Turn back, there is no porn here, just broken dreams. (Version 1.6)
You'll spend all your time mindlessly clicking on broken, useless things, listening to some foreign guy talk in your ear (I'm serious, a lot of actions trigger some guy with English as a third or fourth language speaking), and wishing that there was just any erotic content. Any. At all.
This is not a "you tell a sexy lady to take off her clothes and you see a short GIF or image of it" deal- this is a pain train of mind-numbing "gameplay" that has a 50/50 shot of actually resulting in a single tiny image (that you have to scroll over in order to see) that could be considered by some as "erotic." (such as a woman in her underwear, not nude) If you believe this game will be like other mind-control adult games you've played, you will be sadly mistaken.
This game is perhaps the most disappointing game that was supposed to be sexually titillating I've eve played. I encourage new erotic game developers to look to this quagmire when learning what not to do.
If you think that somehow your experience will be different and maybe the reviewers are being too harsh, you will soon learn that you were just wasting time and bandwidth. I should have listened to the others.
(I liked the inclusion of female voice actresses though. That would have paired very well with images or GIFS of intercourse or nudity.)