a king" theme falls entirely flat.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    its so boring and nothing makes sense

    in first 2 minutes you became a king and literally nobody respects you (not the kinky way) everybody talks to you like you are their friends.

    Mc looks ridiculous with wings,management system doesnt make sense, tutorials doesnt make sense.

    You are not given any option if you want to have sex with characters it just happens even if they are annoying or just ugly as fk

    Companions joins you also without asking, you just accept anybody....

    why even bother making this game if you arent gonna let me play it
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoy strategy/grand conquest games (Rimworld, Total War, Tropico). I love JRPGs (Persona, SMT, Legend of Heroes, Final Fantasy pre-13). I jack off to porn games (I'm here, aren't I?). I'm very well experienced in all of these genres. So, I'm sad to say that this game tries all of these things and it's all very lukewarm. Sure, on paper, it functions, but in practice none of it is very enjoyable.

    In terms of being a JRPG, it's bog standard, with character personalities that hit you like wet cardboard. Character arts match with what I can only describe as "default". Add to this repetitive encounters in towns that could easily be way over your level because you dared try to wander around or explore, with quest level suggestions being a straight up lie (A quest will say it's level 1, but you'll get jumped by 2 level 10 dudes along the way), and it's all a subpar experience.

    In terms of being a grand strategy game, it feels like someone made it with only a baseline understanding of what one is. Lets dump a bunch of numbers, stats, modifiers, and scenarios on the player while having an extremely cumbersome and unhelpful UI. It doesn't even feel good when you balance the numbers and get it right, it just feels like you ripped off a band-aid and now there's just a sting left over from the leg hair you pulled out.

    In terms of being a porn game, well, it does alright. Characters are kind of bland visually, and their quality of H-scenes can vary between mid and decent, but there sure are a lot of girls.

    It's pretty hard to recommend this game, but I do deeply respect the effort put in to try. Dual-genre games aren't made too often, and it's on display why that is here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Creative mix of RPG and management that work flawlessly together, as well as rich content that allows to continuously discover new characters and events throughout the game.

    The one downside was missing out on most events by the time I finished the main story. It still took over 30 hours and felt complete, which is the reason I would consider them ‘easter eggs’ for completionists that have the urge to spend another 20+ hours to find all the hidden gems.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Random

    What i likes bout this game is the games mechanic like fr i like this
    Kind Of game when u rule a kingdom and got some features that u can control ur army or go war with another country it's so enjoyable to play even there's some grinding but that's fine the adults content is just like a bonus u feel me like that's making the story bout the games feels alive, like what kind of king that rule a fckin country that doesn't has a bitch right
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The premise is pretty great. You come across the heir to the throne who was raised in secret when assassins take him out.
    You kill the assassins and then steal his identity.

    The execution is poor. Wide puddle lacking depth.
    Dialog and plot is poor.
    Art does not impress.
    Too many token scenes instead of a focus on a couple of specific fetishes.
    Bad combat.
    Walking simulator.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is really bad and boring.

    The story is very badly written and the dialogue is boring.

    The characters all have very little personality.

    The art is too inconsitent and never looks more than average.

    The combat is very boring standart RPG.

    I think the biggest problem is that the game tries to do too much at the same time and never focuses on a single aspect which makes everything feel shallow and bad.

    I would only recommend it for poeople who are new to porn or RPG games, atleast it has much content.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v23.11.23 is a 7/10 from me but rounding down for stars for the average player.
    Time to complete was 30 hours for main story and 60 for most of the rest of the scenes
    Would I recommend this game? Only for hardcore jrpg fans, otherwise the hundreds of battles and aimless questing will likely wear everyone else out.
    Art: 3.5/5
    Animation: not applicable (less than 2% of the scenes are animated and what is there is fairly basic)
    Sfx: 1/5 (no sound effects during sex scenes and basic rpgm stuff the rest of the time)
    Gameplay: 3/5
    Story: 2.5/5

    Hundreds of girls to romance
    The newer art is pretty decent
    A wide variety of gameplay mechanics
    Tons of content

    Inconsistent art that ranges from amateur to pretty good
    Inconsistent characters, particularly the mc who you can be a serial rapist to a nice guy, but then the latter half of the game is destined for the good path with most of the girls.
    A lot of the mechanics and areas are not very fleshed out and feel half baked despite being in the game for years at this point
    The romances you can have with most girls is extremely shallow and most girls only have one scene because there are just so many

    I played this game 4 years ago and really enjoyed it, but plot wise it hasn't gotten very far since then. I think this game really could have benefitted from the dev splitting the new stuff into a 2nd game rather than tacking stuff on to this one for years, especially with the new art style and personality of the main character feeling vastly different. Quests and cgs are very difficult to get in a lot of instances because so many different prerequisites need to be met that the game doesn't tell you about, a hint system would be a lifesaver. Overall it's a game I had a lot of fun with, but there are a lot of flaws that mostly stem from the long development time of the game.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    As wide as the ocean, as deep as a puddle, you are thrown into a kingdom as the new ruler, you have many quests to do, but far too often you have no clue where you are supposed to go cause there isn't a global map available for you, the quest progression is often far too tedious because you have no clue where to find the people in the quest, there's readily available cheats at your bed in the castle which is absolutely hilarious, "animated" tag, but <5% of H-scenes are animated, the other 95% are 2D CGs, combat is meh, you just gotta grind levels, why is this the highest rated game in this category?
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    it's good and i love how it combine strategy, rpg, sandbox, management into one. and i hope some girl potrait got a new remake like tsubaki for more cute apperance like on full body view. the first time i play i though that tsubaki was a boy. but the great think was this get more and more updates with more and more and even more interesting story. that why this one of my favorite games
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a lot more games that can do combat, story, art, music, and more better than Renryuu Ascension so just go play those games instead. HOWEVER the fact that this game contains a lot of girls (I'm talking about more than 150 girls) you can fuck that are virgins is a 5/5 to me instantly.

    In all seriousness, all the aspects of this game is above average at best if you are generous (combat, story, art, music, etc.) and below average or mediocre if you are harsh. The only best part of this game is how vast the content is both in pure gameplay or sex scenes and it is still getting updates meaning more girls to fuck but going back to the topic, if one of your fetish falls around these:
    • Virgins/Defloration (I think, this is the main selling point of the game for the h part of it since about 95% of the girls are virgins)
    • Rape
    • Male Domination
    • Harem
    • Elf Girls (a lot of them actually)
    • Monster Girls (yes, even you can fuck your enemies/monsters)
    then go play this game, if not just skip it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    there's a huge variety of characters, and seemingly endless amount of quests / scenes. it's an impressive amount of content and decent to good writing depending on the section. if you're not a stickler for a singular art style, would recommend. there's going to be something to suit your fancy. 9/10
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    as a H-game this is 1/5.

    but as an actual game this is 5/5. one of the few games which would be fun even without any porn.

    but this is a porn game site. it does have some porn in it but it's extremely slow to get there. but you can manage a kingdom, level up many characters and do lots of combat, it has unique skill trees...

    anyway, probably the most quality game on the site despite the awfully useless porn part. so i guess 4/5 is more than justified.

    BUT DON'T GET IT TWISTED: you won't be able to fap to this cuz the sex is garbage. still pictures, art is not even that good. sex scenes are extremely boring.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has so much content i spend already over 60 hours on it and i still find new stuff. Thats really great. The dev is also very active in the community. He put a lot of effort, time and love in the game and that shows. Great work.

    The only con point i have: i feel the recent quests don't have any bad path and it gets to lovely and happy. You are becoming more and and more a hero. In the begin i can put the girls in my secret dungeon and rape them. I like to see more male dom and corruption. If want to be hero i can play any other rgp. Don't get me wrong i like this game but it would be even greater if you had more darker options. I'm at this where i don't even read the sex parts any more because "I love you so much... etc"- variants.

    Side note: I have high hopes for the war system and conquering the other countries.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is by far the best I’ve played on this site and played plenty of them.

    World in which this game plays out feels very alive, There is tons of content to go through, tons of quests and just things to do in general.

    Battle system is very good imo, I enjoy it a lot. You can make your own build, you have 11 characters + MC to choose from for 4 formation group, you can swap those companions however you wish to. Everyone of them have their own abilities and skilltrees to put points in.

    There is dungeon and raid system where you can farm XP, gear with different rarities and materials for crafting.

    Choices you make have impact on the world and world changes by your actions. You build your own country to get strong and rival other countries around you.

    Writing is also very good and pretty funny actually on some occasions, main characters have their own personalities and are unique. Some secondary characters might feel bit bland, but it is justified by you being king, therefore they like to please you.

    There are dozens chicks to have fun with, you can choose destiny over many of them (good/evil path).

    Art is the weakest point of this game imo due to inconsistency. You can say which art is older and therefore doesn’t look very good. However there is plenty of very nice looking art and I believe that dev is gonna work on that.

    This game is HUGE and still have tons of potential for me it is 10/10 and I didn’t cover everything at all.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Feels very rushed, story moves too fast, and in an inorganic way. The characters are badly written and don't think or act logically for the most part, they aren't a completely lost cause but they aren't great.

    The art is inconsistent and all over the place which causes cognitive dissonance, so this hentai game isn't even good for the thing hentai games are good for, and so your willy will be in a state of being perpetually flaccid.

    The music almost never changes, which leads to a lacking of impact because the things and events that could be emphasized using soundtrack changes weren't. Even the common music most RPG Maker games use, if used properly, at the appropriate times can have an impact but even that small effort wasn't made.

    This was my experience after playing the game for a very short period of time, because it made me so annoyed that I deleted it, and motivated me to write my first review on this site.