RPGM - Rent a Room [v1.0] [Spunky Ambassador]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    (y)The Good:
    • The game's premise has a lot of potential to tell an interesting story.
    • Sounds are decent, if few.
    • The pixel environment has a cute, charming aesthetic.
    • The writing isn't hackneyed porn-dialogue, with characters talking like real people.
    • The 3-D models are believable as anime-esque characters.
    • The animation conveys sex and most importantly, is animated! No still, 3-D images here.
    • Sweat and cum effects accent the sex scenes and make them more believable.
    • The wife hardly talks at all before having sex, which is fitting for her established character.
    (n)The Bad:
    • The game rushes into the plot without taking time to establish the characters or mood of the story.
    • Sound mixing could be better, like when the knock on the door halts the ambient soundtrack.
    • The pixel environment is jarring in contrast to the sudden 3-D environment and sex scene.
    • Dry and stilted writing. The conversation at the beginning felt like I was reading the minutes of a boardroom meeting.
    • Characters are written as flat archetypes: the faceless netorare temptor, the shy and sweet housewife, and the responsible, dutiful husband. They don't have identifying quirks or unique embellishments in dialogue that set them apart.
    • The 3-D models are a bit too lithe for my taste.
    • The lighting in the sex scene is bright and flat, creating a clean but also vanilla asthetic that I don't personally care for.
    • The 3-D models have spaces between points of contact, such as the guest's hands hovering when holding back the wife's arms.
    • The wife's model barely emotes, her expression not matching the sounds she makes.
    • As others have noted, a bug softlocks the game when getting water from the fridge. I was able to circumvent this by changing the camera and spamming the action key along the counter.
    All of this could be forgivable, were it not for the Female Protagonist tag. While you control the wife initially, during the sex scene you "control" the guest. An angle that wasn't a POV shot would make this less of an issue.
    As a girl, I want to PLAY as a girl. When a game advertises that but doesn't deliver it takes me out of the game. I can play male protags, but I want to know that's what I'm doing first.

    :unsure:The Suggestions:
    • Add godrays to the sex scene for a quick, ambient mood.
    • Add footstep sounds for walking.
    • Add simple fade or wipe transitions between 2-D and 3-D scenes.
    • Add more fat to the character models.
    • Have a slower burn to the story. Maybe the wife peeks at the guest changing or gets flustered by little things, implicating her "inevitable betrayal."
    • Allow models to clip into each other a tiny bit. It's less jarring than them using "the force."
    • Please, only label something male protag/female protag if control isn't suddenly wrested from the player.

    Overall, it was okay for how short it was--despite my gripes. I'm confident with a more developed story, character, and sex scenes, an effort like this can become a compelling and erotic sex game. I know 3-D sex scenes can be difficult in particular. Without work put into the fluidity, faces and model interaction, they can come across as uncanny. 2-D sprites or slideshows are rarely uncanny and easier to produce, but not as "stimulating" as 3-D models.
    If you do choose to make more games, I hope you stick with 3-D!
    Thanks for letting us play your game! :)
    Likes: Gudil
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    (v1.0) Reeeeeeeeeal barebones and mostly doesn't seem to work, probably shouldn't be shown to other people yet.

    -no sound options
    -controls are not explained well in game
    -game ending bug in the first five minutes

    On top of that it's using the interesting but very jank rpgm 3d plugin with very lo-fi pixel art - and then the actual scenes seem to be koikatsu without much alteration. This feels like a placeholder pre-pre-alpha, there's nothing here yet.